Happy holidays, guys!
Best posts made by tomekslesicki
Simplified install - MY SOLUTION
Hey guys! You helped me a lot as I had questions on my HISE journey and there's something I'd like to share with you:
One of the most confusing (read: support-email-generating) things about HISE is the sample folder location. Unlike Kontakt, it doesn't look into subfolders. Plus, since HISE exports the plugins as standard formats, chances are, some people who'd get the instruments might not have had any previous experience with samples or Kontakt and would be surprised that after they've installed the plugin, things don't work right away.SO...
I wrote a script (ok, two in fact - one is for Mac, the other for Windows) that solves this by auto-generating the link file and placing in the correct folder. When the user runs the installer, there's an option to locate the samples automatically. There's only one requirement for this to work - the samples need to be distributed along with the installer. I'm using Pulse to simplify the download process and it's perfect for that. The most recent versions added update functionality so if a new version of the plugin is out, it will be downloaded into the samples folder and auto-run. I'm sure there are other solutions out there but it's just something that I'm using.HOW TO: MAC
Create a text file with .sh extension (so for example, yourinstrument_locatesamples.sh) and set it as a post-install script in Whitebox Packages. I'm using it as a separate component named locate samples so that the user has an option to have it selected or not.Here's the script:
#!/bin/sh instrumentname="Blisko Cello" devname="Felt Instruments" FILE="$HOME/Library/Application Support/${devname}/${instrumentname}/LinkOSX" if test -n "$FILE"; then rm -R "$HOME/Library/Application Support/${devname}/${instrumentname}/LinkOSX" fi installer="${instrumentname}".pkg mystring=$1 echo basename: $(basename "${mystring}") echo basename + remove "${installer}": $(basename "${mystring}" "${installer}") sudo echo -n $(dirname "${mystring}") > "$HOME/Library/Application Support/${devname}/${instrumentname}/LinkOSX" exit 0
You only have to adapt the first two lines - instrumentname and devname. Export the installer as instrumentname.pkg and you should be fine.
I'm using innosetup on Windows. Here's the whole script:[Setup] #define AppName "Blisko Cello" #define AppVersion "1.1.2" #define DevDir "Felt Instruments" PrivilegesRequired=admin AppName={#AppName} AppVersion={#AppVersion} SignTool=signtool SignedUninstaller=yes DefaultDirName={pf}\{#DevDir}\{#AppName} DefaultGroupName={#AppName} Compression=lzma2 SolidCompression=yes OutputDir=.\installerbuild ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 OutputBaseFilename={#AppName} LicenseFile=".\installerAssets\EULA.rtf" WizardSmallImageFile=".\installerAssets\install_logo.bmp" ; BANNER WizardImageFile=".\installerAssets\banner_blisko_cello.bmp" SetupIconFile=".\installerAssets\windows_icon.ico" DisableWelcomePage=no DisableDirPage=yes DisableProgramGroupPage=yes SetupLogging=yes ChangesAssociations=no [Types] Name: "full"; Description: "Full installation" Name: "custom"; Description: "Custom installation"; Flags: iscustom [Dirs] Name: "{app}\"; Permissions: users-modify powerusers-modify admins-modify system-modify [Components] Name: "vst2_32"; Description: "{#AppName} {#AppVersion} 32-bit VST Plugin"; Types: full custom; Name: "vst2_64"; Description: "{#AppName} {#AppVersion} 64-bit VST Plugin"; Types: full custom; Check: Is64BitInstallMode; Name: "aax"; Description: "{#AppName} {#AppVersion} AAX Plugin"; Types: full custom; Check: Is64BitInstallMode; Name: "locatesamples"; Description: "Locate samples (recommended!)"; Types: full custom; [Files] ; VST Source: "{#AppName} x86.dll"; DestDir: "{code:GetVST2Dir_32}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: vst2_32; Check: not Is64BitInstallMode Source: "{#AppName} x86.dll"; DestDir: "{code:GetVST2Dir_32}\{#DevDir}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: vst2_32; Check: Is64BitInstallMode Source: "{#AppName} x64.dll"; DestDir: "{code:GetVST2Dir_64}\{#DevDir}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: vst2_64; Check: Is64BitInstallMode ;BEGIN_AAX Source: "{#AppName}.aaxplugin\*"; DestDir: "{commonpf}\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\{#AppName}.aaxplugin"; Flags:ignoreversion createallsubdirs recursesubdirs overwritereadonly; Components: aax ;END_AAX ; PRESETS Source: "{#AppName} UserPresets\*"; DestDir: "{userappdata}\{#DevDir}\{#AppName}\User Presets"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs; ; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files [Icons] Name: "{group}\Uninstall {#AppName}"; Filename: "{app}\Uninstall{#AppName}.exe" [Code] var OkToCopyLog : Boolean; VST2DirPage_32: TInputDirWizardPage; VST2DirPage_64: TInputDirWizardPage; SamplesDirPage: TInputDirWizardPage; SampleLocation: String; AppDataFolder: String; function SampleFolderLocated(): boolean; begin result := FileExists(ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\{#DevDir}\{#AppName}\LinkWindows')) and (not IsComponentSelected('locatesamples')); end; procedure InitializeWizard; begin if IsWin64 then begin VST2DirPage_64 := CreateInputDirPage(wpSelectDir, 'Confirm 64-Bit VST2 Plugin Directory', '', 'Select the folder in which setup should install the 64-bit VST2 Plugin(you can choose not to install this version later), then click Next.', False, ''); VST2DirPage_64.Add(''); VST2DirPage_64.Values[0] := ExpandConstant('{reg:HKLM\SOFTWARE\VST,VSTPluginsPath|{pf}\Steinberg\VSTPlugins}\'); VST2DirPage_32 := CreateInputDirPage(wpSelectDir, 'Confirm 32-Bit VST2 Plugin Directory', '', 'Select the folder in which setup should install the 32-bit VST2 Plugin(you can choose not to install this version later), then click Next.', False, ''); VST2DirPage_32.Add(''); VST2DirPage_32.Values[0] := ExpandConstant('{reg:HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\VST,VSTPluginsPath|{pf32}\Steinberg\VSTPlugins}\'); end else begin VST2DirPage_32 := CreateInputDirPage(wpSelectDir, 'Confirm 32-Bit VST2 Plugin Directory', '', 'Select the folder in which setup should install the 32-bit VST2 Plugin, then click Next.', False, ''); VST2DirPage_32.Add(''); VST2DirPage_32.Values[0] := ExpandConstant('{reg:HKLM\SOFTWARE\VST,VSTPluginsPath|{pf}\Steinberg\VSTPlugins}\'); end; end; function GetVST2Dir_32(Param: String): String; begin Result := VST2DirPage_32.Values[0] end; function GetVST2Dir_64(Param: String): String; begin Result := VST2DirPage_64.Values[0] end; function GetSamplesDir(Param: String): String; begin Result := SamplesDirPage.Values[0] end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); begin if CurStep = ssDone then OkToCopyLog := True; if not SampleFolderLocated() then begin SampleLocation := ExpandConstant('{src}'); AppDataFolder := ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\{#DevDir}\{#AppName}\LinkWindows'); SaveStringToFile(AppDataFolder, SampleLocation, False); end else end; procedure DeinitializeSetup(); begin if OkToCopyLog then FileCopy (ExpandConstant ('{log}'), ExpandConstant ('{app}\InstallationLogFile.log'), FALSE); RestartReplace (ExpandConstant ('{log}'), ''); end; [UninstallDelete] Type: files; Name: "{app}\InstallationLogFile.log"
What you need to edit is the first block and the banner .bmp file if you're using that.
That's all folks. Hopefully it will be useful to some of you!
RE: "The sample directory does not exist" - how can I change this text?
Ok, to hide the popup, you need to comment out line 130 in FrontentBar.cpp file (PresetHandler::showMessageWindow("Sample Folder changed).
The "The sample directory does not exist" text can be changed by editing line 197 in ModulatorSamplerData.cpp (the one below "sampler->getMainController()->sendOverlayMessage(DeactiveOverlay::State::CustomErrorMessage,").
