Was mentioned in a few posts some of the things I've added people might be interested in, and since I no longer need to keep the HISE source code private and can just license the instruments, I've opened up the changes I've been working on.
It was built on the last stable commit of scriptnode at the time of making this so if you need anything after that you'll need to add it back in.
You can get it here.
Some features will likely not be for everyone, but here they are:
- Equal power loops: all loops are now equal power, so if you need linear this isn't for you.. Although I can't see why you'd want linear!
- Integrated Downloader + Installer: Download button added to the CustomSettings page (enabled via "DownloadSamples" in the json). This will download a set of files specified in the new command: Engine.setDownloadLinks(var) - this takes a var array of strings and will download them to the specified folder. If any of the files are .zip or .rar (although rar is untested) files, they will be extracted after all files are downloaded, and the source zip file will be deleted after use to save on space. Note: this also updates the sample location directory and notifies the user to restart the app/plugin.
- You can use this to create a bare-bone standalone installer instead if you want too, just create the URLs, create the button in the floating tile and disable the other buttons!
Freeform Resize: resize via corner component. Scales to 0.5* original height and 2.0* original height - aspect ratio is locked. Note: scaleFactor resize box has been removed from CustomSettings for this reason.
Tricolour and radial gradients: expands the g.setGradientFill() method to allow for more than 2 colours. Simply add three extra units and it will translate to a tricolour or radial gradient: g.setGradientFill([Colour1, x1, y1, Colour2, x2, y2, Colour3, proportionAlongGradient, isRadial]) (proportion is float 0-1, isRadial is bool). A fun thing you can do as a result of this:
Combo Box Look and feel update (now transparent background with a new text)
Probably other things I've forgotten about.