@d-healey it's my understanding that logic and pro tools support mono to stereo where a mono track becomes a stereo track at the insert point where the user inserts an m>s plugin.
this plugin does not make sense to run as mono > mono.
@d-healey it's my understanding that logic and pro tools support mono to stereo where a mono track becomes a stereo track at the insert point where the user inserts an m>s plugin.
this plugin does not make sense to run as mono > mono.
Yes to both. There is a lot. I'm currently going through the process of commenting things out and making test versions to see if I can make one that works.
@d-healey Yes. I do have a high dpi mouse and now you’ve given me something else to worry about and have to test for. I did not think that dpi could be a factor.
Based on what I figured out rooting around the Hise source it seems like all sliders in Hise are set to absolute px mode as default with a value of 250 distance = full rotation. But when you turn on the modifier they switch to a velocity mode. The problem I had is that the velocity mode settings weren’t any good (at least for my mouse) specifically the offset aka minimum.
I found a setting that makes things much smoother and more predictable. But I guess I have to test with different mice?? Oh joy.
Where can I change the compile options that Hise uses when compiling faust nodes?
I can open the .cpp file generated by Hise for my faust dsp and it has the compile options Hise used commented out at the top, but I don't know where in Hise I can edit those.
As an example I would like to use double precision floats. Hise is currently set to use single.
@aaronventure thanks!
I had actually just figured out on my own how to do this with a gain module directly. But your version in scriptnode is better.
@Christoph-Hart thanks for tackling this issue so quickly!
Tested as working on my end.
@d-healey said in [Feature request] Missing Laf colour properties:
- drawPopupMenuBackground, use the combo box colour properties (would also be good if the base colour was transparent so we could do rounded corners, currently it's solid white).
This please!
Haha dirty indeed. But it works!
I don't know why but the mouseDownX and mouseDownY values I get when clicking on the panel are always huge. So I'm using an X that's higher than my object width to trigger that? Idk man... haha
if (event.mouseDownX > 26) {
//click on panel
//first click shows menu, second hides menu
if (!event.hover && !event.mouseDownX) {
//click off of panel that also hides menu
@d-healey Ok got it.
This is very odd. I compile your test project and it works fine both as Stereo and M>S.
I compiled my project with the same settings as your test. Support Mono FX flag and HI_SUPPORT_MONO_TO_STEREO=1 option.
When I do AUVAL I even specifically see this, which to my understanding means it supports 1 in 2 out and 2 in 2 out:
Reported Channel Capabilities (explicit):
[1, 2] [2, 2]
But still the plugin will not show up in the inserts menu for mono tracks.
Is there some other aspect that could be stopping it from being allowed on a mono track? Possibly something with using hardcoded DSP modules?
@d-healey Got sidetracked with other stuff but I'm back to this one now.
Yes, definitely exporting as an FX plugin. I've tried everything in this thread and still unable to get m>s working.
You made a simple FX test plugin? Would you be able to send me that? I can try compiling on my end to see if it shows up properly here.
Bump? Anyone have any new info? I'm still experiencing this bug.
@Christoph-Hart thanks for tackling this issue so quickly!
Tested as working on my end.
@d-healey haha. I don't know why but that project fails AUval here. It won't even load. I even tried changing the 4 letter plugin code and it still fails.
I tried taking your code and putting it into my original test project and it compiles and loads fine but still doesn't work.
I've now gotten further confirmation from someone who is a long time Hise user that this has been a bug for a while and to complicate things further, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Some users have the issue, others don't.
I am not sure if it's possibly related to what version of Logic. I have one person who is on the latest version who says they don't have the bug. Another person says they do have the bug. I'm waiting to hear back what version of Logic that second tester is running.
