Preparing for HISE 2.0
@christoph-hart Exciting times!
Major Issues
Adding the module browser to the interface causes an instant crash/close. This build is from the 28th of October. Previously, when I did have the module browser there right clicking on the modules brought up a blank parameter list.
There is still the issue with LFO when used as pitch modulators still changing the pitch even when the LFO's intensity is at 0.
HiseSnippet 874.3oc6W8zaSCCE2tsFsMfAHFRbrGfSHPqiw.Nsr00NMQ2V0R2.INLLIu1ZQhcHwYP+Tv2Ej360NyEvNoswQjMZGkg.QNTk2y9E+y+d+ssCENPTjHDgmuyf..guFwd.W1udeJii1YKDdQxtzHIDVMU0lCBnQQfKBiKusVAd9JnjmSWeSpGk6.YpPniDLGnEymIyz115ELOulTWnCy2X2qZsiifWW3IhU3oLYYT.04czdvdT81JQP3qzvkIEg1RpDhP3JaJbGX2W7Ad59OhEwdqGnEpgrUenT0MEdtZDqeGUuOyys8n6cDBgIsyXgxorvRjcYtrw5yXialrP0LKL4CboyCd0Lg2xEBuZE.OjA5pjhNEHDtwdTYdjocGCWfIx6o1gKAdDSNvzc8GEt2hzlIc5WLdKU.dUNpe23cny+5jFc6BNxLvVgz7UWtd5ESgxUI1LNjjQl.j6jHW8kzSfpaCbHTSpmUNok0W+7jlSFLw4j66HUmdmPJOJPDk6CaC9rNBtlPxTdXDzLDd+AZmro95BZXgKc55MU2wBswlJiCShV1vWDyk4hNJOwtDyZC4SZL1eAEJp7+BEIvs7jA2BXPrAFWXDFsY9AdPC9IfmPoIs5vVPWZrmbrVSPtqfKB5K3LGy.fC.YHqWOHLWKIVfviFdlWsMjRUOlLMKYc.3ATy356Y0REORCULFbAYkZSNqbddt6RRgaUcNZ0+MJ0W9WsT+TznG+iEXIjVM2OAk2P+V0wv+bw3aN7vuXDZURWrJF3NF2g4rzES2Ia9HqOYoKa2UD5mdzYdmVPO0QZpoC3GHTk8yEfa6KDx9Ldu7knWxpkPDzfSUDhq4GodbjT3O5PQ36SVY0Gk+4j8U+z8A5Wed8DYjsDB1hJoH7qIqkrei0e79yFYzrK4ozDFEd6D+6XOo1SOSyatfwgjTHu.otfGIopdZZvZH9SwnQItYFqhlJRcb3+LmT+6bNtCDwRUZ5tTUCoOpbw6E6aqlexATHgyAO0AQvkzy.kJurVNc.Jtahv2TOCWrlVFObwZiV7R4L7oNghiUy+ICEd5.24Rznt27j+Q17p+ZnRtZMzITu3grjuZrmicbzj8CUrSwVrxTawimZKVcps3ISsEqM0V7zo1hmcNVnmwbiXUU9z9pJEsajV7FOtg.tL56+NBGK.
The embedded impulse responses are still not working correctly in the exported plugin. It's very strange because some of the impulses are embedded correctly but others aren't. This is the project I'm building that requires the functionality - - I'm not using IPP btw (could that be the problem).
Last time I tried switching back to my wav samples from the HLAC monolith by changing the flag in the sample map it didn't work. The sample map loaded but it when playing back the wrong samples were being triggered.
Minor Issues
In the sample editor it's not possible to change the displayed group until you select a sample and make some adjustment to it in (like change the start position).
Also in the sample editor the buttons above the waveform don't update their icons when they are clicked.
My HISE interface often resets. Every couple of days I'll open HISE and it will have reset the layout to the default. This has been happening for a while but it's a minor inconvenience so I haven't bothered mentioning it until now.
