Who is back? The master branch is back.
After what might be the single most offensive violation of the
git flow
branching model in the history of software development, I finally found the motivation to merge the develop branch back into the master branch, which had a pre-pandemic state.Also from now on, I vow to respect the traditions of software development:
- keep the master branch stable and build at all times so it can be a valid entry point for HISE newbies.
- use the develop branch for testing new features / daily development work.
- whenever I merge the develop branch into the master branch, I'll run a CI test that ensures that it builds HISE and exports a test project on macOS / windows so that @ulrik can stop being my human build bot for macOS and notify my that I broke macOS again... I will also try to bump the version numbers with each merge to master.
I'll expect the frequency of master releases to be a few weeks to months so the general advice that David healey gave in all videos since 2019 to use the develop branch for actual development stays valid.
Oh and I've thrown in VS2022 support so you don't need to crawl the web for an ancient version of 2017 anymore...
@Christoph-Hart ...but it still builds against VS2017 right?
@Lindon sure. I‘ll still be using VS2017 for development but the default exporter for new HISE installations will be VS2022 from now on. You can define which version you want in the Development settings if you have both installed.
@Christoph-Hart said in Who is back? The master branch is back.:
@Lindon sure. I‘ll still be using VS2017 for development but the default exporter for new HISE installations will be VS2022 from now on. You can define which version you want in the Development settings if you have both installed.
..grief no, I wont be going to no VS2022 any time soon....so do I need to set the development settings (somewhere) If I'm staying "with my mate Christoph" on 2017?
@Lindon It's the setting in Project Preferences that has always been there ;)
@d-healey - clearly I'm not paying enough attention -- thanks.
You shouldn't need to change anything - if the setting is already set to VS2017, it will stay like this. Only if you haven't installed HISE, it will use VS2022 as default value when creating the settings file.
That sounds great, Christoph!
Do I need to use/Download JUCE 7 from the official JUCE site ? I need to do a fresh start on my windows 11 PC. Please tell me all supporting cast to build HISE movie
@DabDab No, Juce is included in the download /tools/projucer
Also make sure to /tools/SDK and unrar the SDK -
@lalalandsynth Thank you.
@Christoph-Hart thanks!
@Christoph-Hart so much is happening these days
lol I work exclusively on my develop branch because i thought it was good practice after seeing the HISE repo
lol I work exclusively on my develop branch because i thought it was good practice after seeing the HISE repo
Yes that is actually a good practice. What isn't a good practice is to let the master branch untouched for 4 years...
@Christoph-Hart avoid merging. Just create master2 LOL
@Christoph-Hart That's great, Thanks!
After watching @d-healey new MS VS 2022 Installation video I tried to enable IPP but it didn't build. So basically untouched HISE source code(IPP disabled by Default) without any modification has been built successfully.
Now my question How to enable Faust ? And use it? Do I nee to install FAUST ? and Do I need to compile with the option FAUST with Release?
@d-healey please make a getting started FAUST video for HISE. -
@DabDab said in Who is back? The master branch is back.:
@d-healey please make a getting started FAUST video for HISE.
Coming soon :)
@DabDab said in Who is back? The master branch is back.:
After watching @d-healey new MS VS 2022 Installation video I tried to enable IPP but it didn't build. So basically untouched HISE source code(IPP disabled by Default) without any modification has been built successfully.
Now my question How to enable Faust ? And use it? Do I nee to install FAUST ? and Do I need to compile with the option FAUST with Release?
Yes and yes.