Aha that's interesting, I tried with longer note delays and got stuck notes - now I know why :)
Edit: Here's the revised version.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Processor Type="ScriptProcessor" ID="Humaniser" Bypassed="0" Script="/** * Humaniser v1.1 * Author: David Healey, Christoph Hart * Date: 08/01/2017 * License: GPLv3 - https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html */ //Includes //Init Content.setHeight(100); reg randNoteOnDelay; reg randNoteOffDelay; reg randVelocity; reg randFineTune; reg randVolume; reg randCC; const var noteOnDelays = Engine.createMidiList(); noteOnDelays.fill(0); // default is -1, so we need to set it to zero. const var ccNumbers = []; for (i = 0; i < 129; i++) { 	ccNumbers[i] = i; } //GUI const var knbNoteOn = Content.addKnob("Note On", 0, 0); knbNoteOn.setRange(0, 100, 0.1); knbNoteOn.set("suffix", "ms"); knbNoteOn.set("tooltip", "Note On: adds random delay (0 ms - 100 ms) to the Note On of each note."); const var knbNoteOff = Content.addKnob("Note Off", 150, 0); knbNoteOff.setRange(0, 100, 0.1); knbNoteOff.set("suffix", "ms"); knbNoteOff.set("tooltip", "Note Off: adds random delay (0 ms - 100 ms) to the Note Off of each note."); const var knbVelocity = Content.addKnob("Velocity", 300, 0); knbVelocity.setRange(0, 100, 1); knbVelocity.set("suffix", "%"); knbVelocity.set("tooltip", "Velocity: adds or subtracts random value in selected +-range of played velocity."); const var knbFineTune = Content.addKnob("FineTuning", 450, 0); knbFineTune.setRange(0, 100, 1); knbFineTune.set("tooltip", "Fine Tuning: detunes each note randomly in the selected +-range - up to 1 semi-tone."); const var knbVolume = Content.addKnob("Volume", 600, 0); knbVolume.setRange(0, 8, 0.1); knbVolume.set("suffix", "dB"); knbVolume.set("tooltip", "Volume: changes the volume of each note randomly from -8db to +8 db."); const var cmbCC1 = Content.addComboBox("CC 1", 0, 60); cmbCC1.set("items", ccNumbers.join("\n")); cmbCC1.set("text", "First CC"); cmbCC1.set("tooltip", "First CC Number: Select a CC number to humaniser."); const var knbCC1 = Content.addKnob("First CC", 150, 50); knbCC1.setRange(0, 100, 1); knbCC1.set("suffix", "%"); knbCC1.set("tooltip", "First CC: adjusts the CC value by a random percentage in the +-range selected."); const var cmbCC2 = Content.addComboBox("CC 2", 300, 60); cmbCC2.set("items", ccNumbers.join("\n")); cmbCC2.set("text", "Second CC"); cmbCC2.set("tooltip", "Second CC Number: Select a CC number to humaniser."); const var knbCC2 = Content.addKnob("Second CC", 450, 50); knbCC2.setRange(0, 100, 1); knbCC2.set("suffix", "%"); knbCC2.set("tooltip", "Second CC: adjusts the CC value by a random percentage in the +-range selected."); //Functions //Callbacks function onNoteOn() { 	//Note On 	if (knbNoteOn.getValue() > 0) 	{ 		randNoteOnDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * knbNoteOn.getValue()); 		Message.delayEvent(Engine.getSamplesForMilliSeconds(randNoteOnDelay)); 		noteOnDelays.setValue(Message.getNoteNumber(), randNoteOnDelay); 	} 	//Velocity 	if (knbVelocity.getValue() > 0) 	{ 		randVelocity = -1; 		while (randVelocity == -1 || randVelocity < 1 || randVelocity > 127) 		{ 			randVelocity = Math.ceil(Message.getVelocity() + ((Math.random() -0.5) * 127) * knbVelocity.getValue() / 100); 		}		 		Message.setVelocity(randVelocity); //Apply random velocity 	} 	//Fine Tuning 	if (knbFineTune.getValue() > 0) 	{ 		randFineTune = Math.floor(Math.random() * (knbFineTune.getValue() - -knbFineTune.getValue() + 1)) + -knbFineTune.getValue(); 		Message.setFineDetune(Message.getFineDetune()+randFineTune); 	} 	//Volume 	if (knbVolume.getValue() > 0) 	{ 		randVolume = Math.random() * (knbVolume.getValue() - -knbVolume.getValue() + 1) + -knbVolume.getValue(); 		Message.setGain(Message.getGain() + randVolume); 	} } function onNoteOff() { 	//Note Off 	if (knbNoteOff.getValue() > 0) 	{ 		randNoteOffDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * knbNoteOff.getValue()); 		randNoteOffDelay += noteOnDelays.getValue(Message.getNoteNumber()); //Add any note on delay for this note 		Message.delayEvent(Engine.getSamplesForMilliSeconds(randNoteOffDelay)); 	} } function onController() { 	if (Message.getControllerNumber() == cmbCC1.getValue()-1 && knbCC1.getValue() > 0) 	{ 		randCC = -1; 		while (randCC == -1 || randCC < 1 || randCC > 127) 		{ 			randCC = Math.ceil(Message.getControllerValue() + ((Math.random() -0.5) * 127) * knbCC1.getValue() / 100); 		}	 		Message.setControllerValue(randCC); 	} 	if (Message.getControllerNumber() == cmbCC2.getValue()-1 && knbCC2.getValue() > 0) 	{ 		randCC = -1; 		while (randCC == -1 || randCC < 1 || randCC > 127) 		{ 			randCC = Math.ceil(Message.getControllerValue() + ((Math.random() -0.5) * 127) * knbCC2.getValue() / 100); 		}	 		Message.setControllerValue(randCC); 	} } function onTimer() { 	 } function onControl(number, value) { 	 } ">
<EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="1" Solo="0" contentShown="1" onInitOpen="0"
onNoteOnOpen="0" onNoteOffOpen="0" onControllerOpen="0" onTimerOpen="0"
<Control type="ScriptSlider" id="Note On" value="0"/>
<Control type="ScriptSlider" id="Note Off" value="0"/>
<Control type="ScriptSlider" id="Velocity" value="0"/>
<Control type="ScriptSlider" id="FineTuning" value="0"/>
<Control type="ScriptSlider" id="Volume" value="0"/>
<Control type="ScriptComboBox" id="CC 1" value="2"/>
<Control type="ScriptSlider" id="First CC" value="0"/>
<Control type="ScriptComboBox" id="CC 2" value="12"/>
<Control type="ScriptSlider" id="Second CC" value="0"/>