Thanks David, I lost track of all the things you were nagging about :)
@christoph-hart the only thing I face daily is IPP checkbox un Mac. It still including IPP even if it's not checked
- If fx the plugin has convolution reverb unit, knob automations of AU plugins, cause crash or cound clicks. (I've tried with the latest HISE version)
- Custom Shape Modulation (in tempo sync mode) synchronizes only play button triggered in DAW. ıt should be in sync as soon as plugins is loaded.
- ALL exported AAX fx plugins' have "Modulation" category. It would be good if the "AAX plugin Category" and "VST Plugin Category" Settings were added in Preferences page.
- FX plugin mono in - mono out support :) (yes I know it's not a straight forward fix)
is this turning into a feature request? Okay! :-)
I know I can build send with the containers but its awkward and frustrating, so a nice send module would be nice.. Okay feature requests OFF....
#define FEATUREREQUESTMODE_H_ bool syncedOscilators = true; #endif
Nah, this is more a „I worked with the master branch version, but the development branch version set my house on fire“ kind of thread. If I start accepting feature requests, hell breaks loose ;)
@christoph-hart if you want to use a svg flat version for the HISE logo on 2.0 :)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 16.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) --> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="354.036px" height="339.034px" viewBox="0 0 354.036 339.034" enable-background="new 0 0 354.036 339.034" xml:space="preserve"> <g> <circle fill="#2A2B2A" cx="172.636" cy="163.444" r="128.4"/> <path fill="#67C18C" d="M172.636,296.703c-73.479,0-133.26-59.779-133.26-133.259c0-73.48,59.78-133.26,133.26-133.26 c73.48,0,133.259,59.78,133.259,133.26C305.895,236.923,246.117,296.703,172.636,296.703z M172.636,39.903 c-68.121,0-123.54,55.42-123.54,123.541s55.419,123.541,123.54,123.541c68.121,0,123.54-55.42,123.54-123.541 S240.757,39.903,172.636,39.903z"/> </g> <g> <path fill="#67C18C" d="M128.394,195.541h-11.242v-24.618H93.026v24.618H81.784v-59.985h11.242v23.803h24.126v-23.803h11.242 V195.541z"/> <path fill="#67C18C" d="M159.713,195.541h-11.201v-59.985h11.201V195.541z"/> <path fill="#67C18C" d="M210.322,146.466c-0.305,0.609-0.657,1.037-1.058,1.286s-0.878,0.374-1.431,0.374s-1.176-0.214-1.867-0.643 c-0.691-0.429-1.507-0.906-2.447-1.431c-0.94-0.525-2.04-1.002-3.298-1.431c-1.259-0.429-2.745-0.643-4.459-0.643 c-1.549,0-2.897,0.187-4.045,0.56c-1.147,0.373-2.115,0.892-2.904,1.556c-0.788,0.664-1.376,1.459-1.763,2.385 c-0.388,0.927-0.581,1.943-0.581,3.049c0,1.411,0.394,2.586,1.183,3.526c0.788,0.941,1.832,1.743,3.132,2.406 c1.299,0.664,2.779,1.259,4.438,1.784c1.66,0.526,3.353,1.086,5.082,1.68c1.728,0.595,3.422,1.286,5.082,2.074 s3.139,1.784,4.438,2.987s2.344,2.676,3.132,4.418s1.182,3.858,1.182,6.347c0,2.711-0.463,5.248-1.39,7.612 c-0.927,2.365-2.282,4.425-4.065,6.181c-1.784,1.756-3.961,3.139-6.534,4.148c-2.572,1.009-5.517,1.514-8.836,1.514 c-1.908,0-3.789-0.187-5.642-0.56c-1.853-0.373-3.63-0.905-5.331-1.597s-3.292-1.521-4.771-2.489 c-1.48-0.968-2.8-2.046-3.962-3.236l3.236-5.351c0.304-0.387,0.67-0.712,1.1-0.975c0.428-0.262,0.905-0.394,1.431-0.394 c0.691,0,1.438,0.284,2.24,0.851c0.802,0.567,1.749,1.196,2.842,1.887c1.092,0.692,2.378,1.321,3.858,1.888 c1.479,0.567,3.256,0.851,5.331,0.851c3.18,0,5.642-0.753,7.384-2.261c1.743-1.507,2.614-3.671,2.614-6.492 c0-1.577-0.394-2.862-1.183-3.858c-0.788-0.996-1.832-1.832-3.132-2.51c-1.3-0.678-2.779-1.251-4.438-1.722 c-1.66-0.47-3.347-0.981-5.061-1.535c-1.715-0.553-3.402-1.216-5.061-1.991c-1.659-0.774-3.139-1.784-4.438-3.028 c-1.3-1.245-2.344-2.8-3.132-4.667s-1.182-4.169-1.182-6.907c0-2.184,0.436-4.314,1.307-6.388s2.143-3.913,3.816-5.517 c1.673-1.604,3.727-2.89,6.16-3.858c2.434-0.968,5.213-1.452,8.338-1.452c3.54,0,6.803,0.554,9.79,1.659 c2.987,1.106,5.531,2.655,7.633,4.646L210.322,146.466z"/> <path fill="#67C18C" d="M267.154,135.556v8.877h-26.591v16.635h20.948v8.587h-20.948v16.967h26.591v8.919h-37.833v-59.985H267.154z "/> </g> </svg>
