Parse getUserPresetList() output into 2d array
@d-healey the code you wrote is super helpful but I've run into an issue when the user saves a preset.
My thought was to call your populatePresetsMenu(); function again after the save dialog. This does reload the file structure and properly gets the new preset file. But for some reason the formatting gets lost. It all comes in as a single list with items displaying :: in their name after folder names.
I don't really follow why it would do that since the first thing that function does is wipe out the items and repopulate the same as it does onInit. Not sure why it would come back borked up a second time when the same function is fine the first time around.
The next thing I would like to do is have the newly saved preset selected in the combobox.
These two seem like they should be straight forward building off your script but I'm not having much luck.
@whoopsydoodle said in Parse getUserPresetList() output into 2d array:
But for some reason the formatting gets lost. It all comes in as a single list with items displaying :: in their name after folder names.
Which HISE build are you on ? This has been fixed in the develop branch.
Hey David,I wanted to script something like this for my new plug-in. Is it ok if I use your script as a starting point for my script?
It is not an open source plug-in but a commercial product.
All the best
Oli -
@Oli-Ullmann Go for it.
Unless I specifically say otherwise, any code I post directly on the forum can be used by anyone for any purpose.
That's great, thank you very much! :-) If you ever need anything (in the area of sound design, demo songs or similar), feel free to get in touch! :-) You are always a great help here! -
@Matt_SF said in Parse getUserPresetList() output into 2d array:
This has been fixed in the develop branch.
Yep. That was it. Thanks. All good now with current build.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to have the menu select the currently loaded preset from it's items?
Is there something other than getCurrentUserPresetName() that will return the full path of the current preset not just the name? If there is then I can compare it against the output of getUserPresetList() to get an index for the current preset and then select that index in the combo box.
Never mind. I figured it out.
@d-healey This is super helpful thank you so much, I already had a one-dropdown version made but this allows to have the entire tree of plugins. Brilliant! Is there a simple solution to have the current preset stored when the plugin opens? It makes no sense storing the combo boxes value in a preset, so I wonder if there is another way to save what preset is currently loaded and have that open in the preset browser from the start
@Morphoice said in Parse getUserPresetList() output into 2d array:
@d-healey This is super helpful thank you so much, I already had a one-dropdown version made but this allows to have the entire tree of plugins. Brilliant! Is there a simple solution to have the current preset stored when the plugin opens? It makes no sense storing the combo boxes value in a preset, so I wonder if there is another way to save what preset is currently loaded and have that open in the preset browser from the start
put the name of the preset you have loaded in a text box, and have the text box's callback do the loading, and have the text box saveInPreset. Now cover the text box with a combo box, use LAF to make its default state transparent - so now you see the text box - showing you the name of the preset, and when you click on it the combobox Dave has created shows up, you select a preset and the combobox callback changes the value in the text box and calls the textbox's changed() functionality to load the actual preset.
