@Dan-Korneff This was it. I appreciate your help!

RE: VirtualBox + Export Wizard
VirtualBox + Export Wizard
I've finally got a MacOS (BigSur) running on VirtualBox. I chose BigSur because I keep seeing/reading that the newer OS versions don't like VirtualBox.
I've got HISE compiled and operating. Im running the Export Wizard and am failing the Xcode authorization. I am using Xcode 13.2 as I think the newer versions are not compatible with BigSur. Is this an issue?
I've tried exporting a demo project. The terminal opens, runs for a few seconds and then says "Complete" although no plugins were ever compile to the binaries.
Now when trying to compile I see this error in the terminal:
xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance
Is anyone familiar with Mac or Virtual Machines that could help me out?
Thank you.
RE: Saving/Exporting Edited Audio
@d-healey Ok cool, let me check this out! Thanks.
Saving/Exporting Edited Audio
Is it possible to save/export the edited audio from within a sampler/audioloopplayer?
Say I drop a sample into the sampler, I add some effects and parameters, I then want to export the final sound/sample to a folder (preferably selected by the user).
Any help is appreciated.
RE: HISE Build - "This application is not supported on this Mac"
@d-healey Then my job here is done.
RE: HISE Build - "This application is not supported on this Mac"
@d-healey Of course I did, because I'm a bit mentally challenged...
HISE Build - "This application is not supported on this Mac"
Hey Gang,
I had an older version of HISE on my (quite shitty) Mac MINI. I have removed it and am attempting to build the new version. Everything builds and compiles as expected.
When I go to open the Standalone HISE project, Mac alerts me with a message:
"You can't open the application "HISE" because this application is not supported on this Mac."
Have there been some substantial changes that would hinder this version from being installed on my (quite shitty) Mac MINI?
RE: Video Game Sampling Laws/Legal Obligations
@clevername27 Yes, that option crossed my mind lol.
@aaronventure Ok cool, I'll check this out and see what I can come up with,
@DanH Thanks. Do you recommend this simply because of copyright issues?
Video Game Sampling Laws/Legal Obligations
Does anybody know the laws or legal obligations of sampling old video games? Not the theme music or any instrumental section but one-shot samples and fx.
RE: Creating Multiple Samplemaps
@d-healey I figured out that it was looking for samples titled differently. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the script. Once I changed all my sample names, it worked.
RE: Creating Multiple Samplemaps
@d-healey yes, it was taken directly from the script you provided. I just changed the file location and exported file names within the "btnRun" callback.
RE: Creating Multiple Samplemaps
@d-healey I've gotten past that and am able to get it to run the script and generate samplemaps, but, the samplemaps contain no samples. I have this in the
xml file within the samplemap script, which I believe is directing the script to the samples.FileName="{PROJECT_FOLDER}Tape/%samplename%.wav"
Again, the samplemaps are generating, the names are correct, the information within the new samplemap xml all seems to look correct. But the samples themselves are not included.
RE: Creating Multiple Samplemaps
@d-healey I found it. Where are you saving the
reg dir
xml? Did I miss this somewhere? -
RE: Creating Multiple Samplemaps
@d-healey Awesome, on Youtube or Patreon?
Creating Multiple Samplemaps
Hey Gang,
Im importing a bunch of single samples and generating samplemaps for each. The settings are the same for each sample.
I would like to be able to bulk import samples and generate individual samplemaps. Can I import & generate multiple samplemaps with the same settings? For instance the same Root Note, High Key, & Low Key?
What about sample loop points?
RE: if (value >= -1) | issue with IF function
@d-healey Ahhh, ok I see. Let me implement this into the project. Thanks again.
RE: if (value >= -1) | issue with IF function
@d-healey Of course, Im slow with this.
So in short with this snippet, I need the EQ & Reverb to start immediately with the knob. The EQ value I would like to be from 0 to 8, but goes to -8.
The SimpleGain needs to go from -100 to 0 during the full knob rotation. Right now it goes from -100 to 0 when the knob hits 50%.
I guess its functioning worse than I initially thought once building a simpler model of it.
