The big bug tier list
Not being able to set the mouse sensitivity property for the built in sliders for this long... So either be happy with the HISE speed on shift or go and make a panel, which gets fun if you need MIDI mapping and DAW automation.
[Engine] ScriptSlider mouseSensitvity property cannot be reset after being altered e.g. with broadcaster · Issue #514 · christophhart/HISE
The property gets set back to 1.0 and reads, but the slider functionality will remain unchanged i.e. set at whatever you changed it to. HiseSnippet 1031.3ocsVs0qaTCD1axYqZVfJpT+AXkGPIRQoIPuf.gNmlKGHpMmFHGpPBUU4is2Dqrqcjs2.oUGo9.+Pgm4E9G....
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[Engine] Synth.sendController(128, value) does not trigger the Glide in an MPE Pitch Modulator · Issue #509 · christophhart/HISE
If you try the physical pitchbend wheel, it works. Sending the same with the title method doesn't work. If you use the pitch bend modulator instead of the MPE modulator, it works as expected. HiseSnippet 1317.3oc0XE0SabDD9NCGB6jF0DQT6imP...
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[Engine] drawMatrixPeakMeter causes the floating tile to go absolutely insane · Issue #484 · christophhart/HISE
Haha, what??? The code part shows when the peak value reaches 0 after playing some audio i.e. triggering a note. Does not matter if I create it in script or manually in the interface editor and just pull a reference. const var meterLAF =...
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Better check your text on all systems thoroughly!
There's a title that I used a font for, which I had to break into two separate graphics calls to manually adjust kerning that way.
[Engine] Kerning pairs not working for typefaces on Windows · Issue #482 · christophhart/HISE
Windows: MacOS: 0d0251e Thread:
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This is probably my #1. Timers work, yes, but multiplying every single setColour call with them just to get fades... Not to mention the poor message thread...
[Engine] fadeComponent method is inconsistent, sometimes instantly changing visibility · Issue #481 · christophhart/HISE
fadeComponent has been demonstrating inconsistent behavior for a while now, with no apparent trigger. Assigning components to two panels and then triggering fadeComponent on these panels back and forth results in the panel (and as such, ...
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This is my #2. MIDI FX could use some love.
[Engine] Inconsistent Behavior Between Exported VSTi MIDI Output and HISE VST-hosted Project MIDI Output in DAW · Issue #463 · christophhart/HISE
I'm creating a rather simple MIDI effect. Take in the controller value, fill the array, get the average, output that instead. Some checks for notes playing to ensure a smooth experience. Using the timer callback to send that average as a...
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Ok here's the one about Channel Aftertouch not working correctly in all situations - to emphasise Channel aftertouch, not poly aftertouch...
MIDI Controllers not responding to CC128 & CC129 correctly · Issue #666 · christophhart/HISE
The MIDI Controller Modulators dont respond to CC129 and CC128 correctly, sadly there are a couple of variants: A MIDI Controller used as a modulator in an FX (e.g. Filter Freq Modulation) If you set the CC Number = 129 then the pitch wh...
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posts that get no upvote are deleted after some time so that we can ensure that it's only the heavy hitters in this topic.
Respectfully, I don't think that's an effective way to improve HISE. Certain issues are simply more important than others, regardless of anyone experiencing them. And self-selection bias reinforces existing issues. Just my $0.02.
@aaronventure said in The big bug tier list:
This is annoying for anyone who doesn't read the docs THOROUGHLY or read the forum properly, but the workaround is easy: simply enable the queue. Perhaps it should be enabled by default for mouse broadcasters that aren't realtime?
Not just this, but all the issues in HISE like this. Reliability and API Logic, first. Performance, second. The API should respond as it implies, and be generalised as such. I realise that HISE only works its magic because of many (very clever, and hard-fought) hand-optimisations, and doing the first has implications for the second that I do not know.
Breakpoints don't work. HISE can crash by enabling them. They don't need to be fixed, but if not, should be removed from the UI.
There is no functional SAVE command in HISE, and the menu items are confusing. (Workflows can have bugs.)
This post is deleted! -
@Christoph-Hart All caching, that can result in incorrect data, should be disablable with a single flag. (Also, "disablable" is not a word, but also not a HISE issue.)
@Christoph-Hart Things working better > backwards compatibility. Reduce complexity. Don't introduce new API calls to get around other issues.
I don't understand the purpose of this. Are there rules that aren't being followed in terms of reporting bugs here? I'd like to know if I reported something badly or not.
A critical issue that prevents us from using the neural network node in a commercial plugin. My #1.
8 Times more CPU consumption on Aida-X Neural Models · Issue #710 · christophhart/HISE
HISE exported plugin consumes 8 times more CPU than the Aida-X plugin, the same model is installed and there is nothing extra. This is obviously quite a lot. Forum post:
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Another critic one.
Effect Slot (HardcodedMasterFX) cannot open custom nodes with more than 2 channels · Issue #711 · christophhart/HISE
As the title says. Forum post:
GitHub (
@Christoph-Hart Although it seems a good action on you behalf, I don’t really see the purpose of this thread. It’s like going back in the days where we were constantly asking for fixes in the forum and you said that if we want better chances to see them corrected, we have to open an issue on git. And that’s what we are doing, but they are often not treated, letting us in a state of despair… (yeah I know I’m just trying to draw a teardrop from you, Chris
So in the end, is the only goal here to get a vote system?
I’m sure that the priorities can be easily seen from the issue list, and then taken in order until the « full » issue list is cleaned.I am not trying to print a bad feeling to this thread. It’s just that it’s already a pain sometimes to report issues that have already been reported multiple times (sometimes over a very ling period of time), as well report them in git, and finally see we have to do it again here.
Or maybe it’s just me and my laziness talking, and in no way I want to be demotivational or disheartening, I’d just like a bug report system we can really be relying on and trust, as a sustainable system
Guys this is not the final solution to the problem, it‘s just a way to find out for me at this point in the timeline which of the 100+ issues I should prioritize in order to remove blockers for the majority of people.
The proper way to report bugs is still the Github issue list.
@Orvillain I think @Christoph-Hart is simply being kind in opening it up for people who don't know the bug-reporting system, and also allowing for public commentary here on the forum.