I know this is for issues / bugs, but just thought I'd mention the polyphonic lfos again...
Has the parameter list in the Module Browser been fixed yet?
@dustbro said in Preparing for HISE 2.0:
Has the parameter list in the Module Browser been fixed yet?
That was the second issue posted in this thread :p
@d-healey said in Preparing for HISE 2.0:
@dustbro said in Preparing for HISE 2.0:
Has the parameter list in the Module Browser been fixed yet?
That was the second issue posted in this thread :p
Fourth actually :) First two lines are the issues in my post, these aren't future requests ;)
- If fx the plugin has convolution reverb unit, knob automations of AU plugins, cause crash or cound clicks. (I've tried with the latest HISE version)
- Custom Shape Modulation (in tempo sync mode) synchronizes only play button triggered in DAW. ıt should be in sync as soon as plugins is loaded. (for fx plugins)
What parameter? The damping and decay parameters are not supposed to be automated because they recalculate the entire IR.
@christoph-hart It's not about any specific parameter. If the fx plugin contains a convolution reverb unit, any parameter automations cause distortion sound while automating (only in Logic Pro X - AU plugin).
For example I've made a plugin that is a combination of convolution, eq and delay. If I automate a delay or eq parameter, plugin couse distortions. But if the plugin doesn't contain convolution reverb, it's ok. I've experienced it several times.
In AU plugins, there is an issue for automations while the fx plugin has conv. unit.
Ah Ok so this is only happening on Logic? Can you make a minimal example for me to replicate?
@d-healey said in Preparing for HISE 2.0:
The embedded impulse responses are still not working correctly in the exported plugin. It's very strange because some of the impulses are embedded correctly but others aren't. This is the project I'm building that requires the functionality - - I'm not using IPP btw (could that be the problem).
This is weird. I can reproduce it and can pin it down to the FLAC encoding in JUCE - when exporting, all embedded audio files are encoded to FLAC to make the binary as small as possible - however if the impulse response is smaller than 4096 samples (which is the case with ~20% of the impulse responses of your project, it fails to encode.
Fast fix: use uncompressed audio format for files < 4096 samples. Longer fix: debug FLAC.
Oops, apparently, I've used the JUCE class wrongly so it didn't flush the last block. Should be fixed now.
@christoph-hart Excellent!
HISE 2.0 depend of new JUCE 5.4.0 ? or same as actual JUCE/HISE version ?
remember a thread you wrote about JUCE and SDK updates for adding new functions & modules in hise ...
Hmm, I was thinking about updating the JUCE version before going to the ADC, but it's a little bit too tight. But I have manually cherry-picked the most interesting additions for me anyway. Nevertheless you shouldn't bother about this, since HISE uses the customized JUCE codebase in the HISE repo anyway.