HiseSnippet 1476.3oc2X0rbaTDDdWKuorTfTDpDfSTakhCJTAWZsCgTE+XEqeBpHNVXYRfSgw6NRZvyNylcm0FEJ+TvobBNyS.vk3GAJdBnJt.23Afpfd1ezNihPVwjXvQGb4omt68q6d5eloaH2EGEwCMLKu8n.rg4KX0aDSLrwPDgYzoog44r1.EIvg1ojVeT.JJB6YXZV5lRBlkWzH42er15HJh4hKHYXbGNwEeKhOQTPsa8OhPosQd3sI9Jbe05cb4rFbJOFvSIqZFAH2cQCv2FIYaAKCyyzxiH3g8DHANxvzZct2ndC46yR4+NjHxNTrbgiQOPQojayodRDK++M2CGtGAuuJMiFCITut49hHCPycK7LkR8LWvZChGYL8BOzKkrgcgDp9HyEzgbIMH6nB4ZJPdJPxTARKlBoya0yMjDHJ1QhmyZ0gAAr9HHTnBkTdMV3UJY0fCbvDK6i1E2NDVLVhpWqVsqXC+4xuakJP3HRXuGJzdCvX2ksi86amK5.rnA2OfyfEUuT19WRWptnPHzIBI2u0G6.xlbzRJYq98wtfXELXCbHktP3dD+.JdKLDv1YpBmxfcFGSSX4AzYIZx9IXtBgQILrc+XlqfvY1bVlIIs2PNspatwdE3CPiwWtxWUoLouc0jU1ef8a4b4JkAZk0r5kivhaHfE6DKvU02R94yzl8aZec.GkKqY05Bqu0cwhaA+KsPA0VNQEGTorJvdO6ZY3RwmLMEmtgNlbRNG.p7.vGcDQdoNybVMPT5NPta0I8hfxT7v2lKvaxpl3IqbPE6I2pe+otWltn3votsrnR3rDrJK1eGbnZbTxHjUompdl+4TU0pKtotEEF4rNLhXy.b15hZMNSIw1HyuJSwyPHvpHIA+bYI38nDObnAATRYqLWpQB7Up+9HiOoSSj.kqHPmv2I.GJHRywrIdOnXbZkixVMwQ6J3AI7lELMLWZN9re43OY8un9nwKNbP88IdhgPsSyeFVODSFLTHW8cvJesNEOxm34Qwc4QDYnQsggwiWkCpux8hoHgdQW4I0rMj5PsRmrZFCz8H0tSSVIdw4qR7QD7lS3ddqtDg6voi2ElBdgf3yZ7l0W6EsRqJV.1EsZ+oyrI1hyWlwQzisjBVpjerrQb3d3V2OKFq2ePCS2N1uMgBcsjyAXZBl15HlWsbO3Ve+qenjfSwo0uotjvJ5Srv7VcRBWsfvR0a2d6VLDXboNhRyc2bmY1M2XKdrfvFrABLNHixBLmdvbOtXHLvXXZhUsfr5P55Zx0RH0CmXkVl+E7KaSmbWfbSm7MUi0YS2AI1JMQxbx58Q0bxaw498HOHuJy29vG96q0D4G.HOiT8UW8WWKuWTFsCEe8u8nlgiTo84+Xm+bs6lVfnPWsCw3GfgrBkuvOr1oVu7RimgdbG0rYnUG3XFyP+YG1DSQZkAT8YRNpOkor6vfPmnKmhBmrHxSKWo4hyckNoIYepox7Kak3xOMA3jiDmd.rrL9+GNPbBWL3hotjyZcWzd3jafj3MtXx597Pe6ahY3PouZVkD9o48Z0Ay80p2zU.PX6PDKJfGgcT07D6sh5dMwhXlN6ojz3RZdsAyyQsMZNwUTIBGKzTFrVSSaPJl0z3WVKsObOLXMdaF4BFqz2odtoaLMBmjc3nJXA4UTI+gnPOHt3Nq5kVyW8R8YQU3+wetgoczz7LOqdtgS3D8+syj+z40QJmiwzttsftiT3dPiK22GESE4T0y81fy3AC4Lh1ohsjifNX.V6v1TMH3R0v8dKnbg5agoXTjR93aT+VDFFEpL0ySpuv4I9khlZ750rRgqsrfg8yG2kpzyQ2k5YQFJTS8zSj9Usf57qXmDts+uOdeRL.wIw2vG4Fxuma5aMIKXrTBEvtYIuzt7sdf01NS9DSx2wwibOWWcU8XBtxwUvUOtBd0iqfu8wUvqcbE7cNtBd8iVP4jA2HVv8SySfQn51J4IAMMUdECi+FfMPi.P
if (value >= -1) | issue with IF function
I have a knob set from -1 to 1. This knob is scripted to control multiple effects via
.Im using
if (value >= -1)
to set the effects to the desired value if knob is greater than or equal to -1.It works as it should but ONLY once the knob hits 50%. Before that, no effects take place. Once the knob hits 50% (or 0) then the effects begin to add.
Most effects values are normalized percentage but also have some EQ & Gain modules, which act in the same manner.
I'd like the effects to begin as soon as the knob is turned rather than no effects taking place before the knob is halfway turned.
Am I misunderstanding the IF function?
RE: Angled Sliders Issue
@Christoph-Hart Awesome, thank you.
Just out of curiosity, trying to link the scripted knobs/sliders via the Property Editor does not work. Is this simply because they are scripted or something to do with the CSS implemented?