@Christoph-Hart Would it be complicated for you to add a property to allow dynamically choosing which Global Modulator Container to "read" from? I would like to control this in script and change it on runtime for the project I am working on.
Not being able to dynamically set the Global Modulator Container to read from is a rather big and annoying roadblock for me at the moment because I need to have multiple Global Modulator Containers (I need six LFO modulators, each with the ability to retrigger (or not) on MIDI note-ons (using a MidiMuter Midi Processor)), which is not compatible with the current global_mod node behaviour.
Another solution to my problem would be to have a parameter (that has to be dynamically changeable in script) in the LFO modulator that allows ignoring all (or some) MIDI events (the equivalent of having a MidiMuter, but without muting all MIDI events for everything else in the Global Modulator Container), resulting in the ability to individually retrigger (or not) on MIDI note-ons.
The trick with the legato mode and an out of range held note is not an option in my project, since I am exposing the legato parameter as a toggle button in the GUI (and I would rather not have users having to resort to this trick to fake a free running mode either).