Tldr for this thread:
Upon trying to compile the source code for HISE 3.0.3 I was running into this error:
Ignoring file ../../../../tools/faust/fakelib/libfaust.a, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-arm64
We also tried compiling through terminal directly which returned a similar error:
▸ Linking HISE
⚠️ ld: ignoring file ../../../../tools/faust/fakelib/libfaust.a, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-arm64
❌ clang: error: unable to execute command: Abort trap: 6
❌ clang: error: linker command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation)
The following build commands failed:
Ld /Users/[My name]/Desktop/HISE/projects/standalone/Builds/MacOSX/build/Release/ normal (in target 'HISE Standalone - App' from project 'HISE Standalone')
(1 failure)
The issue is with the version of Xcode being used to compile.
I am on:
Mac Intel i7, 2020
Mac OS 12.1, Monterey
HISE 3.0.3 source code
JUCE v6.1.4 ( comes with 3.0.3 source code)
Xcode version that did not work:
Xcode version that does work:
@d-healey kindly provided the following code which will automatically download and compile the latest HISE developer source code from git:
# Download HISE
cd ~/Desktop
git clone
cd ./HISE
git checkout develop
# Extract SDKs
unzip ./tools/SDK/ -d ~/Desktop/HISE/tools/SDK
# Build HISE
./tools/projucer/ --resave ~/Desktop/HISE/projects/standalone/HISE\ Standalone.jucer
cd ~/Desktop/HISE/projects/standalone/Builds/MacOSX
xcodebuild -project "HISE Standalone.xcodeproj" -configuration Release -jobs 2 | xcpretty
This can be saved in a text editor as:
You can execute this script by saving it to your Documents folder and typing into terminal:
sudo sh /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Documents/
Thank you @d-healey and @Lindon for helping me troubleshoot this. I appreciate your time and energy.