@HISEnberg usualy there should be no script network xml because this workflow does not save the node since thats the root of the error.
Did you try it?
@HISEnberg usualy there should be no script network xml because this workflow does not save the node since thats the root of the error.
Did you try it?
@HISEnberg ill just write here what i did /if this issues is not solved yet on your end) maybe you can do it exactly like that and confirm it crashes on your end?
01 create empty project
02 load your snipped (i added a reverb on the left chain aswell besides gain)
03 set export as vst3 as an option in settings aswell as setting a category
04 save the whole project as an xml (dont save or compile any nodes)
05 directly export as vst3 FX
05 open in ableton
I know you know the process but i think you are saving the node or compiling something, or have old compilations in the project that causes the bug.
@HISEnberg works perfectly fine on my end.
Did you try the process how i was explaining it in your thread?
@d-healey i will try that. Since i record from my Eurorack i usually just have one sample that gets pitched up and down. Is the best way to create multiple samples from the initial sample suplicating it with ableton timestretch?
Or is the best way reducing notes for either bass and lead to a fixed playable keyboard range? I am quite new to Sampling but multisample each key might not be possible - i will try this tho :)
@d-healey Yes, + it is being pitched and hold sustained with the loop points.
Just made some more tests, my mac seems to not crash. My Windows crashes when the pitch is too high.
Hey there i just built the latest HISE to test the new release trigger feature that allows to playback the samples tail - even when a loop point is set. Usually on other samplers i use the release phase just dissolves the fixed looppoints - so my looppoint end will also be my release start when i get it to work.
I have encountered two issues:
01 Perfect loop points gets clicky (while holding note) as soon as i add in a "ReleaseStart
02 After adding release start to my sample playing it back with a keyboard will crash HISE after some notes.
Did anybody else have this issue?
@HISEnberg the HISE compilation worked fine. Its just when you open it in your DAW it gets an error and shows no UI at all. Cleaning build directory, deleting all saved scriptnodes (if there are any inside the DspNetworks\Networks
folder) and compiling dlls (without saving nodes - only project).
Usually this fixed it for me most of the time. I only had this issue when using multiple saved or compiled nodes inside other nodes or when going from hardcodedFX back to scriptnode.
Question, do you save the scriptnode before compiling and this might cause the error?
@d-healey no unfortunately not, all my pcs that i tried work like a charm with these VSTs
@HISEnberg i had this issue aswell when saving scriptnodes.
I think i fixed it by deleting the saved scriptnode and recompiling without the saved node again.
I guess you tried that already but there is definitely some error potential when saving scriptnodes instead of them being saved by HISE project.
Hey there, my vst3 FX seems to crash the DAW of my customer.
She is on Mac using FL Studio, both the plugins only crash on the Master when exporting to mp3 format.
In the session everything is working fine. The plugins have been sold since a while and this is the only time this issue got reported so far.
Any ideas? I think this is very strange and i have no idea where to start ^^
@Morphoice awesome will give it a try! ty
@Morphoice hey man same issue here. I had Xcode 15.4 + HISE 4.0 working without problems, now its not working anymore on Sequoia giving me the Cycle inside a single target error.
What was the fix you did?
@ustk no way you are right! i tried a few modes it amkes sense now. what does rms mean?
I just found out the dry wet template inside of scriptnode gets quiet if its on 50% mix (drywet) how do you guys solve this? I usually dont want my audio to dip in volume when using an inbetween dry/wet.
