Best posts made by tiesvdam
RE: Connect Button that moves LAF to a "Script fx reverb" effect
@HISEnberg said in Connect Button that moves LAF to a "Script fx reverb" effect:
@tiesvdam I think this one:
Probably this too:
It worked!!! youre a f*cking legend
Latest posts made by tiesvdam
Mini Dropshadow
I want to create a dropshadow, but 0 is not sufficient. I am using the following script.
g.drawDropShadow([-2, 5, 0, 0],0XFFFF5800,20);
Is there a solution for this? See the image:
RE: Use custom # code for Color
And for this one?
g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(Colours.orangered, opacity));i that it would be:
g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(Colours.0xFFFF5800, opacity));But that did not work :(
Use custom # code for Color
I want to use a custom color code. How do i remake this code so it works?
if (obj.selected && obj.columnIndex != 2) { g.setColour(Colours.withAlpha(obj.itemColour, 0.5)); g.fillEllipse([a[0] + 5, a[1] + a[3] / 2 - 6 / 2, 6, 6]);
Problems with Gradient codes
Hey all!
I'm busy designing my plugin. I'm just running into some issues with the gradients, especially with the preset browser. I managed to get it working with the columns, but I can't figure it out for the actual background. I want to extend the same gradient to the background. For the column, I used the following code: [code snippet]. But when I use this in the LookAndFeel (LAF) of the preset browser, it becomes transparent.
g.setGradientFill([Colours.fromVec4([0.043, 0.043, 0.051, 1.0]), 100, 250, Colours.fromVec4([0.239, 0.231, 0.271, 1.0]), 100, 100, false]); g.fillRoundedRectangle(a, 0);
RE: Connect Button that moves LAF to a "Script fx reverb" effect
@HISEnberg said in Connect Button that moves LAF to a "Script fx reverb" effect:
@tiesvdam I think this one:
Probably this too:
It worked!!! youre a f*cking legend
RE: Connect Button that moves LAF to a "Script fx reverb" effect
@HISEnberg Okay thanks, do you have a video link from a video about this topic?
RE: Connect Button that moves LAF to a "Script fx reverb" effect
@HISEnberg Okay, this already helps a lot, thank you very much. However, now you're using the graph as a knob. I would like the effect to be controlled by a knob and the graph separately, so that the KnbSpread, in this case, operates independently. Is this possible?
RE: Connect Button that moves LAF to a "Script fx reverb" effect
@HISEnberg This is indeed with a panel. I tried to replicate this using LAF, but I haven't succeeded. I've been stuck on this problem for a few days now.