@Lindon ....aaaand that was it - so if you put the xml file with your RSA key in the root of your project its gonna try and load the unlocker code.....even if you dont even mention it anywhere....
@d-healey Got it. Thank you. Just checking out your Lazy load video, and I got one thing wrong, so I thought I couldn't pull the names based on the synth type.
Thanks a lot!
@gorangrooves Aha I didn't realise it can do multiple lines, that's good. It's probably possible in the other editors too, perhaps with addons but I haven't looked. It's rare I would have multiple lines of exactly the same code.
@bendurso I just realized that setting the Source Length to the same sample length (2048, I was using Automatic mode before) and enabling FLAC compression does the trick to obtain the same file as the example.
@aaronventure Right , I could just do what i need in S1 and export stems as Binarual Stereo and conduct biz as usual in the HISE sampler. Seems simple enough!