Hi everyone
I am just at the tail end of developing several commercial products using HISE, an instrument and a line of effect plugins.
We have been fortunate to work with a great team for the core development and are nearly ready to go to beta. With this said though I could really use some help on two very specific issues which I have been suggested to reach out to the forum about.
Building AU, VST3 and AAX plugins for macOS and Windows. I have successfully been able to build AU on macOS however I have no experience with Visual Studio / Windows and haven't been able to build VST3 or AAX on either macOS or Windows.
I have a dedicated MacBook with macOS 11 and Windows 10 installed just for building plugins. The idea would be to set this up once correctly and outside of critical updates leave the machine as is.
I've searched the forum and followed various posts but still no luck. I've been getting various errors each time I've tried. I'm not sure if it is due to something in the current build of develop or something in my configuration.
Creating scriptnode effects from C++ DSP. We are working with an experienced DSP engineer who doesn't build GUIs. I would like to create a scriptnode from his C++ source code, or clearly explain to him how he can do this, so we can build a GUI around them using HISE. This would be for both the current projects and for future projects which are being planned.
One of the main reasons we are using HISE is that it makes communicating on a cross functional team including product, visual, UX and sound designers with developers and business stakeholders far smoother than a traditional JUCE build. In this regard it's been an absolute game changer and we've loved working with this platform.
At the same time I feel lost following along between the often out of date or incomplete documentation with browsing various forum posts which are also not always current. I have 10+ years in the music tech industry as a product designer (at companies both large and small) and my preference would be to hire a professional developer to consult with experience on both of these topics to ensure that I set these up correctly and in an efficient timeline.
Alongside this, we are also looking for someone with experience building custom LAF GUIs from Figma documents with all of the DSP being provided as wrapped C++. If you can take a vector based document and have experience turning these into HISE based UIs with animations and dynamic changes please feel free to send me a DM!
I'm also happy to discuss these solutions publicly as I know this information could help others and discussing on the forum does seem to be the HISE way. I would also suggest though that a tier of professional support for developers in our position, where time to market and stability is the top priority, would be really appreciated and something we would be interested in if it existed.
Thanks in advance for the help!