Issue creating true monophonic behavior
This is the classic retrig behaviour although reset to zero is also used in some cases.
@Christoph-Hart just so I am testing properly, do I still need to put a mono envelope on top of the poly one ? And if so...will that not cause problems? Anyway..will test this
Yes, you need a poly envelope on top of the monophonic one - you always need at least one polyphonic envelope.
Filter Cutoff modulation with Envelope is not working now, bipolar modulation works though
FAIL! How could I miss that :)
@Christoph-Hart Terrible, how could you... ;)
I will wait for that fix ;)
As I am coming back to HISE and testing out monophonic envelopes , I still dont see how this can work unless I am missing some changes ?
So...I am now working on a monophonic synth with monophonic envelopes.
It seems like I still need a polyphonic envelope before the monophonic one ,so I need to leave the release up on the poly one (or I do not have the option of release on the second mono one) but that will never work , as a new note will now play the release portion of the first note resulting in 2 notes playing ?
What am I doing wrong here ?
Here is a simple mono envelope with little release, the attack portion works correctly.
HiseSnippet 758.3oc6W0raSCDDdcRVTq.pJH.0Cbvu.fhgxO2RZSSppnoDEGZ4V0h8zjUrd2f85VxiFuE7nz2.XV6zZaEqnTKJfD3Sd9lcr+1Y91YrGDp7fnHUHwZ8QylBDq6QcmI0S5LgwkjC1iXsAsOKRCg1oP6NaJKJB7IVV022.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.5JOGDJDwv2GR2CNiEKzWgVTv2WIUSmnjbu7pgrl24.KcysiViCCyPVq8PP.r7J60ZeHpHYgXNCVVdoxs6KLJZY0tsnoz01bJ09upt8KuDlBZu5kvKaU4RH6aKVBe5+Kg2hCrq+u4.6gpXMWNtOCEpeE+b2ihCbw4jd.xDoDD3KhZUyLqK0towNcPozOw3G30bmNFaq4Nctx4uk2Q.yKTcJNmWGpDFs7ZIH39Vl7CBqi+oBZa6PNmIhQ.Js4yaRBvAbm54YR2OCyOkGyKpPLurBwrcEh4UUHlWWgXdSEh4sKMFy2VrSrVEjdTDAFzcOllgZ8tRFpjST8jeBzCrF+O
And here is a demonstration of what happens when you add release on the poly envelope (to be able to have release on the mono envelope) and this will never really work ? Please tell me I am being stupid here , but this was exactly one of the problems when I took a pause from HISE.
HiseSnippet 766.3oc6W0raSCDDdcRVTq.pJH.0Cbvu.fhgxO2ZZSSppnoDEGZ4V0h8zjUrdWi85VxMds3HuA7.vCQeCfYsSqioVQoVT.Ivm77M6X+sy7syX2OR4AwwpHh0xCmDBDqaQcmH0iaOlwkjc2lXsBsGKVCQ1YPaMIjEGC9DKq56X.rVtAI85rM1hIXROHGhPNPw8f83AbcNZ+VuhKDcY9vPdvLqd8V65ojsUBUBxm5zljPl26Yif8YlkUiRrtQGetVE4pYZHlX0XKk+D2wpSkYq+.dL+cBvX3PbwGTFbWkv2vXy8j1i4B+9muuiIDKZ+7rP8rrv8n8397KvyyFql5vNOhYyGV0lG8bpH8rtL8tOcOXDSqNjqGO.zQ7QifnT9s1TO1mhtruvmSQdVuHOquX77xbizVI0fTaJp4jrQFIwTkxOQfjoP9yHZl5fqJpm107vh45IyJptBI0lklTcJi3KHcuCsOW6Mtb9VqD9h0qqa9NUCbaZmiOF7z4jsAs6aqpdrZTYkLpbSpKWBo8MRIxCRssOjcBXuCHgHSR0YNsN95h15Hbgac7ZOM95GFwjwgp3BOXWHfOTIMYjbv2DCcifOLvTkmEushEUpqy1nKtIKMFWlNIJUtrYfJQpKHOpWodDEO0Ly5KogQi+.8y90ez6ZsSwUn8as9WZF4pn9NHT.cjm.BEhX36coaCGyRD5yQKJ36ojpvwJI2aV0Pdy6Y.KcysoViCCyQVp0.P.rbk8m91WZsGpHYQXNClWdoxs6KLJZd0t0nYz01bJ09upt8yuDlAZu3kvy1nxkP1m+4RHg7v+WBuFGXW+eyA1CTIZtbTOFJT+H94t6mD3hyI8.jIRIHvWD0plYVWlcSic1fRoepw2wqoNcL1VSc5btyeKui.lWj5HbNuNRILZ4kRQv8sL8GDVF+SEz11gbBSjf.TZyG2jDfC3NxyyjteDleJOlmTgXdZEhY8JDyypPLOuBw7hJDyKmaLlusXyDsJH6nHBzuy1LMC05cjLTImp5I+.+rXxT.
I would like the ability to play monophonic trills with my Vapor and Nostalgia lead patches. In other words, pedal (hold down) one note while playing a series of (other) notes. The pedal note should automatically retrigger when the other notes are released. Check out the synth lead from Styx's "Fooling Yourself" for example.
This is a basic feature of Moog Modular V, ImpOSCar, Minimonsta etc.
But, I haven't figured out how to get Kompakt to automatically retrigger the pedal note. I have read in Reaktor/Kontakt forums about using a special script to do this...but, what about Kompakt? -
@gigekiy Is this related to HISE? What is Kompakt?