LAF for the filter display (floating tile)
Not the most pressing feature, but it would be great to have 'look and feel' enabled for the filter display floating tile!
Currently you can only use LAF with the Draggable Filter, but not for the Filter Display.
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@griffinboy actually this would be incredibly helpful for me right now! @Christoph-Hart is this a massive pain to implement? You'll be in filter files for the all pass filter anyway
@Christoph-Hart if this is too tricky right now, is there any chance you could show me if there's a way to edit the width of the filter path in the source code please? In scriptnode it looks like its 2 pixels, but in the floating tile filter display it looks like only 1....
@DanH actually this was almost implemented, there was just a bug causing the look and feel to be picked up by the FilterGraph floating tile.
@Christoph-Hart absolute HERO :heart_with_ribbon:
@Christoph-Hart No way! Thanks! Trying this now :)
Yay thank you!
Very useful -
Is the Filter Display LAF available in HISE now?
@orange yes