@Christoph-Hart Thanks, man!
RE: Forum Uploading of Animated GIFs is Broken
@d-healey I have downloaded - thanks.
Forum Uploading of Animated GIFs is Broken
Once again, uploading animated GIFs is broken. Some can be uploaded. But others, not.
For example, two GIFs (below) failed to upload to the HISE forum—but upload just fine to another forum. (I'm using the industry standard Camtasia.)
Example: When uploading a 9.3MB GIF, this error appears:
Example: When uploading this 1.9MB GIF, the "Submit" button becomes disabled:
Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 11.54.17 am
May I humbly suggest one of the many Wordpress forum packages that are problem-free. Assuming the current software isn't esoteric, many packages will import the database from other packages.
How to Connect ScriptNode Table to HISEscript Table?
Does anyone know how I can connect a HISEscript table to a ScriptNode table?
Ideally, I'd then be able to do the standard operations, including loading and saving the table, to the HISEscript table, and the changes would be synched inside the ScriptNode table.
I've added the external slot…
And I have the table in HISEscript…
RE: Realtime Microphone-Moving ScriptNode/Effect Network for Y'all [Expanded!]
@griffinboy I've got dozens of these things, if people are interested.
Realtime Microphone-Moving ScriptNode/Effect Network for Y'all [Expanded!]
Thank you to @Dominik-Mayer for increasing my quotas, so I can post better screen capture movies.
What It Does
Simulates a desirable auto engineering process that impossible in physical reality: moving a microphone to change the timbre of an instrument, without incurring ambience changes, and direct control over phase.
User Experience
As the distance increases, amplitude is attenuated, and frequency response decreases.
The specific attenuation and frequency response changes are based on the specific characteristics of the microphone—this process is automatic, and does not require tagging by the user. A boolean operation locks the signal phase, so as the microphone is repositioned, the signal phase does not change.Realtime
Every parameter can be controlled by you (or the user) in realtime, including assignment to MIDI CC for automation. This includes the Blocksize. Note: You may want to adjust the Smoothing on the Gain Node.
Proximity effects and angle are not factored—this would be a different Effect, positioned in serial before the repositioning Effect.*
Visual of Starting-Point
Microphone repositioning is part of PRISM's suite of process allowing mix engineers to go "back in time" and alter original recording conditions.
Why this is Useful
As a rule of thumb, it desirable to maximise the printing of sonic parameters during the recording process. This enables control over specific aspects of the final mix, including parameters (generally) impossible to control after recording has occurred. It also provides predictability over the final mix, regardless of when and by whom this occurs, and reduces the amount work required to get a "good" sound during the mixing process.
A key aspect of microphone design is the control over how timbre (as a function of phase and frequency response) changes as a microphone moves. In effective microphone design, these changes are specifically designed into the microphone. It's part of the difference between a $200 condenser microphone, and a $2000 one—it sounds good regardless of source proximity, and the changes predictable in a musically-useful way—and is consistent between factor-produced units. (In other words, the recording engineer can "play" the microphone.)
Tom Syrowski uses the positioning of multiple microphones, on guitar amps, to create Grammy-award winning guitar sounds for bands such as Mastodon and Incubus.
What Changes
There are generally two desirable parameters associated with moving microphones:
- Systemic frequency (timbre) changes without the limitations incurred by the use of EQ processing. (Phase changes, but this is perceptually uniform across all frequencies.)
- Precise control over phase as a timbre-shaping process.
- Precise control over the delay before sonic energy onset, which a key component of distance-miking with multiple microphones.
But these change as result, which are not desirable:
- Ambience changes: Great care is often taken in setting up a recording space, but every aspect of these parameters changes as a microphone is moved. The PRISM Microphone Movement algorithm enables microphones to be moved while preserving the exact sonic characteristics of acoustic room treatment.
