Coming back to this as I've never found a solution. My next/ previous preset buttons looks like this:
//PRESET BUTTONS inline function onPRESETNEXTControl(component, value) { if (value == 1) { Engine.loadNextUserPreset(false); } }; Content.getComponent("PRESETNEXT").setControlCallback(onPRESETNEXTControl); inline function onPRESETPREVControl(component, value) { if (value == 1) { Engine.loadPreviousUserPreset(false); } }; Content.getComponent("PRESETPREV").setControlCallback(onPRESETPREVControl);However in an Expansion they don't load the expansion presets but go back to loading the 'factory' ones. It's almost like we need an
Engine.loadNextExpansionPreset(false);Or some way of referring to the Expansions presets. Any ideas anyone?