Thanks David, this is actually my solution to this problem, I will have two sets 8+8 of VSTs loaded, so the first 8 will play the active style while the other 8 will be in stand by mode waiting for the next style to play instantly.
The same with the real time tracks played with the right hand, there will be 4+4 VSTs, first 4 active and another 4 waiting for a patch to change, so you can still hold the key and hear the active patch, for example Saxophone, while calling up the next patch, so after you let go the key the first 4 VSTs go offline and the second group plays further without any interruption.
I hope this translates well enough in English.
Thanks Christoph, this is very useful.
I use RR in my presets to add realism , but I do not see how I could use it to load all GM library this way, every patch uses different set of filters, envelopes, and other settings. but it sounds very interesting as a workaround. Am I missing something?