- Phase: It changes whether you want it to or not. In reality, there is quantum-like effect where you cannot change the phase without changing the frequency response (as a function of proximity), and vice-versa. PRISM enables these variables to altered independently.
How it Works
All professional microphones have precise specifications published that describe the changes in amplitude and frequency response as a function of distance. The speed of sound is (functionally) constant in a given recording space. (In practice, as equipment warms the room, increasing the air pressure, and thus altering the speed of sound.)
What About the Room?
Don't you need to know all the characteristics of the recording room to simulate moving the microphone? Fortunately, no—you already have a recording of the source through the microphone in question. And remember, the goal is here is to move the microphone without changing the ambience. Likewise, the goal is to move the microphone without changing the absorption of frequencies (because that's already been optimised for the recording you're starting from.)
PRISM audio plugins are playback engines for pre-encoded data. Very little actual processing occurs within the plugin. For example, a PRISM algorithm automatically determines the model of microphone used on a given audio track, and matches it to pre-existing database of manufacturer-supplied specifications.
My HISE plugins read this encoding data when performing their processing. Additionally, my HISE plugins are proof-of-concept protypes, and often “cut corners” that are not important to specific aspects of a specific development roadmap.In this code example, I’ve added all of the information for you to implement this Effect without PRISM encoding, except for Phase Preservation. (And for that parameter, I have provided guidelines for how to implement it yourself.)
All of the preceding information may built up this network to be far more sophisticated than it appears. However, the discussion above is intended as the other parts of this Effect’s “Code”, as in the information required for a precise implementation that accurately reflects the Effect’s intended goals.
The Microphone Type and Perceptual Period parameters, as well as the (empty)
Node are placeholders if you wish to implement them inside the Network.Also, please not that the PRISM algorithm is currently being tuned, so the processing is in flux.
Example Microphone Data: AKG 414
Below: Some of the data published by AKG for the 414.. Use it to create your microphone configuration files, or more general profiles for microphone types.
The Network
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Processor Type="ScriptFX" ID="BussNetworkEditor" Bypassed="0" Script=" function prepareToPlay(sampleRate, blockSize) { 	 } function processBlock(channels) { 	 } function onControl(number, value) { 	 } "> <EditorStates BodyShown="1" Visible="1" Solo="0"/> <ChildProcessors/> <RoutingMatrix NumSourceChannels="2" Channel0="0" Send0="-1" Channel1="1" Send1="-1"/> <Content/> <Networks> <Network ID="prismNewMicPositioner" AllowPolyphonic="1" Version="0.0.0" AllowCompilation="1"/> </Networks> <UIData> <ContentProperties DeviceType="Desktop"/> </UIData> </Processor>
Most of the processing in this example is performed outside the Network. I provided sample code, and it should be trivial implement within the ScriptNode network. If anyone does this, I encourage them to post their Network for the community. I’ve added notes for performing these calculations in-node. While it is relatively trivial to perform all of these calculations with a high degree of accuracy, within the context of a commercial audio plugin, users will likely not notice this—instead, I suggest tweaking your parameters so the results feel like they “ought to”.
Preprocessing Gain
An optional parameter to prevent clipping within the Network. In this example, it is assumed the microphone is at the point-source. However, you could add this as a parameter, and if so, as the microphone is moved closer to the source, clipping could occur.
Distance Attenuation in dB
The decrease (or increase) in amplitude as a function of distance. For a HISE-only implementation, this parameter would be better-expressed as the change in distance. This would require a (fixed) starting distance, and a variable change in distance parameter.
Delay in Milliseconds
In a HISE-only implementation, this would not be an input parameter; it would be calculated based on the change in distance.
High Frequency Cutoff
The point at which frequency-filtering occurs. Changes in frequency as a function of distance are linear. The algorithm presented here oversimplifies these changes, but they are not complex to implement if accuracy is desired.
High Frequency Attenuation
As named.
Postprocessing Gain
Another gain stage to prevent possible clipping.
