Issue creating true monophonic behavior
@Christoph-Hart said in Issue creating true monophonic behavior:
Don't change the voice amount, but only the voice limit:
@Christoph-Hart Yup quickly figured this out. Only changing Voice Limit now
@lalalandsynth said in Issue creating true monophonic behavior:
Is it reasonable to expect an update where you can make paraphonic behaviour ?
That is , a poly synth with monophonic envelopes ?Actually this is supposed to work already, it's just superfishy, but I'm cleaning it up now.
Quick question: in a monophonic envelope, the attack value is ramping from the current value, not from zero if it's retriggered, yes?
So this gap here should not be there (as you can see I had to create a small ramp in order to remove clicks, but the other solution would be to just ramp up from the current value).
Alright that gap is gone. You can still enable it with
if you depend on that behaviour, but it only affects monophonic envelopes which were broken anyway :)I've also redesigned the bipolar frequency modulation for the filter. I didn't bother about any backwards flags as I am not aware that it's used in any live project.
I've changed it to pan mode, which has these implications:
- all modulators can be switched between bipolar and unipolar and the intensity goes from -100% to 100%
- the modulation signals are added instead of multiplied
The bipolar freq knob should now respond as expected, but I'm open to suggestions here.
With these fixes and the other one with the squared time-variant modulators you should have anything you need in order to use the monophonic envelopes.
@Christoph-Hart Excellent !!
Let me test this , will report :) -
This is the classic retrig behaviour although reset to zero is also used in some cases.
@Christoph-Hart just so I am testing properly, do I still need to put a mono envelope on top of the poly one ? And if so...will that not cause problems? Anyway..will test this
Yes, you need a poly envelope on top of the monophonic one - you always need at least one polyphonic envelope.
Filter Cutoff modulation with Envelope is not working now, bipolar modulation works though
FAIL! How could I miss that :)
@Christoph-Hart Terrible, how could you... ;)
I will wait for that fix ;)
As I am coming back to HISE and testing out monophonic envelopes , I still dont see how this can work unless I am missing some changes ?
So...I am now working on a monophonic synth with monophonic envelopes.
It seems like I still need a polyphonic envelope before the monophonic one ,so I need to leave the release up on the poly one (or I do not have the option of release on the second mono one) but that will never work , as a new note will now play the release portion of the first note resulting in 2 notes playing ?
What am I doing wrong here ?
Here is a simple mono envelope with little release, the attack portion works correctly.
HiseSnippet 758.3oc6W0raSCDDdcRVTq.pJH.0Cbvu.fhgxO2RZSSppnoDEGZ4V0h8zjUrd2f85VxiFuE7nz2.XV6zZaEqnTKJfD3Sd9lcr+1Y91YrGDp7fnHUHwZ8QylBDq6QcmI0S5LgwkjC1iXsAsOKRCg1oP6NaJKJB7IVV022.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.5JOGDJDwv2GR2CNiEKzWgVTv2WIUSmnjbu7pgrl24.KcysiViCCyPVq8PP.r7J60ZeHpHYgXNCVVdoxs6KLJZY0tsnoz01bJ09upt8KuDlBZu5kvKaU4RH6aKVBe5+Kg2hCrq+u4.6gpXMWNtOCEpeE+b2ihCbw4jd.xDoDD3KhZUyLqK0towNcPozOw3G30bmNFaq4Nctx4uk2Q.yKTcJNmWGpDFs7ZIH39Vl7CBqi+oBZa6PNmIhQ.Js4yaRBvAbm54YR2OCyOkGyKpPLurBwrcEh4UUHlWWgXdSEh4sKMFy2VrSrVEjdTDAFzcOllgZ8tRFpjST8jeBzCrF+O
And here is a demonstration of what happens when you add release on the poly envelope (to be able to have release on the mono envelope) and this will never really work ? Please tell me I am being stupid here , but this was exactly one of the problems when I took a pause from HISE.
HiseSnippet 766.3oc6W0raSCDDdcRVTq.pJH.0Cbvu.fhgxO2ZZSSppnoDEGZ4V0h8zjUrdWi85VxMds3HuA7.vCQeCfYsSqioVQoVT.Ivm77M6X+sy7syX2OR4AwwpHh0xCmDBDqaQcmH0iaOlwkjc2lXsBsGKVCQ1YPaMIjEGC9DKq56X.rVtAI85rM1hIXROHGhPNPw8f83AbcNZ+VuhKDcY9vPdvLqd8V65ojsUBUBxm5zljPl26Yif8YlkUiRrtQGetVE4pYZHlX0XKk+D2wpSkYq+.dL+cBvX3PbwGTFbWkv2vXy8j1i4B+9muuiIDKZ+7rP8rrv8n8397KvyyFql5vNOhYyGV0lG8bpH8rtL8tOcOXDSqNjqGO.zQ7QifnT9s1TO1mhtruvmSQdVuHOquX77xbizVI0fTaJp4jrQFIwTkxOQfjoP9yHZl5fqJpm107vh45IyJptBI0lklTcJi3KHcuCsOW6Mtb9VqD9h0qqa9NUCbaZmiOF7z4jsAs6aqpdrZTYkLpbSpKWBo8MRIxCRssOjcBXuCHgHSR0YNsN95h15Hbgac7ZOM95GFwjwgp3BOXWHfOTIMYjbv2DCcifOLvTkmEushEUpqy1nKtIKMFWlNIJUtrYfJQpKHOpWodDEO0Ly5KogQi+.8y90ez6ZsSwUn8as9WZF4pn9NHT.cjm.BEhX36coaCGyRD5yQKJ36ojpvwJI2aV0Pdy6Y.KcysoViCCyQVp0.P.rbk8m91WZsGpHYQXNClWdoxs6KLJZd0t0nYz01bJ09upt8yuDlAZu3kvy1nxkP1m+4RHg7v+WBuFGXW+eyA1CTIZtbTOFJT+H94t6mD3hyI8.jIRIHvWD0plYVWlcSic1fRoepw2wqoNcL1VSc5btyeKui.lWj5HbNuNRILZ4kRQv8sL8GDVF+SEz11gbBSjf.TZyG2jDfC3NxyyjteDleJOlmTgXdZEhY8JDyypPLOuBw7hJDyKmaLlusXyDsJH6nHBzuy1LMC05cjLTImp5I+.+rXxT.
I would like the ability to play monophonic trills with my Vapor and Nostalgia lead patches. In other words, pedal (hold down) one note while playing a series of (other) notes. The pedal note should automatically retrigger when the other notes are released. Check out the synth lead from Styx's "Fooling Yourself" for example.
This is a basic feature of Moog Modular V, ImpOSCar, Minimonsta etc.
But, I haven't figured out how to get Kompakt to automatically retrigger the pedal note. I have read in Reaktor/Kontakt forums about using a special script to do this...but, what about Kompakt? -
@gigekiy Is this related to HISE? What is Kompakt?