@orange develop branch with scriptnode : you can of course expand the lower value of the filters to 5Hz, but you'll have to test that with pluginval to see if that actually works.
Values can be set to 5Hz in Hise, but in exported plugins the 20Hz is the low limit. There is some kind of Low Frequency limitation in develop branch.
@Christoph-Hart Yes,that makes sense, I was hoping I could use one ramp and switch it to freerunning or retrigger mode.
But I can just switch to using the temposynced ramp with an input toggle.
@ulrik nicely put.
after doing more research and messing with gross beat I feel for me, its not needed...
Another question if possible.
Can you use the arpeggiator on a fx plugin?
Or will it have to be a midi fx plugin? I searched the forum but got mixed answer.
Actually the math.mul node is the better option because it will use vectorized functions (SIMD) while the expression node will be evaluated per sample and I wouldn't trust the compiler to auto-vectorize this (especially the MSVC compiler which is notoriously bad at autovectorizing).
@ulrik it can easily be recreated by adding a preset to preset browser aplay and stop button to your interface hooked up through param id and process id and a drag drop midi with a floating panel compiling it and trying to run midi through the midi player after strictly from the interface the preset browser might not even be necessary i will check that out tomorrow as its 4 am and i need sleep. It seems to be something to do with the compile button or the way the processor id was hooked to the play button it might be a bug