I am not sure what is causing this, but sometimes when I open a project/preset I am not getting any MIDI input and when I check the settings the MIDI inputs have been turned off:
Whereas I am certain I have saved it like this:
I am not sure what is causing this, but sometimes when I open a project/preset I am not getting any MIDI input and when I check the settings the MIDI inputs have been turned off:
Whereas I am certain I have saved it like this:
Once I closed and reopened the project from the new folder name it works.
That one should have been obvious to me.
Oh this is great!
I copied a panel with a bunch of components on it and they all copy in one go :)
I would think it's best just to let the user decide if they want to use it, like any other CC.
Now, upon testing the CC learn (I was curious to make sure it is blocking the consumed CCs at the output for use with MIDI plugins, and it does), but I must say that the CC learn being channel agnostic is not a good idea. This is not how most VST instruments will handle this.
Here in this simple MIDI utility I made, I just ran a test to check the channel filter operation in conjunction with the MIDI learn.
The MIDI learned control to CC#1 (Velocity Transpose Amount) is not affected by the channel filter, so even if my notes aren't going through, my CC values are.
The MIDI learns need to be channel selectable somehow in order to work in multitimbral settings where the VSTi endpoint is only meant to receive from one channel, otherwise you will have lots of unwanted CC messages going to the other channels/instruments.
Is there a way currently to make sure the CC learn can be filtered by channel?
I am not seeing channel selection in the MidiLearnPanel:
@d-healey said in Adding an LAF knob ("rotary slider") did not work properly and changed appearance of other items as well:
Thanks! All is looking as expected now and I can move on in your tutorial :)