I managed to remove the root note pitch detection, thanks for the tips everyone. For anyone interested, I commented out the following code in the AudioLooper.cpp file within the source files:
/*if (copy.getNumSamples() > 0)
auto freq = PitchDetection::detectPitch(copy, 0, copy.getNumSamples(), sr);
if (freq == 0.0)
Array<Range<double>> freqRanges;
freqRanges.add(Range<double>(0, MidiMessage::getMidiNoteInHertz(1) / 2));
for (int i = 1; i < 126; i++)
const double thisPitch = MidiMessage::getMidiNoteInHertz(i);
const double nextPitch = MidiMessage::getMidiNoteInHertz(i + 1);
const double prevPitch = MidiMessage::getMidiNoteInHertz(i - 1);
const double lowerLimit = thisPitch - (thisPitch - prevPitch) * 0.5;
const double upperLimit = thisPitch + (nextPitch - thisPitch) * 0.5;
freqRanges.add(Range<double>(lowerLimit, upperLimit));
for (int j = 0; j < freqRanges.size(); j++)
if (freqRanges[j].contains(freq))
setAttribute(AudioLooper::SpecialParameters::RootNote, (float)(j), sendNotification);
} */
I've not fully tested it yet, but hopefully proves useful to someone.