Microphone Type
or an in-HISE implementation, I suggest allowing the user to tag the microphone type (as dynamic or condenser), and use a constant here to identify the choice, internally. As PRISM does this in the encoding file, this input parameter is not used here, but including as a suggested starting-point.
Dynamic Blocksize
Enables you to change this during runtime, including for inclusion in default presets. (I am not overly-familiar with blocksize a HISE Network parameter.)
Perceptual Period: This is the “useful” period of the signal envelope. It is the only parameter that I’m not providing working values for. But here is one way for you to do it:
- Identify a fundamental frequency for the signal. There are a plethora of published algorithms for doing this.
- As the user moves the “Distance” user interface slider, ensure that the distance changes in increments of the fundamental’s period.
HISEscript Code Examples for Parameters
Note that this code incorporates my own (crude) Broadcaster system. I suggest using HISE’s!
Sample JSON Data
{ "micMovement": { "room": { "sizeInCm": 3000.0 }, "micResponse": { "dynamic": { "amplitudePadEndinDb": -5.0, "highFreqPadEndinDb": -9.2, "fixedHighFreqInHz": 5309.4 }, "condenser": { "amplitudePadEndinDb": -3.0, "highFreqPadEndinDb": -4.0, "fixedHighFreqInHz": 2978.4 } } }
HISEscript Code
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // // // TIME MACHINE - MICROPHONE RE-POSITIONER [UI THREAD] // // // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// SECTION ACTIVATION BUTTON CALLBACK FUNCTION ////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Register and define the control callback. button_TM_MOVEMIC_SystemToggle_GUI.setControlCallback(on_TM_ToggleRePositionBypass_Control); inline function on_TM_ToggleRePositionBypass_Control(component, value) { if (value) TRANSFORM_Time_SUBMOD_MicMover_PerformOp("user_poweron"); else TRANSFORM_Time_SUBMOD_MicMover_PerformOp("user_poweroff"); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// DISTANCE KNOB CALLBACK ///////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Register and define the control callback for the distance knob. NumOfIRsForPerformance() knob_TM_MICPOS_AdjustDistance_GUI.setControlCallback(on_TM_AdjustDistance_Control); inline function on_TM_AdjustDistance_Control(component, value) { // Value is distance in centimetres. if (value) { local mpDelayTime = MIC_MOVER.MS_PER_METER * (value / 100); local mpGain = value * g_micMovement.factors.mpDistanceAttenuation; local mpHighAttenuation = value * g_micMovement.factors.mpHighFreqCutoffAttenuation; } else { local mpGain = 0; local mpDelayTime = 0; local mpHighAttenuation = 0; } // Set the node values. fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.mpHighFreqCutoffAttenuation, mpHighAttenuation); fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.mpDistanceAttenuation, mpGain); fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.mpDelayTime, mpDelayTime); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////// PHASE LOCK BUTTON //////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Register and define the button's control callback. button_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.setControlCallback(on_TM_TogglePhaseLock_Control); inline function on_TM_TogglePhaseLock_Control(component, value) { if (value) { // if a cycle is defined, show it. if (isDefined(g_instrumentData.general.period)) { // Construct the value text. local periodTimeInMs = g_instrumentData.general.period/ SAMPLE_RATE; local displayTime = Engine.doubleToString(periodTimeInMs, 4); // Set the text. label_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.set("text", "Period: " + displayTime + " ms"); // Fade it in. label_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.fadeComponent(BUTTON_VISIBILITY_FADE_TIME, true); } } else { // if a cycle is visible, hide it. if (isDefined(g_instrumentData.general.cycle)) if (label_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.get("visible")) label_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.fadeComponent(BUTTON_VISIBILITY_FADE_TIME, false); } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// STANDARD LIBRARY: CORE FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline function TRANSFORM_Time_SUBMOD_MicMover_PerformOp (moduleState) { local workingState = null; switch(moduleState) { case "init": workingState = "start"; break; case "ready": workingState = "start"; break; default: workingState = moduleState; break; } switch(workingState) { case "start": // Reset the knob. knob_TM_MICPOS_AdjustDistance_GUI.setValue (0); // Reset the suffic. knob_TM_MICPOS_AdjustDistance_GUI.set("suffix"," cm"); // Clear processor parameters. fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.mpHighFreqCutoffAttenuation, 0.0); fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.mpDistanceAttenuation, 0.0); fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.mpDelayTime, 0.0); fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.preEffectBalanceGain, 0.0); // Set the frequency - for now at least, we're not changing that. if (moduleState == "init") { // Disable the activation button, and reset High Frequency (in Hz) parameter. button_TM_MOVEMIC_SystemToggle_GUI.set("enabled", false); fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.mpHighFreqInHz, 20000); } else { // "ready" // We'll take the first mic as the type for both mics. local micType = g_instrumentData.recording.mics.array[0].type; // Compute the amplitude pad factor. local amplitudePadEndinDb = g_songData.micMovement.micResponse[micType].amplitudePadEndinDb; g_micMovement.factors.mpDistanceAttenuation = amplitudePadEndinDb / g_songData.micMovement.room.sizeInCm; // Compute high-frequency cutoff factor. local highFreqPadEndinDb = g_songData.micMovement.micResponse[micType].highFreqPadEndinDb; g_micMovement.factors.mpHighFreqCutoffAttenuation = highFreqPadEndinDb / g_songData.micMovement.room.sizeInCm; // Assign the fixed high-frequency constant. local fixedHighFreqInHz = g_songData.micMovement.micResponse[micType].fixedHighFreqInHz; g_micMovement.constants.mpHighFreqInHz = mpHighFreqInHz; fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.mpHighFreqInHz,fixedHighFreqInHz); // This amount only changes with the SampleMap. fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.setAttribute(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner.mpHighFreqInHz,fixedHighFreqInHz); // Enable the system activation button. button_TM_MOVEMIC_SystemToggle_GUI.set("enabled", true); } // Disable the processor. UTILITY_SetEffectActivationState(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner, false); // Set the system activation button to false. button_TM_MOVEMIC_SystemToggle_GUI.setValue(false); // Disable the distance knob. knob_TM_MICPOS_AdjustDistance_GUI.set("enabled", false); // Reset and disable the phase lock button. button_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.setValue (false); button_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.set("enabled", false); // Hide the period display. label_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.set("visible", false); break; case "user_poweroff": // Do the knobs and buttons. knob_TM_MICPOS_AdjustDistance_GUI.set("enabled", false); button_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.set("enabled", false); // Disable the processor. UTILITY_SetEffectActivationState(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner, false); break; case "user_poweron": // Do this stuff if the Section is activated. if (button_TM_MOVEMIC_SystemToggle_GUI.getValue()) { knob_TM_MICPOS_AdjustDistance_GUI.set("enabled", true); button_TM_MICPOS_PhaseLock_GUI.set("enabled", true); UTILITY_SetEffectActivationState(fx_TM_NODE_MicPositioner, true); } break; } }
For Commercial Plugin Developers
Remember that it's not important whether your implementation is accurate, or even close to accurate. This significantly eases the DSP implementation, but also shifts the locus of user interaction to less trivial domains—because most users have not encountered this Effect before. This can make your implementation more challenging—or, you can leverage their unfamiliarity to your advantage.
- The GUI should respond as expected. Don't get bogged down in things like drawing a room with a microphone that moves around—that introduces problems such as the room's shape, vertical position of the microphone, and so on.
- The changes in audio should respond as expected. Your audience isn't likely to be engineers that actually know how to use microphones (the process this Effect simulates). Even if your users are recording engineers, the vast majority have never done this. Focus, instead, on making the sound change audibly throughout the knob's travel, as a cognitive function of how the visual interface is presented. If you're not sure what users expect, send out some betas, and ask if it meets their expectations. (Don't tell them you're not focussing on accuracy, obviously.)
