@Mors I've succesfully build the most recent Develop Branch with Faust 2.74.6 on Windows 11. It might be a deeper problem or the Develop Branch you're on.
RE: Build error on HISE with faust (windows)
Faust not able to play Fx (Win 11, Hise 4.0.0, Faust 2.74.6)
My Faust Fx seems to not be able to play anything when i'm loading them into Scriptfx.
I can play with them in the Faust IDE and compile them into hise and change the knobs value (even exporting to DLL works) but there's no sounds difference whatsoever.
Everything is correctly set when it comes to the Path and the Build (Release with Faust) so i'm wondering if someone else had or has this problem currently.
Thanks in advance!
RE: Sidechain Fx like Kickstart?
@yall Okay great!
One last thing, what's the lfo module name in the scriptnodes?
Project constantly crash after deleting files with Clean DSP network files (Windows Dev Branch)
So I deleted unused Faust and Scriptnodes files and forgot to save before exiting and now the project can't load without crashing.
Potential issues with the Clean DSP?