@Oli-Ullmann it worked without any problems
Best posts made by treynterrio
FFT Spectral Denoiser Faust dsp
Hi there, I found a .pdf file with a Faust code for FFT spectral denoising and other spectral stuff I fixed a couple things in the code and can open it in the Faust WEB editor but I don't get any sound only a little sound at the beginning.
Maybe someone could check that and fix thisimport("stdfaust.lib"); fftSize = hslider("fftSize", 1024, 2, 16384, 1); bufferSize = fftSize / 2 + 1; cartopol(x, y) = sqrt(x * x + y * y), atan2(y, x); poltocar(r, theta) = r * cos(theta), r * sin(theta); freezeBtn = checkbox("Capture"); reduceSld = hslider("Reduce", 0, 0, 2, 0.01); freeze(rIn, iIn, bin) = out with { freezeSignal(sig, frz) = orig + freezed with { orig = sig * (1 - frz); freezed = (orig : @(bufferSize)) + (orig * frz : @(bufferSize - 1)) * frz; }; out = freezeSignal(rIn, freezeBtn), freezeSignal(iIn, freezeBtn); }; fftproc(rIn, iIn, bin) = out with { pol = cartopol(rIn, iIn); mag = pol : _, !; phase = pol : !, _; pol_frozen = freeze(rIn, iIn, bin) : cartopol; mag_frozen = pol_frozen : _, !; phase_frozen = pol_frozen : !, _; out = poltocar(max(mag * (1 - freezeBtn) + (mag - mag_frozen * reduceSld) * freezeBtn, 0), phase); }; process = fftproc;
RE: Live Granular Patch for FAUST or RNBO
@DabDab I can open it too. but it doesn't sound right. I don't got any sound of it even if I change the process in the console everything I get out of it is loud noise like the gain is set to +100 it blows my speakers
RE: Issue with Font Not Displaying in Exported HISE Project
@Oli-Ullmann I was only able to solve the problem by loading it from a .json file. Which was then saved by pressing a button
RE: change size of "Add preset" window
@d-healey this works for me to now, thank you!!!
RE: Preset browser font size
@d-healey ok now I've seen what I've doing wrong
RE: change Simple Envelope release value
@d-healey when I hold the loop it loops until I release it and then it takes 50 to loop out
How should I save my Sampler Presets and how can I access them later?
Let's say I'm going to make a VST and I create each preset with just a one shot in the Sampler. How do I save these presets so that I can open them again afterwards?
Can I create a dropdown menu to choose my preset at the end?
Latest posts made by treynterrio
RE: presetbrowser searchbar visible in exported plugin on windows
@d-healey I've now updated HISE to the latest branch on windows and exported it again now it works
presetbrowser searchbar visible in exported plugin on windows
Hi there, I just exported my new plugin and tested it in FL Studio.I've noticed that the search bar in my preset browser is visible although he should be invisible. In the option it's set to false,. On Mac the searchbar isn't visible. is there anything else I could do to make it invisible?
RE: Preset Browser LAF (Add + Delete) Text
@treynterrio here is the code I've used where I get Enter Preset Name on both options (Add + Delete)
laf.registerFunction("drawPresetBrowserDialog", function(g, obj) { var a = obj.area; var la = obj.labelArea; var h = 40; g.setColour(0xFF000000); g.fillRect([a[0] - 50, a[1] - 25, a[2] + 100, a[3] + 50]); g.setFont("arial", 13); g.setColour(0xFF000000); g.drawAlignedText("", [a[0], 50, a[2], 25], "centred"); if (obj.labelArea[2] != 0) { g.setColour(0xFFFFFFFF); g.fillRoundedRectangle([la[0] - 0, la[1], la[2] + 0, la[3]], 0); } else { g.drawAlignedText(obj.text, [a[0], a[1] + 40, a[2], 20], "centred"); } g.fillAll(noColour); g.setColour(0xFF000000); g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.area, 0.0); g.setColour(0xFF141414); g.fillRoundedRectangle(obj.labelArea, 0.0); g.setColour(0xFFFFFFFF); g.setFont("Arial",16); g.drawAlignedText("Enter Preset Name :", removeFromTop(obj.area, 40), "centred");
RE: Preset Browser LAF (Add + Delete) Text
@treynterrio I have made the two sentences visible again but I still don't understand in which obj.area (Are you sure you want to delete this file ?) is located
Preset Browser LAF (Add + Delete) Text
Hi there, I'm struggling to set the Text in my Preset Folder when I click Add (Enter Preset Name) and/or Delete (Do you really want to delete this preset?)
I've managed to change it BUT it says on both Enter Preset Name or when I delete it it shows nothing.
Here is an example:
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
RNBO Pitch
Hi everyone, does anyone have a good-sounding pitch effect? I’ve tried a few FAUST pitch codes, but they create a strange delay at the start of the sounds I play when I set the pitch above +0.0.
FAUST Buffer Freeze smooth fade
Hi there,
I created a freeze effect that loops the buffer of the incoming audio signal in FAUST, but I haven't found a proper solution to achieve smooth fades at the beginning and end of the buffer loop. I tried attack-release-envelope-like things, but that didn't get rid of the clicking. Does anyone have an idea how I can do this?
Here is the code:
import("stdfaust.lib"); size = 192000; index = ba.period(size); input(x) = +(x * (1 - r)) ~ (de.delay(size - 1, size - 1) * r); r = checkbox("Freeze Buffer"); process(x1, x2) = input(x1), input(x2);
RE: Change Effects in HardcodedMasterFX via Combobox or Script
@ulrik that works perfect thank you!!!
Change Effects in HardcodedMasterFX via Combobox or Script
Hi there, I have 3 HardcodedMasterFX modules in my project and 10 compiled scriptnode effects to choose from. How can I select the effects in the modules using a combobox or a script and is it possible that the effects cannot be selected twice?