@HISEnberg I think it's because of the window. I would appreciate the rnbo reverse delay
RE: Reverse Delay Faust
Reverse Delay Faust
Hi there, I've found this Reverse Delay code for Faust online but when I try to use it it in script node it cracks a lot. Does anyone know how to fix it?
declare name "reversedelay"; import("stdfaust.lib"); MAX_DELAY = 48000; phasor_phase(dtime,phase)= ((os.lf_rawsaw(dtime)+phase)% dtime) :int; //phase shift in sample indexphasor(dtime,phase) = phasor_phase(dtime*2,phase)<: <=(dtime),(*(-1)+dtime*2),_ : select2; //folded triangle delay_module(dtime,phase) = rwtable(MAX_DELAY,0.0,indexphasor(dtime,phase):int,_,indexphasor(dtime,phase+1):int):window with{ window = *( sin(0.5*ma.PI* phasor_phase(dtime,phase)/dtime)); };//init have to be 0.0 floating point reversedelay_mono(dtime) = _<:delay_module(dtime,0),delay_module(dtime,dtime/2):>_; reversedelay_pingpong(dtime,spread,fb) = (si.bus(2),pingpong_premix :>reversedelay_mono(dtime),reversedelay_mono(dtime)) ~ distribute with{ distribute = _,_<:*(1-spread),*(spread),*(spread),*(1-spread):+,+:fbgain; pingpong_premix = _,_<:_,*(spread),*(0),*(1-spread):>+,+; fbgain = *(fb) ,*(fb*si.interpolate(spread,1,0.5)); }; reversedelay_pingpong_mix(dtime,spread,fb,mix) = _,_<:_,_,reversedelay_pingpong(dtime,spread,fb):ro.cross2 : si.interpolate(mix),si.interpolate(mix); process =reversedelay_pingpong_mix(hslider("delaytime",20000,0,MAX_DELAY-1,1),hslider("spread",0,0,1,0.001),hslider("fb",0,0,0.9999,0.001),hslider("mix",0,0,1,0.001));
RE: Build failed CompileC
@d-healey that's what I tried first I've cleaned build folder and tried to compile a test project
RE: Build failed CompileC
@d-healey said in Build failed CompileC:
the newest 4.1.0
Which commit?the newest I've downloaded it yesterday
RE: Build failed CompileC
@d-healey AU and VST3 both doesn't work building VST3 doesn't say this Build Carbon Recources but this CompileC error
RE: Build failed CompileC
that's what comes before the Build Carbon resources and ** BUILD FAILED**
Compiling FX plugin Plugintest ... Building targets in manual order is deprecated - check "Parallelize build for command-line builds" in the project editor, or set DISABLE_MANUAL_TARGET_ORDER_BUILD_WARNING in any of the targets in the current build to suppress this warning ▸ Compiling include_juce_gui_extra.mm ▸ Compiling include_melatonin_blur.cpp ▸ Compiling include_juce_product_unlocking.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_osc.cpp ▸ Compiling include_juce_opengl.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_gui_basics.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_graphics.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_events.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_dsp.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_data_structures.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_cryptography.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_core.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_audio_utils.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_audio_processors.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_audio_plugin_client_utils.cpp ▸ Compiling include_juce_audio_plugin_client_VST_utils.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_audio_formats.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_audio_devices.mm ▸ Compiling include_juce_audio_basics.mm ▸ Compiling include_hi_zstd_3.mm ▸ Compiling include_hi_zstd_2.mm ▸ Compiling include_hi_zstd_1.mm ▸ Compiling include_hi_tools_02.cpp ▸ Compiling include_hi_tools_01.cpp ▸ Compiling include_hi_streaming.cpp ▸ Compiling include_hi_snex_62.cpp ▸ Compiling include_hi_snex_61.c
RE: Build failed CompileC
@d-healey no, that's all about the error that is in the terminal. I can check again at which step it stops exactly, but it stops almost immediately.
RE: Build failed CompileC
@treynterrio I have already 3 macbooks with HISE so I don't think I did an mistake while I build it. This problem happens when I try to export a plugin I already made
RE: Build failed CompileC
@Noahdeetz I've build HISE 4.1 from the source code.
Build failed CompileC
Hi there, I've asked a similar question already and the fix was to clean the build directory but this time this doesn't work. I've reinstalled HISE on my Intel Macbook and I tried to export a plugins but every time it says ** BUILD FAILED **
Build Carbon Resources build phases are no longer supported. Rez source files should be moved to the Copy Bundle Resources build phase. (in target 'Plugintest - AU' from project 'Plugintest')
The following build commands failed: CompileC /Users/tt/Desktop/Plugintest/Binaries/Builds/MacOSX/build/Plugintest.build/Release/Plugintest\ -\ Shared\ Code.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/include_hi_streaming.o /Users/tt/Desktop/Plugintest/Binaries/JuceLibraryCode/include_hi_streaming.cpp normal x86_64 c++ com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler (in target 'Plugintest- Shared Code' from project 'Plugintest') (1 failure)
Could anyone tell me how I could fix this? Thanks
FX Plugins doesnt show up in CUBASE (MAC)
Hi there, I've tested my FX plugins in all DAWs and they work without any problems. I've send them to someone who should tested it in CUBASE for me and for him it doesnt work.
Bypassing Plugin crashes FL on Windows
Hi there, I can use my FX plugin normally in FL studio, but if I want to bypass it via FL it crashes. What could be the problem?
RE: Logic Pro VST3
@d-healey could an exported AU FX plugin then work in logic?