@griffinboy I've had a quick look at the JUNO-6 when the fever went down briefly, and how it works there is the lowest key is always the set vcf cutoff, and at maximum keyboard tracking the highest key would be the fully open filter...
so I recon it's ((22khz - cutoff) / 88 keys) * intensity (from 0-1) to get the cutoff increase by each key
I don't feel well enough to be able to translate this to faust code, also I have no idea how to limit those values ranges, as midi can have more than 88 notes.
other synths offer a bi-directional intensity, so the lower keys can have less cutoff than higher ones... which makes the selected cutoff kind of the midpoint and the whole frequency range along the keys pretty skewed... no idea there. in faust probably the break point function (ba.)bpf would be a good solution to that but I can imagine it takes a lot of cpu to calculate the curve all the time