PercX is released
Hi everybody,
if you might have wondered about my radio silence in the last days, the reason was this:
PercX: The Most Advanced Virtual Percussion Instrument
500+ drum instruments with multiple Round Robin variations. Auto-generate entirely new arrangements with the click of a button. Available as VST, AU, Standalone
Thanks for all the testers who have given invaluable feedback.
After the hectic of the release is over, I'll start working on HISE again - I can promise there are many good things in this product that might find its way into the HISE codebase :) -
@Christoph-Hart Congrats! Very massive and useful tool mate ;)
By the way, as a "2 Steps From Hell" fan and soundtrack lover, I really like the The PercX Core Theme Music in the product page.
Wonderful news!
How did you make a custom keyboard with key colours?
the magic of C++, it's also a custom keyboard with overlaying icons and hover states based on the mouse position :)
@Christoph-Hart Congratulations!
It looks fantastic! :) -
@Christoph-Hart we appreciate you!
@Christoph-Hart that looks pretty awesome! Nice work
@Christoph-Hart this is amazing! Can’t wait to check it out ! :)
Superb work @Christoph-Hart
@Christoph-Hart Huge congrats mate. It looks, sounds and performs amazing. Awesome plugin
@Christoph-Hart congrats!!!! gotcha on my news feed. just below Apple
Amazing work man. I just installed the new update and the kits are downloading now. Thanks again for letting us get involved. I can see this doing really well.
Will the expansion installer (not the encryption or store necessarily) become part of the general HISE codebase?
That‘s the plan we just need to figure out how and what parts fit into the open source codebase and what is being kept proprietary.
@Christoph-Hart Excellent!
Wow, that looks clean.. Amazing work!
upon glance i can tell time stretching was implemented. im hoping that makes its way into hise @Christoph-Hart timestretching/slices in the loop player yummm haha
i can tell time stretching was implemented
PercX doesn't use time stretching. It uses individual hits to create the loops.