LAF + Sampler Functions
@DanH Ahhhh, that does pose a bigger issue then. Ive been stuck creating some MIDI Packs for my site. I've got a few hours now, I'll mess with it now.
@DanH Couldn't you reload the values after changing sample map?
@DanH I've only saved a few demo presets but as of right now it all seems to be working as expected. I know you said "reliably", how often did it fail for you?
EDIT: Scratch that, I see what you're saying. It saves them but does not load them correctly all the time, at least on my end.
@d-healey Yeah I'm thinking of trying to do it in the preset handler post callback.
@trillbilly said in LAF + Sampler Functions:
@Lindon Awesome! Im going to try this out now.
Have you had an issue with what @DanH said regarding the Start/End times saving to what is set in the samplemap rather than the UI?
nope - i want to save the start end values the user selects...
@trillbilly said in LAF + Sampler Functions:
@DanH I've only saved a few demo presets but as of right now it all seems to be working as expected. I know you said "reliably", how often did it fail for you?
EDIT: Scratch that, I see what you're saying. It saves them but does not load them correctly all the time, at least on my end.
so this I think is probably the problem I ran into - it basically a timing issue - the sample map is not loaded instantly - so you are probably trying to set the start end values for zones not even loaded yet...and yes @DanH I ended up doing a o lot of this stuff in preset handler post callback
@Lindon Ahhh, that makes sense. Because if I click the same preset multiple times, the start/end values will eventually get to where they need to be.
So doing it in the Preset Handler Post Callback, Im having some newb issues.
Here is the code from documentation
UserPresetHandler.setPostCallback(var presetPostCallback)
Im not understanding something because I get "Unknown function 'setPostCallback'" error. Here is my jumble.
const var samplestart = [Content.getComponent("SampleStart1"), Content.getComponent("SampleStart2"), Content.getComponent("SampleStart3"), Content.getComponent("SampleStart4")]; UserPresetHandler.setPostCallback(samplestart, presetPostCallback);
Am I not calling for the variable correctly? Or the right variable? These are the knobs on my UI controlling Sample Start times.
@trillbilly You need to create a user preset handler first.
const uph = Engine.createUserPresetHandler()
then you can call the function on that objectuph.setPostCallback(function() { });
UserPresetHandler.setPostCallback(samplestart, presetPostCallback);
If you take a look at the documentation again you'll see the setPostCallback function only takes one parameter, you've tried passing in two which won't work.
@d-healey Ok, I get it to compile. But then when I use the function (in this case the sample start time) it then spits out the same "Uknown function 'setPostCallback" error.
const var samplestart = [Content.getComponent("SampleStart1"), Content.getComponent("SampleStart2"), Content.getComponent("SampleStart3"), Content.getComponent("SampleStart4")]; const uph = Engine.createUserPresetHandler(); uph.setPostCallback(function() { UserPresetHandler.setPostCallback(samplestart); });
@trillbilly It's late here so I'll give you an answer in the morning, but reread your code and look up each function you're using in the documentation in the meantime.
@Lindon Thanks :) Can I ask what you did in the post callback? I'm simply grabbing the values of the loop start/end knobs and then loading those values back into those knobs. It works sometimes and not others, leading me to suspect timing issues (poss related to sample loading time?!)
@d-healey it was getting late here too. I will be back in studio in a few hours to continue going over documentation.
@DanH - what I did was I waited.... 2 seconds works here... so on preset postcallback I did the following:
- tried to set the sample start and probably wont have worked but hey - no loss to try..
- Started a timer on the panel its in (clearly the UI is visible otherwise we cant have selected a preset to load..) essentially this:
in the timer... I did the following:
- stopped the we only need to do this timer activity once...
- reset the sample start and end with luck the samples will actually now be loaded..
You may be using bigger(or smaller) sample sets than me (its only 12 waves) so the timing might need to be different, and I checked my timing loading from an external USB 2 drive..(very slow)
I am using a whole truckload of AudioWaveforms (I have 16 samplers) and I found I would need to "reset" these to show the new start and end values.. so I simply
call:theAudioWaveForms[<someindex>].set("sampleIndex",<the zone index you want>);
@Lindon thanks, timer seems to be the way. Although does this mean that the post callback is slightly flawed, in that it should probably wait until the samples have loaded before triggering @Christoph-Hart ?
@trillbilly said in LAF + Sampler Functions:
const uph = Engine.createUserPresetHandler(); uph.setPostCallback(function() { UserPresetHandler.setPostCallback(samplestart); });
Ok so UserPresetHandler is the name of a class - that's a collection of functions and variables in C++.
In HISE you create a variable that has the type
, just like you can create a variable that has the typeString
. Then through this variable you have access to that class's functions and variables.Can you see in the code above you have called
on the variable we createduph
, that will work, because that variable is of the typeUserPresetHandler
. That function takes one parameter, and that parameter needs to be a callback function, exactly like you use for a paint routine or mouse callback - anytime you see a parameter withcallback
in the name you need to pass in a function.But then you've tried to call that function again directly on the type
instead of on the variableuph
and this second time you've tried to pass in thesamplestart
array as a parameter. This of course makes no sense from a program logic point of view and won't work.The callback function (which you've assigned correctly with
) is triggered after a preset is loaded. So any action you want to perform after a preset is loaded should go in there.So what do you want to do with your
array after the preset is loaded? -
@d-healey it's all starting to make much more sense.
As @Lindon pointed out, the samples/maps dont load instantly, which in turn, makes it so the samplestart/end times dont load properly either. The idea is to have the SampleStart/End load AFTER the samplemap/preset is loaded so the correct location is placed.
@trillbilly I'd have thought the loading callback would be the solution for this.
@d-healey said in LAF + Sampler Functions:
@trillbilly I'd have thought the loading callback would be the solution for this.
@trillbilly - yep thats exactly what I do....
CirclePanel.setLoadingCallback(function(isPreloading) { var postLoadZones; var postLoadStartPos; var postLoadEndPos; if(!isPreloading) { //OK so if we have just added a sound using the viewports then if (loadingFromViewport) { loadingFromViewport = false; postLoadZones = theSamplers[SamplerSelector.getValue() -1].createSelection(".*"); for (k = 0; k<postLoadZones.length; k++) { postLoadZones[k].set(theSamplers[SamplerSelector.getValue() -1].SampleStart,0); // etc. etc. } }; }else{ Console.print("Starting to load something....."); }; });```
@Lindon @d-healey I thought there was a loading callback :)
So one unintended consequence of changing the sample map data with ui controls is that (in HISE at least, not tested in exported) my sample maps will be overwritten at some point with the new data. I'm not resaving anything in the sample editor, it somehow does it by itself...
I can't help but feel this approach is a bit hacky