Prevent Plug-In broadcasting Undo info to DAW
@d-healey yup - as you can see it's continuous and overwhelming.
All knobs I want for automation correctly set up and labelled etc.
When you have a plugin parameter it might be stored in the undo history of a DAW so if you don‘t want that, don‘t make it a plugin parameter, otherwise there‘s no option…
@Christoph-Hart really? Nothing that can be tweaked even in Juce?
@DanH if you think about it - the DAW saves the state of the plugin - for next time you open it, so the DAW needs to know the state of params you want it to save, and when you change a param value it will need to save that value...
It has nothing to do with JUCE but it shouldn‘t be a problem. Why is it a problem?
@Christoph-Hart because if you're using macros with modulation it completely takes over the undo list in your daw.
So when you're editing your arrange or notes or whatever and you want to undo an action, you can't because there's hundreds of undo data points created by the macro controlling a ui knob, and it just carries on creating more and more until the macro connection is removed.
Even if you slowly move a knob you get a long list of undo points. I'm not sure how helpful even that is.
Would be great to be able to disable this somehow but sounds unlikely...
@d-healey I dont think touch automation works right in any DAW for me , the resulting automation is a jagged , jittery curve. Unless I am doing something wrong ?
@lalalandsynth same here. I always draw in my automation when mixing so it never bothered me, but a lot of my users like to use touch automation with poor results
oh dear i have parameter/macro modulation as well
@iamlamprey I'm wondering if a solution here is to do it manually, instead of through the Properties editor. In the widget callback, start a timer (i.e., when a user begins turning a a knob). In the time slice, check to see when the user stopped turning the knob. Then, manually report the start and end state for the undo history.
Yeah that‘s a valid point. I‘ll try to skip the Daw parameter notification for modulated parameters.
@Christoph-Hart Did you have a go at this yet? Couldn't see anything in the latest commit...
@Christoph-Hart Just checking if this is still on your radar or not? :)
@DanH Ah sorry, that slipped through the cracks. I've fixed it (it now deactivates the plugin parameter notification as soon as a knob is automated by either a macro modulation source or assigned to a MIDI controller).
As soon as Github is online again, I'll push it LOL
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@Christoph-Hart oh dear!!
Thanks very much, hugely appreciated :)