Hope this helps somebody! :-)
RE: The definitive feature request & bug fix roadmap
Feature request:
global modulators on FX plugins!Done: https://github.com/christophhart/HISE/commit/7028aa13c3c5612bf152620a3d1a8ca94702bc8b
RE: The definitive feature request & bug fix roadmap
Bug report: interruptions in audio when using convolution fx plugins and Cubase’s Direct Offline Processing: https://forum.hise.audio/topic/4247/cubase-direct-offline-processing-audio-dropouts-on-fx-plugins/9
RE: Tell me about NKS and MPE in HISE
@ustk I’d add to that that the experience of playing an MPE keyboard is way different than your standard keys + mod wheel, so I’d recommend getting at least the Seaboard Block to get it right for the users
RE: HISE not building M1 architecture by default when exporting
@Casey-Kolb I think it's because AAX doesn't support M1 yet
RE: Packages not updating files on OSX 10.12
I figured it out and thought I'd post the solution here, maybe you'll find it useful. Create a file called YourInstrument.sh (I used SublimeText to do that but I guess you can create it in whatever really). Load it into Packages as a pre-install script. The file should contain the following code:
#!/bin/sh FILE=$HOME/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/YourFile.component if test -n "$FILE"; then rm -R $HOME/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/YourFile.component fi exit 0
If you have separate packages for AU and VST files, each can have its own .sh script with a path to the file.
What the script does is it removes the specified file before the install progresses. Done!
RE: Multichannel hardcoded Poly FX build can't be opened in a DAW
I found out that if I put NUM_MAX_CHANNELS also in the project settings, everything works just fine... :-)
RE: The definitive feature request & bug fix roadmap
Bug: convolution reverb volume changes when sample rate is changed.
Latest posts made by tomekslesicki
RE: Voice amount and soft limit don't work when group XFades are enabled
@Christoph-Hart I think the thing is, the mulitmics actually break it. It works fine without multimics.
RE: Voice amount and soft limit don't work when group XFades are enabled
@Christoph-Hart you're right, my bad, I'm using multiple mic positions, too. I just reproduced it with this configuration - group xfades AND multimic - but I also found a walkaround, so it might be a semantic error. If I want a mono synth behaviour, setting the soft limit to 2 works properly, but I don't think it's actually a correct behaviour? If I get it right:
- if I have 8 round robins with xfade enabled and play a key, HISE should report 8 voices playing, right?
- multimics are handled in some other way so I guess they're not included in the count?
- anyway, if one key gives me 8 voices, setting the voice limit to 16 and soft limit to 8 would mean that essentially, the sampler should allow just one key to sound, and play that with all 8 voices
Now, this doesn't work with multimic samples. If I set the soft limit to 2, it works correctly, but should it? There are 8 rr xfade groups.
RE: Voice amount and soft limit don't work when group XFades are enabled
@Christoph-Hart it's very easy to reproduce, actually:
- add a sampler, load two samples in, and set each to a different RR group - sample 1 goes to group 1, sample 2 goes to group 2. You can streatch them out so that both cover the same key range.
- enable group xfade
- set the voice limit to 4 and soft limit to two
- bang on as many notes on the keyboard as you wish - the limit logic won't work
RE: Voice amount and soft limit don't work when group XFades are enabled
@Christoph-Hart it would be great if the voice management would work with group xfades :-)
RE: global.mod node not working in a Global Modulator on Global Modulators after 35
@Christoph-Hart could you please take a look at this?
global.mod node not working in a Global Modulator on Global Modulators after 35
I have a rather complicated project with multiple scriptnode global modulators assigned to different parameters. Some global modulators use data from other global modulators using the global.mod node.
I just found out that if there are more than 34 global modulators, in next global modulators (so global modulator 35, 36, 37 and so on), the global.mod node will not receive modulation data, regardless of the index settings.
On global modulators up to 34, everything is working fine.
RE: Voice amount and soft limit don't work when group XFades are enabled
@Christoph-Hart would it be possible to fix this please?
RE: Voice amount and soft limit don't work when group XFades are enabled
@griffinboy yes, I understand this logic, but then wouldn't it make more sense if we could set the limit with respect to the groups used? So if I have 6 round robins, I would have to set the voice limit in multiples of 6 so that all notes can be played correctly. Sticking to this example of 6 round robins per voice, if I wanted, say, a monophonic behaviour, I would set the voice limit to 12 and soft limit to 6.
Voice amount and soft limit don't work when group XFades are enabled
@Christoph-Hart as soon as group XFades are enabled in a Sampler, voice amount and soft limit on that sampler are ignored.