- The changes in audio should be useful. Often, the changes manifested by microphone positioning are subtle, especially with dynamic microphones,. But if your Effect is subtle, users may complain that the feature either isn't useful, or simply doesn't work well. It may be sagacious for you to exaggerate the Effect of the plugin.
- In keeping with the other points, don't get bogged down in microphone specifications. If you to establish a baseline accuracy for that, gives your plugin to a couple recording engineers who move microphones around, and adjust the parameters until they say, "This is useful".
- I don't have a microphone-type tag in my interface; that can simply be a two-option combobox. Used effectively, user-tagging can unconsciously guide user expectations so that your plugin "works great". But what does that it mean? It means only that there is high correlation between expectation and result. By controlling the expectation via your GUI, you can indirectly control the user's cognitive response.
- Ensure the audio doesn't stutter while the distance is changed. Two possible tweaks here are adjusting the (dynamic)
, and theSmoothing
parameter is the gain Nodes. I've imagine it's possible to construct an algorithm that detects these problems (either algorithmically, or via machine learning), and having the Network adjust itself automatically to compensate. - In your own testing, try using this Effect as part of your mixing process; you'll be able to refine parameters with that process.
Ask away…
RE: A few more broadcaster questions - and possible bugs
@d-healey You are the gift that keeps on giving.
RE: HISE Meet Up
@d-healey Oops well I'm away for a couple days, and the world moves on.
RE: Loading an IR in a scriptnode convolution module via script
@Mighty23 @scottmire This is exactly how I did it, as well.
RE: Loading an IR in a scriptnode convolution module via script
@scottmire Sure - I just meant for testing purposes, use a full string for the file name, in case your were accidentally constructing the wrong file name and/or path.
RE: Loading an IR in a scriptnode convolution module via script
@scottmire Are you using an external slot for the convo Node? If so, trying scripting a much simpler file name - one that you're not building via. If that doesn't work, try using the same script to load it into a module tree convo reverb—it would use the same path. Are loading the files into your audio file pool?
RE: Why Does Every ScriptNode Delay Break My Playback?
Can you tell me what is different about jdelay from core.gain
Not sure what you are asking here. One is a delay and the other a gain, but you know this already
Lol, I meant
.Hmmm… seems a bit technical for users, no? Many of them are not necessarily confident enough with interface buffers length, so understanding internal blocksize might be confusing… (not trying to be pedantic here)
Good point - I don't make commercial plugins with HISE; they're functional prototypes for other developers and research. Also, I can use the pop-ups myself to easily try different values, and then go back change the dynamic ones to fixed.
All good on everything else - cheers!
RE: How to Modulate Gain with a Table in ScriptNode?
Keep in mind the modchain may not the signal itself, but it still need to know where we are in the buffer to sync everything up
Ah! That makes sense. I'm now sure where MAX/PD comes down on that, but I see the logic and application here.
I'm still confused why…
...there's a need to enclose modulations in a
block; if that block is needed for effective modulations, when why wouldn't that be internal? -
...why the
block? (The documentation doesn't explain what it does.)
(I'm asking all these questions because I'm guessing at some point, other developers will have the same questions, and they can search the forum to find this message. But I'll no more questions in this thread; promise. )
RE: Why Does Every ScriptNode Delay Break My Playback?
@ustk Thanks for your response (and @Matt_SF), and thank you for the code example.
Can you tell me what is different about
, and why you are splitting the signal in theNetwork
?For dynamic blocks, I present this interface to user; the values are stored in a preference file for new incantations of the plugin, and in a custom preset system for restoring DAW states. I'd offer you the code, but I don't think you need it, considering you're teaching me here .
RE: How do I access a SilentSynth HardcodedFX parameter from code?
@Morphoice Ah, I understand. I have no knowledge to offer here, but I do understand your question now.