@Lindon ....

Best posts made by Lindon
RE: The world of HISE
@MikeB -- Lindon, Hull UK, Audio Developer, before that I worked in Telecommunications (real time and all that - not as complicated as it sounds) and before that I was a record producer....before that I was a starving/failing musician.
RE: The definitive feature request & bug fix roadmap
Feature Request
@Christoph-Hart - Please can we have bus effects (send and receive) as per this discussion :Feature Request:The Case for Bus Containers
OK, so the current routing matrix system is very very flexible (a very good thing), but is convoluted to set up and (for me at least) not so intuitive and er...
Forum (forum.hise.audio)
-- wow I just re-read the thread I pointed to - I've been a pita about this .....sorry.
Happy Holidays..
So happy holidays to everyone who has them at this time of year.. Anther great year for HISE and this community, tho I did get too many t-shirts this year...
RE: The definitive feature request & bug fix roadmap
Feature Request
MIDI out.
Happy Holidays
......Ok that's me done for 2023, so wishing you and yours a safe and festive holiday season and a prosperous, healthy and happy 2024...
Thanks to all of you for making it a great community..... now where did I put that T-Shirt?
LED - with peak line - and red warnings...vector version.
So I've seen a few posts here asking how to "do" an LED-style control, and there's been a few answers - all of which seemed to require adding in a png for the LED itself.
So as I needed (or wanted) one of these that used vector drawing, and one that had some level of "red-line" warning as well as momentary peak measurement too I coded one up. You might want to use it - or adapt it to your needs.
So caveat no.1 : as @ustk has said elsewhere - this is not really a gain meter - its approximates one as it uses 100 milliseconds between each measure - so it may miss some peaks. But in any case:
HiseSnippet 2093.3oc2Y0uaajaDeks2qwJmARJtCs+IQPAtUWTj2Uw1IFF2EYaI6Hb9CAKmjVTbHfdWJIhrhTXWJ63FXf9H1Gg9HbuA2MjbWsbkWaqSsIMoBIVlbFN727AmYHcmHtOINlGYUZ4SubDwpzWa28RlXvtCvTlU6lVktm8QjKNnUSqctbDNNlDXUpzh6KoVZ4krTe9kWrCNDy7IYSYY8ZN0mb.cHUjMamF+DMLbOb.4T5PCtWqQaeNaWdHeLfjEscsFg8eGtO4HrjsErsJ8UsBnBdTWAVPhsJszN7fK6NfeASy+qowzyBIxAdVcAAomdOdXfDwxYs1c.MLnSpFGaYUxtSl9unV++F6CoAzIymYGdfh.JaEl1iRKbavyyDdtyN7JY.ukzv6g1c8iniDYTjX691sYBRTOL3BLgklWqErtu8tbfCln1P76H6EAClrBmMbcqhV20sxVqTdkxqtJxmObHmghHi.kWPY8QQ7wv2DIcvQEKPmiiPur8As2+kmt6wGb7qNA8CH22+7MWq9NdMWaKS11Y6c+ICd1au5pO43oUy8akimMTexwCDCty1mbZ6CaA73UeZZcjXkDAz5Ml4KnblS+JqT9CqTFgj+GA5SeTHnEfSJRrkdtUW0GG5iNCjQrbZzSPjyIQWhDP.JRLfFif+EP60iDAVuLAAqPIGX+jbUqOQ7RBs+.gSEPFNNdttnGOgzqwgiINUp78Rf5Kpjr6oX.Q6gnhXDFM.DAnDmK4GVMlgBwfNJQSsZIaOvrR9OdZoi9QT17AXAt1.phVkJ5U9A8WIaZDYHY3YvtoTyb6LlE.jiIvNOfnLZnzXgIvP94Z6jg4HAUaUD2RItKeLSZ9bS33pIVi2QHi.aguhAdOEFXiUPUNBrEwnK.2DJHBeAaBD0qufM4wOt.68EjuahDnBzPdThAWKNHuE3GSrAbEefUgbQlKnHs4GMhRqbWJtWAnRt4ZWPlKgGowKhQHARvDQ5A.a.51wxO.6Pg98gXw.ez3QRQI2OYvuZOqNkeOFxnA6nhVlDlbDBTgzSAaMOgDWQBiI4g13Xh4Nqh8UVA047aDF20IvbmEl5L3UxjZ4bCJesDE8fhU.JNCpE0Gx.xBzrzuljv1ggNYo1prUgRP6JAqT5JASqtLmStrmofQK5SH9Bm+ta0Tqa0T86Mz.w.mJUmVeeRJm+70xrLAJR6UtTHYFPHsg1lf9djmaAIKLws9q3ZWLfJH2jqrnE.NzJ4Op2ulDcG.3vAp.MsRl4gy8q0Mynj56LUTnTULMffHA8IW2rmUoIylKWZpM2sp2FUqud8etJxqVRIwqT+Lo3X6ifTgLRX9ZgsYxVhfPQU2SR0nETx.D4izTdjVRYKX6wATdaFX2OfzSFCmVftuDpCGwYv.mGkmMkTJRFmHiClAgn3SIk7BVZfTEPOQWn2IqfZdlUB3N3NeYYeItlZ2LBcWENldc3LU9imLMSZXTLWS4XNpizaci1lD5JaRxuKUOY+oQ6hCCkG9clzQQZCEHz0se5jasX8kGzfMoIwmdFbtXOdjLBXOrOjTyQGNn.w3nH.BG.ExBcfScowiEXr+ORzdEIZEnSZvy4l1YS5vQ1blH4gQkQRlmsRhYO0Ng3ri3BxwfAq7GJub4qJillTudERS5jh3PZ2nBIq2waYgN59Dppy7NgQn+47MnaeyMnad+AecLiAibVaFUb7HB6lZa2JIPC9sW0tIDhJ6jOYNfuQjHAUBgRMImCWQR2W+x1MIwuSvGo3MI5DZrWnntRZW+RauEMPxehmv58StF0+7sMtL6NUNMtPlHcxDMNsw.0YtL9iabFOJfD0k9OHl2lSO6I3.53XyqzAI7GldIsu19od0qu4lart2yLHTeJJBx6E4VxyV+oaT+oqAWpyPMKeSp4CryGxZnsvkFMz1WzXDVFxaHzLSTdCgk60LD7F4wYcuMe1y8Vu9lqa86yBYMKJ0Csm5floVs+miZ00uGJbaXdv3PrH+UjkIfRH.GKycWT48MYwTwkl63Gk6MOqv8g1cnB+AEi2EJ.uvA4O13M4UHVwV29PFXWxdu+579jCE+hHt20SNbuIuHDc3nPx9YuHjtRys7hPVVMIg3blt2jOb8u0nf2LpMCt6snCODGMsgew7Z6hyl1VfFtzLGcn5n6Kln4+nsxj+kDfUgDe4.3GXCId+L.t5tt6eHVDQgJG1GMdXWHEuOAfJCpLHauozBxhQ5wtxwR.0kvBTC9U3SBQO43RID8RIZZR9VsI491uAeNQc8Fk03aUi6wiFh1mvHQRak2sjR3eMqOR7nY9QhO1W.P3zHLKdDOl3YJ4onUOetIwXVd10SkiKo5AMXOzfu60Hcx5lSBgE4DFLNmjNjZTf+e+hVLL3z6R.sI33XePYk1Ny3lNigqSqNc3YtvroqaN8KwQAfew+1xW96t5PgOH8W8Y86k+oqMkEmM3VfEbgNW6u3xCRpu1BJ9EBWOXR17d3wghzYyez5PNiOZ.mQy4zOg.YD52mjKVpPEZag.tWa1LeSiSHgDbrwws+RC4Cyfi.6DYNsE2Qk3Ryn+5OaqgKRlO3yqxE+AMrKa+ZvI4K2ccpwzgnIpi2ci1WESNEqfyzcDIWjYtJ0s+y6Xtduoysi4+J8Ou3+G0+7GiTPPMgub574OYC0opiTtaz+682eJZ.5SwdLD6Gwequ9kqjYDumZFPuYp+t2KaenbLxyR8ZVv5rcq4ZMDpq9VeeYL8S.6Swqo9brlmNGqYs4XMqOGqYi4XMOaNVyyu00HaoY6wB9Pc7OLQmVpm3qTIcWcpiBV+FfT1+WL
I'm pretty sure the code could do with re-factoring so I'm always interested in a better version if you want to comment or contribute...
