@Christoph-Hart Should I set the Converter to Decibel to gain and use a decibel scaled slider or a 0-1 slider and Gain to Decibel ..... OR do I use the skew factor .
How exactly do i get a db response ?
@d-healey KeyNums is a list of pressed keys--- in this code only one note - so what happens is this should play a first note and then when the next note is played it should stop note 1 and play note 2 - it doenst - it keeps playing everything....
@Lindon Yeah it will work with real on/offs because the arp uses these internally to generate its own notes. The only solution is to roll your own, or modify HISE to allow us to turn off real notes.
@andioak I just provide download links through my webstore. The installer for the sample library includes the license and it's also available on my website and in my github repository.
But the default modulation is exactly like most of the modulation things work - you set the max value with the knob and it modulates from the min value to the value there by multiplying with 0...1
Again...this is wrong, in the sense that this is not typical synth behaviour.
And the bipolar system is also wrong.
I can layout exactly how this should work if you want ?