Agreed, this group is amazing. Thank you. Happy holidays!!
RE: Merry Christmas
RE: Happy New Year Everyone!
this forum group is poised to propel HISE into the future with the most success. very blessed, happy new year to everybody and thank you!
RE: Merry Christmas!
Meet Christmas’s everybody! Very grateful for the progress, hope everybody is safe
RE: Advice on copyright and serial numbers stuff
I use a website called sendowl that distributes the serial numbers by email once purchased.
RE: Some additions, please enjoy.
@LightandSound this is awesome, well done. i can see the download button possibly being incorporated into the expansion system. when the download button is clicked, maybe open a link on a web page where users can locate zip packages of purchased expansions, and download directly..
RE: Expansion User Presets
@Christoph-Hart im also assuming the percX expansion system when complete will resolve these minor issues?.. can’t wait
RE: fixed expansion hr1 archiving
@d-healey I still have the c++ saveInPreset preset issue as before. It’s really important for users when loading the plugin on a saved project in the daw. The plugin should be able to load the used expansion preset onInit so the user doesn’t have to spend amounts of time finding out what preset they used for their project.
..unless their had been a fix for this I’m unaware of. Thank you lots
@yall I chose to have a closed license due to sample licensing and our vst3 being mainly a sampler. So we pay the juce fee and hise closed license fee And totals somewhere around 85/mo I believe. which isn’t horrible for a closed license if you can make decent returns on your products.
As for the open source license, I would actually prefer that route if our samples weren’t made In house
. I’m just iffy on the licensing coverage on open source samples.
RE: Samplemaps for future usage
@d-healey yea that’s my issue is the user will reopen their saved project and have to find the expansion and sample used for the daw to play whatever was saved. And being a sampler, the user will have multiple plugins in a project with different sounds. So having to find all of the sounds previously saved doesn’t work for me unfortunately
RE: Samplemaps for future usage
@d-healey so In your plugin, when the user creates a project; saves the project; and then reopens the project down the road, the user has to reload the expansion pack in the plugin that was used with the project?..just curious as this is what I’m trying to avoid
RE: Hise gui
@d-healey hi Dave. I’m using the elk-audio hardware to port my hise vst3 plugin. It requires a headless build of your plugin to be able to use the hardware, and also requires a separate GUI build file for functionality, and I’m wondering if hise can produce a compiled GUI separately from the plugin code. The end goal being a vst3 plugin with hardware capabilities. All kind of new stuff so just curious if this was a possibility. I can port the vst3 fine. I just didn’t want to create a whole new GUI to interact with it when I have a perfectly good one already. Thanks for your input
Hise gui
is it possible to compile the gui separate from the plugin code itself? Or somehow create an html file of the hise plugin interface ?
Expansion system save in preset issue
@Christoph-Hart could you point me in the direction of what I need to do in the c++ to fix the saveInPreset with the combo box that pulls the expansion packs. Or even possible yet.
Everything works great , except for this small issue, and it’s crucial to the end user to have the plugin reload with last used expansion in the cmb. Thanks so much for your help, or anybody who has an idea on it. Thank you -
RE: Save multiple versions of plugins
@TNTHM I believe go into your compiled plugins folder and rename the old vst so when you recompile, it doesn’t replace it.
RE: Adding samplemaps
@TNTHM hello, so when I have my expansion project built, the only issue I run into is whether you use the combo box to load an expansion or a viewport to updare the preset browser, I cannot use saveInPreset to save the expansion without the system failing. I’ve talked with @d-healey and we think it has something to do with the c++ somewhere. Thats the only issue I’ve ran across and it’s killing me
RE: PACE (iLok) have acquired JUCE
@Win-Conway also I heard JUCE 6 release mid summer as well
RE: Simple copy protection done right :)
never mind I resolved the issue
RE: Saving Sample Maps in Presets with Expansions in mind
@Lunacy-Audio I have the same issue. And with over 50 expansion packs, I have to recreate the binaries with the new sample map list for the presets every time I want to add another expansion so it tends to be exhausting at points. Im currently working on trying to fix the current expansion system, this sounds like a good idea though.
RE: Create folder on Users disk, or embed files that are not ".preset" files
@ulrik I used innoscript to install theupdated dll, while creating and adding the expansion data such as user presets folder etc. takes a min to figure out innoscript but pretty easy once you get it. There’s an example in the forum. That is where I started
I also hear there may be an easier way in the near future possibly
RE: Expansion User Presets
@Christoph-Hart the sample maps do actually restore but the expansion box doesn’t restore making the sample maps not pop up in the user preset browser. Therefore you cannot load your saved samplemap because the expansion selected isn’t being saved in preset That’s the issue I’ve been running into