Filmstrip size limit
You can see the actual size (= not the file size of the compressed image) it will take up in memory in the Image Pool Table.
Phew! Only 76MB, I can live with that.
How does GUI size scaling affect the memory usage?
@d-healey said in Filmstrip size limit:
How does GUI size scaling affect the memory usage?
I’d like to know that as well
Shouldn't affect it too much, the original file size of the images is more important - it may be possible that it has to create an resampled image during the UI rendering, but this will not stay in memory after the job is done AFAIK.
Interesting @Christoph-Hart
So, if I want to create all the GUI with vectors, how should I go about it?
I saw someone posted a clickable gearwheel for a website link, but I couldn’t figure out how to create vector paths. Any hints?
Well, you don't have to go all the way to the other side and ditch every single image just because a 500x500 filmstrip is overkill :)
You can also combine bigger "static" images with smaller images that contain the animation, or images with vector effects (rotation, applying some shadow) etc.
Whatever you do, this is the entry point to the vector UI world in HISE:
But you probably want to wait for David's upcoming video on the subject :)
But if I have 4 different filmstrips with 128x128 and 128 frames it would take up more RAM than one single 500x500 filmstrip. So, if I can avoid filmstrips for simple knobs and buttons I’d use for vectors
But if I have 4 different filmstrips with 128x128 and 128 frames it would take up more RAM than one single 500x500 filmstrip
4 filmstrips with 128x128 take about 25% of a single 500x500 filmstrip. The area of a rectangle is not linear to the size of its edges :)
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Ah, got it. Thanks for clarifying :)
@Christoph-Hart super glad that I brought up this thread! It's been enlightening and probably saved me a few hundred hours of work! Looking at your last suggestion I see a great way to create what I am envisioning by using invisible sliders to dynamically control the movement of multiple vector and still images via X, Y,W,H + Alpha parameters. Are there any CPU performance or memory snags that might occur by using this method?
Sorry I missed your question @d-healey ! I am looking into using morphing images instead of the traditional knob approach ( hence the huge sizes) . Though its somewhat experimental I have some very specific ideas from my experience on building and interacting with real physical instruments that I am looking to incorporate virtually.
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