HiseSnippet 1262.3ocsVEtaaaCDlxIZa1sacEX+dPv+xYvvyR1I1tCa0wI1aFMt0HNsaCECEzRz1bQhTPhJItc4e6gZ.6AXOG6MXuAaGEksjbbV6BV0OrAui2ce7i2c7FGvsIgg7.jVoyV5SPZ2WexRlXwQKvTFZ3wRAmvmSsMNiDJP8V5iCCINHMsc9V4NzJtKJ96udbOrKlYSREgPufSsImP8nhToi69Dpq6.rC4LpWlc2r6PaN6HtKOBPyN50Q9X6ywyIOEK2VAcz2gCWfz9BcqYSssl0pQayNlcZ0rio49sm1rtksy9cZz3fFNyrZiOnMXzGz2gJ3ASDXAIDosaOtyxIK3WxTA3EzP5TWhbgIZBDYk3AbWG4QTJEczBpqy3UzTHB7x3TRaGEo8Y5inNz0xSIuOMVgQpEYIPsB4g2N4fmYV3UOC71Bjzx.ocUP5g5SrCn9hTMR7bO8gLAIXFFtmxBE0dQE9CM8i3vNXhZd3yICBfEqsnxA0qW0.9YuupTo.xbiYTWhwWaL.9axxPAwq1bhHl8BpjQ3g99GiE38jZiwtTWkxOOjD.LCIjHB+RY1U7Ol07iEUVFDJykxHFyhX1BJmYvY8hDBNyTBx.taEatmOmAvspwEX2HxdkdSohkJ1mMGrqlKG6HihJHUjvE750fiWcHkHZkKpTNw4k2qVnTdbHNB65NERDqrYrk3KCvdJWPdFqhB.WWxXSUylsUcINyEXrsoVVhD7uYXEVj2TRPtiOrQHMHetk9smakM02VwKY1HmMjQEOymvtsBBTBYJyCSPErUQbV3mjjENwkBIEHJjr8g5OgwmZhhAb1lEnmOTllrxMfGgn3SBDT4AP6XxEPyDUxcQ8iIgmK39PfVe+AsvxGT08UbPKpmb4gtZcH69ycWlF+uoqfbkP0tC6D2syDEhufLjoReTDzkTGAzDRW6WzPnED57EB4pOG7.ggAFUVueBAGjzhgFNh6AfCGrbE+khW82JIcUV.tLayRnxxeB80qXvt+4q+0Gm022SjzYR46APsffxleFTCDGgGnmUTtH8iYijS20G4eK2QtJrZ57U8quudSylM5zxpw9VHJT0mQgU6VGzwpkkYFEVJ5I4hVcq9.cES2KfeIT0hhyFJ76EzeSICixxbxIv8g5hr7iLDAQjpqzz+JeLKDJMBOLDhPjmbGyvtgoaQ0XZ6lKKQCugOgJH01yoJULTTK6T8HCy5qM5PGmsGhSg7CuaA8GSbIhaQ2DHYxdQObvlJFfufG.Lp7Yyr5FD45NFKVrReXNlH4.MDHKGROd.PI4z+zHOE+IMyJVjZ82KSCNExX3fhWBxMLpWqwFeU+OJGD+Sww3DZn3v.BdMklDgpa6u0VoP1o7KGicbfT42U6Vyo83QLG4I8kJEi3AIWCapIM0aSMq34ansz0vzN23gYXj.tSjKVjeNA4zTIJfr3bONKe.FttDKyNs0+aCO7tBwGpOlJrWrcLVXKXDZj+9.iIib8w58mMiXKRA3t5C9g2OyWgNkGI6TNBKBnPiRcnHYBzDyl.QmwHtxGX0JHeJTsttbsjAlPXNwK9a3KQoobsVhRyUJQdX6.9qrUOfJGp6ihk.XhEO.bQ8Qx0Fa4kSO3MmWYam2U2vPq6pgMtqF17tZ392UCO3tZXq6pgse6FJGI3vHA2SU1fPiF2O9sMMs9wyLDmsh9Gfh5DmO
This one is with the object, the snippet in my first post is with it trying to load from a relative path.
@d-healey I've tried the AU in plugin doc, bluecat patchwork and ableton
@d-healey negative. I had high hopes this would be it. But same result.
reg file = FileSystem.getFolder(FileSystem.AppData).getChildFile("User Presets/Test/Test1.preset");
inline function onButton1Control(component, value)
This also doesn't work in Logic. Again, seems to work everywhere else.