Added functionality here is you can change the order add and remove presets in the combobox list and your existing presets all still work/load fine.
HiseSnippet 1132.3ocsV0saiSDEdbZc0FWVztRbMZH2fqnp+sKKHsphzlefHR6FQJq3tUiGOIYnimwxdRaiP8AfK4Yg2.DOPbC2R4LicrcZCo6FI5EQ8767cNymOmYPhhxRSUIHm5WLKlgb9H2gyj5IslP3RTu1HmO18LRplkfyTc5rXRZJKD43rw2ZT3TeSj8u+5aNkHHRJqTEB8VEmx5yi35RsCZ98bgnKIjcAOph2urYOpR1RITSA7rg6AnXB8RxX14Dia0bQNa0IjqUIC0DMKE74TU3rgSTWKy7+s7TdffYDNDMDRTlZTqIbQ3f40ZJB4r4fxJeirJ+SbOiGxKzW1Adl0.tLhp8.mZqBRG9A.ImJPZyLH8b2gzDdrtzhAOa61SBWHiHPqtJTx7EU6O1vskB7Pp2KhbIqaBHTDg+qN3fcwvO67ZOOOnempwWQRv8IALwg3iwyCcLS2REEqjffeiLyMrAwkBtjgGMUR0bkDqjYVMQlnD9z4gsKjYwT1Nd+hWcvXpRv1KNgaxWuHrPQB4xwXBNNgkxzXJQHXg3F3uHOtW6cKbdqFP6kZTaO3VP7A.iw+d.xB5kfZHaApSU2rZfmkJyw32PytQ2XWbgeFL0Syht.z6uCbNy8lNgHGyB8WYITb9+WUw8A38txNE9Z6x17zXAYl009mzsxEHMgATx9Jns1Wot7DYXWFSXfj2xhbuD1Xt4C8t4cH+FgIjqmiAnrm257GuKVE7yP2Ai8pu+9Alr8Yd2Zg2HUB1mh4xpDoSDhh5N0uQicrc182eQRA03JzjApeCayjOZQc3iOF2HikW.qc7pCopN0zAePstr5zj35d0u0bwTgLbtRydiz2BLua8v22znQK0V9MifkrTylAbIqJPe4zn.VRUBmwQXBvhiU158arBMqmWwQkrmjqeSLKWtqRDZFWX9+GNDBkeoYFGkiPvUscXzSyGFYo3HNjim3lQ2QVvCfzsM4JFB8i8ZSzj44.RGbDwrDM2TINsYWA6DxFvU2sMK8RsJFFuWvPPNdO5IdSwZCbPyYEBMCZxf9Fw1Z.fCeWV.qT3mdxA1YMfwZAimupo9VGcze96l3ulGpmTtQ5hlSX7wS.2cc9Tjs8Tfwsyv3ybWjPZg41tEe5ZPpqyuAwVhRTPyHhUuKHvgAHPe4ysnzqOWFpjdmPfo1dmoRhmX1f58c8F1QBDkw2uL1HGxtNCfbsHbqVg2c2c+p4nMsjRsHz+72Y6jevtGXqmJbpfnWbUnYmetAfHuv9GyNFYJWOq5aB9.1OdvJ2O99Bwm6NfqoSVNFqsDLB7z+OvX9qJdpamQiXTcI.2zs6OstOg3QN9ePMUCqTOinS3F904SiFB2zTFb5RISjZXF0L73L4CLxlNvPlLzJ.zj6xMdnQ1I23gyMhhHzD06nYCGLua4IVM.lj1moUGduHHiKlJT1mifmQ8NJcwT8f.OZcC7EqafubcC7KW2.e05F3WstA90OdflW4dxTsJJ6yFD5rAcrCxcb5HMiTsrUz+Bo8RejC
@Lindon ingenious thank you!
@Morphoice no problem - works for all cases where you have a combobox and you may at some point want to add to, or reorder or remove any elements...
@Lindon how do you get the full path of the preset to load from the label1 value? I only have the
I don't have that inside the label oncontrol only the displayed name. I only have the full path it in the combobox oncontrol. If I understand correctly the loading of the preset should be handled by the Label1
@Morphoice Use the user preset handler.
Then in the post load callback you can store the reference to the preset file
reg currentPresetFile; uph.setPostCallback(function(presetFile) { currentPresetFile = presetFile; });
@d-healey what is uph?
I loaded the preset like this inside the combobox callback
but that doesnt work for the labelEngine.loadUserPreset(Engine.getUserPresetList()[value - 1]+".preset");
@Morphoice said in Parse getUserPresetList() output into 2d array:
Reference to a user preset handler.
const uph = Engine.createUserPresetHandler();
@Morphoice said in Parse getUserPresetList() output into 2d array:
I loaded the preset like this inside the combobox callback
but that doesnt work for the labelWhat do you mean it doesn't work for the label?
@d-healey I'm wrong somewhere
inline function onLabel1Control(component, value) { Engine.loadUserPreset(Engine.getUserPresetList()[value - 1]+".preset"); }; Label1.setControlCallback(onLabel1Control);
Interface: Factory Presets/Plucks/Echoes Interface: loading preset Echoes Interface:! presethandler.js (51): '-' is not allowed on the String type
@Morphoice said in Parse getUserPresetList() output into 2d array:
Engine.loadUserPreset(Engine.getUserPresetList()[value - 1]+".preset");
This is only going to work in the combo box's callback. In a label's callback the value will be the label's text.
@d-healey exactly, hence my question how I can get to load it in the label :) don't I need to do that there instead of in the combo? Or am I missing the point?
@Morphoice If I'm understanding correctly you have the preset name in the label's text/value, so what about