HiseSnippet 1345.3oc6X0raabCDlqjoRrhaSBZ688PO3.XHX05lVfdv+I6VgFaK300M8jKytTRDZWxEbohsZQu2CEnm8s9Hzq8leG5KPeDxaP5LKW4cWIKaUgjbJx.FhjC47Mey2LbW0Qq74IIJMwY4SFEyINqP8FIM82sOSHIsaQb9P5ArDCW6ZmZmQwrjDd.wwo52fS3r7RjzOuZycXgLoOOeJB4Tkvm+LQjvjOams9NQX39r.9IhnBVuwVs8UxcUgpg.dpRWmDy7Gv5wOjglUgRbpsWfvnzdFlgmPbVZGUvHu9pykV6OUjHdQHGGzj3AGjc58UgAHhwYI61WDFzYbbmPfSoSNKT0xBeL8.Qf354yYiGktfa9NJxGNUJCupkfWyYAua.RNEfzRVH8XpmuVDaxWAwyCnskPxoKCn8hPwZKw4J5tJv.ooQDa.eeML35Mr5SWe80bg+8jut6PouQnjtJ4gJC+H4pOo9uTe45+Zc2IWpa2abMzMZUXHWeiKiYZ8sswUkCidAWul6KYgC4WaHD9k4zZyGm5ai5BFpjskByQw7rw2tnfjQav2991sXFFlTxlCrKlqMBDNNs3uDT31TzxzV7jAFULnwmJ+AJGUvvPlorbBqgxV.3iR4PLQISDlQEqwlTiszr4i0m6Rf4EtOl1QX76ey3sxMfWf0dai2rJ1OftW2tbeSNXWht+yu0xyklOoTNTl2R05Ykpf+QfrR1P28edyarH82n4EDwZdLSyOQ0IjMZ0DVTbH+X.uq49hPk+.OwOymtJJ1BgcPKV0uOSJ4gIKRwVs2PMvHGqFZDxdGvLZwEDG5gCi7f1597cyPGLmSErNyNdcbLpW73xfzAuF9jsXSbrS1hMGuXgRzC4lyU5AooiruSbtmk6SRI4y5dQSx1ggpy2UEEKxTuPNHctNpvQw8URgONk0hwHc6H0PvIYv8aYImvDgnb2aXBzLI3HoGXb50dNUOkqSRO36QWuA7GH+OTE.KUaelOPri5vL8w5Hr+DHT45F9WKXKg0h5D7HFesnkk.HFggNdoHle5vzvcjPecrkTEmpEZQYUn3Hntrh0OsSNEW0mERNEU.3lHnWrLnEwno0oA5QmcN2.8KmU.jDGB2tOMJJh5kq06xe+0HxKFWEiBaTh9Oiwn49OF84cPfyOeMkmRizGNNROKRbAWW1cOJ0cPgSiK5BO1hdldKONK5wwcPfVPkyLUlHy7PrNo.KlkbrROxDFWC6PyGay8oOCXClFJRNG6QeBS2iaRcRwIxtFSxS6HjTdXFizNXLw2CY1qwCNeszKrJ6j4+LQ5c1mYg.GEsiGAESGHjYgY9EKGvtXh4d0ldFdL1grncdC3maSlEsDIv6QsGvTG81CMpHnCXZJiLU4PZDTRe7.Pen4M5caBw6TZTonznLYT81Iie7poICHvKSF+4kW92aNEYbUu+5S1xplRSB2AWT.G0lqjxV+wVyEN9oOp0+ro8AZ8hTJSe3xiIAyFacG9+MAOrB8XdB2LCkAYQZrVLURJ0bCqGdK2biZU5ACihFU1M0oPdseingg4mvmR2NHv0zm6BPyskWmwOZAjNb6yAMdiFjxp5zqhmnw9sokc9eqgdSUX+pMKWKec2n2WK+9Z4EoV9cst99zV5Q+.bg6Dmy+t47cA7jOiSoagGWzPlozkriRMHhk9b1K1aE+t3sBhX9Z0YYOuFxE2OcFnvSl9yHsL8.braSxKmLCEIBDm46W9nlZie1htwOeQ23FK5F+hEciOcQ23Wtna7qt6Mh+xaYsvPcMTQ0YuTQniydRF7do19Z+G+lBkwC
@Mighty23 i dont use FAUST that often but you could compile the faust node - then load it tinto the scriptnoded that has the global cable.
I assume if you export a FAUST project without compiking the node it gives an error?
@Christoph-Hart i am trying to create my own wavetables eventho i have my bpm set to 323.28 which means 4096 samples for a 2/4 bar at my 44.1 samplerate its not working using the resample mode.
I will see if i find a tutorial maybe my approach to this is currently incorrect.
@glek no problem, i think its more intuitive than compiling stuff :)
@Christoph-Hart oh i dont mind as long as its relatively stable on user side after export :)
@Christoph-Hart alright,just gave me the feeling its bugged/unsave etc.
But if its just more work i am open to that since it brings a lot of benefits to the table for me. :)
thx for the response!