HISE Meet Up
@Morphoice show us your purple HISE look!
@aaronventure i only managed to change a few elements, i cant figure out the rest lol it looks ugly
With some things being grey and some purple.i cannot work like this
subpar =)
I reckon most elements are made by white with various alpha levels so unless @Christoph-Hart reveals all the secrets, i'll never get it completely purple. I'd settle for an ability to tint ;)) but there are more pressing issues. like the disfunctional silent killer ;))) -
If we ever look into the 3rd party c++ node stuff in a meeting with Christoph, I'd be especially interested to know about how to properly interact with external data, and with polydata. I've figured out most of the c++ node stuff, and I'm working on tutorials for them, but these two things I don't fully understand. I can use them, but not efficiently. It especially causes me trouble when it comes to optimizing and I find that the way hise has things set up means that I can't realize optimisation ideas. A lot of the time I feel that I'm battling the hise framework, when I suspect there are likely solutions to most of my issues already built in, unbeknownst to me.
But then again, perhaps the solution is to learn more c++ and detach more from the scriptnode framework, I'm not sure. I'm always doing overcomplicated stuff
@d-healey Thank you for uploading the video! :-)
@Oli-Ullmann Yes, indeed. Thank you @d-healey .
Inspiring and helpful. Would love to join on the next meet up! -
when is the next one of these?
@Orvillain I think when Christoph completes his update to the sample mapping system, or maybe we do it middle of next month, whichever happens first...?
@d-healey Cool, hopefully I can make the next one!
@d-healey My $0.02 is we go with or without Chris.