RE: Have a nice christmas and new year vacation!
Happy holidays everyone...have a fun safe time.
Latest posts made by Lindon
RE: Does Server.downloadFile make two requests?
@d-healey said in Does Server.downloadFile make two requests?:
This issue has always been there but I've decided I would like to solve it. However I find the server could difficult to navigate.
When I run Server.downloadFile, my server records it as two download attempts, if I paste the same URL into my browser it only records one download attempt - as it should.
Does HISE make two requests, like a head request before the GET request or something?
yeah and some servers get very picky about answering HISe when it does this.... which is a shame.
Text label LAF
can someone please point me at the documentation for this?
Im hoping this isnt still the answer...
RE: The big bug tier list
Ok here's the one about Channel Aftertouch not working correctly in all situations - to emphasise Channel aftertouch, not poly aftertouch...
MIDI Controllers not responding to CC128 & CC129 correctly · Issue #666 · christophhart/HISE
The MIDI Controller Modulators dont respond to CC129 and CC128 correctly, sadly there are a couple of variants: A MIDI Controller used as a modulator in an FX (e.g. Filter Freq Modulation) If you set the CC Number = 129 then the pitch wh...
GitHub (github.com)
RE: The HISE Color Palette Tool
@Christoph-Hart well let me apologise if your read that implication - it wasnt intended.
RE: Load preset bank on init
@Sampletekk the Preset browser is reflecting a directory structure in User Presests in your project.
So you can make your preset browser into a 2 column version by applying these settings to your Preset Data
"NumColumns": 2, "ColumnWidthRatio": [ 0.5, 0.5 ],
so like this:
now your preset browser reflects this User Preset structure:
RE: The HISE Color Palette Tool
@aaronventure said in The HISE Color Palette Tool:
@Lindon I too would like to have bugs prioritized, hell I authored a third of the total repository issues on the Github tracker, and have 50+ active, 18 of which (19 if you count the ScriptNode one here) are feature-breaking, and some of these don't event have a workaround.
This is by no means a priority request, nor is it worded like one, this is an idea out for discussion like a lot that I already threw out here, a number of which sit in this very subforum collecting dust with 0 replies.
Chris may or may not ever get to it. If or when he takes an interest, this post will be here. In the meantime, If I ever figure out how to add something like this to HISE, I'll make a PR.
Well I dont want to fall out with you but I think its incumbent upon all of us to use some judgement about posting feature requests, especially ones that are at best QoL and that can be worked around with a little effort from the user side. If for no other reason than its adding to the noise and potentially drowning out stuff that clearly is required - such as the bugs you have added to github. I understand Christophs desire to work on new and interesting things, and I'm not trying to put too much of break on that, but its frustrating to see stuff that is at best nice-to-have getting attention when more mainstream problems get pushed down the queue because of it.
RE: The HISE Color Palette Tool
@aaronventure yeah - understood - and my vote is No - until more useful stuff (bugs actual features etc.) are done. This is easily doable using a "skin" object- that also allows user defined and loadable versions of palettes/skins. You just reference these skin colours in your LAF code...
RE: Need help with slotfx...
@Gab said in Need help with slotfx...:
@rglides it's working and compiling but the second I add another Harcoded it can't know which one to choose so this is my main issue overall with the slotfx. but your solution works for what is not hardcoded so that's a start!
Hardcoded effects can be referenced in exactly the same way as any component.
Place your Hard coded effects in an arrayThen you will need to have a grain control for each FX Slot, and to place them in an array then in the (shared) callback find which one is accessing the CB, use indexOf(component) .. this position wil point at the Hardcoded FX you need to address...