Thank you all for your quick responses! I have been on the move lately so not much opportunity to reply.
@Christoph-Hart thank you, I think this is the exact solution I am looking for. I haven't explored the macro control system to date so this looks like the proper time. Thank you for providing the snippet.
@d-healey I am not on my main system but here is 2 screen recordings of what I am talking about. It may be a DAW/Plugin dependent request, but the first recording is an Arturia plugin, the second is one made in HISE:
@Lindon you are correct, I think it is true with most DAWs. My hope was (and the macro control system seems to be the solution) is to set all parameters which exposed to the DAW, but only have visible/assignable the ones the user selects (so maximum 64 in the macro control scenario).
Screen Recording 2024-08-06 at 12.07.20 PM (1).gif
Screen Recording 2024-08-06 at 12.09.17 PM (1).gif