@DabDab @Fortune arguing in a forum is totally pointless guys, and I'm sure the rest of us would prefer not to read any of it. Everyone be nice and civil towards eachother please and we can all carry on making super plugins... :)

Artist / Producer / International DJ / Developer
DC Breaks
London Town
Best posts made by DanH
RE: How can I make Vocal Remover Plugin
Customer Feedback Lols :D
Thought I'd leave these here in case anyone also wants to post hilarious customer interactions to make us all laugh
followed by:
RE: The definitive feature request & bug fix roadmap
Feature Request: Draggable ADHSR Envelope (like the curve EQ and Tables etc)
RE: The definitive feature request & bug fix roadmap
@jupe 'bitchbend' :face_with_tears_of_joy:
RE: Thank you Christoph
@obolig it's a good post. Had a similar experience and after some digging back in 2020 I came across HISE (not so much digging required these days!).... It was instantly intuitive and the members on this forum more or less taught me how to script. Many thanks for putting it together @Christoph-Hart
New Plug-In Released - MOD-EQ-1
For anyone interested I released a new effect plug-in this week... The MOD-EQ-1
Check it out here:
Automation subfolders in DAW
Would be really nice to be able to use folders / sub menus in the automation menu for our plugins... as below
RE: Expandable GUI
@Fortune I thought @clevername27's post was very reasonable - and interesting, to be fair. What's the point in a forum if people can't express their well-thought-out opinions!
You don't have to read it... ? :face_with_tears_of_joy:
RE: Open GL on Mac
@MikeB So you might know some of this but here is what I've done to get OpenGL working on both plugin and standalone formats:
1 - Place a Floating Tile set to Custom Settings in your project
2 - Set"GraphicRendering": true,
in the Data section
3 - Set this flag below within your project Preferences in the Extra Definitions categoriesHISE_USE_OPENGL_FOR_PLUGIN=1
So in my experience, at this point, the setting for OpenGL will not appear in the Custom Setting floating tile in HISE itself, but it will appear in your compiled plugin / standalone app. Remember to make the Customs Settings window large enough in your project to include all the settings.
Another way to set the OpenGL to be on/off in your compiled plugin/standalone is to navigate to the AppData folder and open the 'General Settings.xml' file and change the OpenGL setting as per below:
Hope this helps. @Casey-Kolb may have more to add to this, however, as his excellent Cube plugin uses OpenGL as well :)
Latest posts made by DanH
RE: Serum 2 - Spectral Sampler
@Allen very interested in the warp functions!
RE: Help With ModMatrix Tutorial Project
@Christoph-Hart getting my head around the ModMatrix tutorial and the scriptModulationMatrix API.
Am I right in thinking that using addModulatorTarget with matrix.Gain / Frequency etc uses a predetermined attribute number and therefore isn't compatible with Hardcoded FX modules (unless I use the same attribute numbering) ?
Is there much difference to using the addParameterTarget API instead?
matrix.addModulatorTarget({ "Target": "OSC 1 Filter", "Chain": matrix.Frequency, "ID": "OSC 1 Frequency", "Component": "Knob5", "Slots": [1, 3, 3] }); matrix.addParameterTarget({ "Target": "OSC 1 Reverb", "Parameter": "WetLevel", "ID": "OSC 1 Reverb", "Component": "Knob4", "Mode": matrix.Bipolar });
RE: Serum 2 - Spectral Sampler
@clevername27 This is an awesome pug-in! Congrats! When you say the processing happens outside the Hise plug-in where does it happen exactly?
RE: Help With ModMatrix Tutorial Project
@DanH so I could just hide all panels each time the panel is clicked and then execute the 'for' loop and display the clicked panel. Perhaps there's a more elegant solution... @d-healey ?!
RE: Help With ModMatrix Tutorial Project
@DanH ok I can show the panel corresponding to the correct mouse click using the hover index (wasn't that difficult
) but my issue now is that I need the other panels to not show. Struggling because I don't have a value to play with as the 'buttons' are drawn on a panel. Maybe I need a clicked index:
for (pa = 0; pa < panelArray.length; pa++) { panelArray[this.data.hoverIndex].showControl(1); if (!this.data.hoverIndex) { // ???!! }
RE: Serum 2 - Spectral Sampler
@d-healey sorry should have written spectral sampler. It's actually a spectral re-synthesis engine that takes whatever sample you throw into it and re-synthesises it, with interesting results. You can then warp it using multiple filter / fm options.
RE: Serum 2 - Spectral Sampler
@griffinboy it's probably as CPU friendly as it can be. Steve Duda said he 'spent millions' on Serum 2. Here's me holding one note on a short sample. Once you add unison and fx it goes up quick.
This is on a brand new M4 mac mini...
So did you build your own sampler to import into?