Scriptnode: Global_mod only hears from one global mod container index
Hi all,
I have two global modulator containers, and insider two LFO modulators, one that triggers on note on and the other one is free running.
these LFO's are sent to scriptnode networks which receive the LFO's signal, attaches it to a table and sends that value to an external table in the UI.
Im using Global_mod node's index param to select which LFO to use.I've found that this index value only applies to (1) global modulator container. So I have no way of accessing the LFO's in the other global mod containers.
Is it possible to include LFO's that are apart of another container as part of the same global_mod index?
@Jlev777 Is it possible that the Global_mod Node was only intended to be used with one Global Modulator Container?
If I delete Global Modulator container1, it's still expecting modulator1
@Jlev777 i am also dealing with the 0expected0 thingy, why did this happen in your project ?
@Jlev777 This happened because I just tried removing the global modulator chain 1, it was just an experiment
@Christoph-Hart Would it be complicated for you to add a property to allow dynamically choosing which Global Modulator Container to "read" from? I would like to control this in script and change it on runtime for the project I am working on.
Not being able to dynamically set the Global Modulator Container to read from is a rather big and annoying roadblock for me at the moment because I need to have multiple Global Modulator Containers (I need six LFO modulators, each with the ability to retrigger (or not) on MIDI note-ons (using a MidiMuter Midi Processor)), which is not compatible with the current global_mod node behaviour.
Another solution to my problem would be to have a parameter (that has to be dynamically changeable in script) in the LFO modulator that allows ignoring all (or some) MIDI events (the equivalent of having a MidiMuter, but without muting all MIDI events for everything else in the Global Modulator Container), resulting in the ability to individually retrigger (or not) on MIDI note-ons.
The trick with the legato mode and an out of range held note is not an option in my project, since I am exposing the legato parameter as a toggle button in the GUI (and I would rather not have users having to resort to this trick to fake a free running mode either).