[Solved] Sampler Glide Script Broken
@Lindon Here you go
@SteveRiggs hm look sOK - perhaps try Resume on existing Archive = No, just guessing here.
@Lindon Weird isn't it. I've tried with no selected as well but still no joy.
As soon as I hit ok the message pops up saying all samples were exported without errors, but it's as soon as I push ok. No export progress bar or wait. It seems to happen to quick for it to be doing anything, and no .hr1 file is in any of the folders.
It says exporting in the status bar, but even if you leave it a while still nothing
Hmm, it somehow can't find the .ch1 samples. They are in your samples directory, yes?
@Christoph-Hart Yeah they are definitely there now in the samples folder.
I've tried changing the target directory to the samples folder, sample maps folder, and main project folder but still no joy.
Very weird. It worked last time I tried back in June with this plugin. I was only using 1 sample then to test an export, and I was on HISE 1.6.0 then.
@d-healey Sorry to bother you mate. I thought you'd be the best person to ask as you wrote the script :)
I just had some feedback from my client now he's had a chance to test the instrument and was wondering if theres a way to add this in...
He mentioned that the glide only works if the notes are overlapped. Is there a way to have it so that the glide works without notes having to overlap?
I also noticed that monophonic only kicks in if the glide amount is set past 0.01ms. If it's down at 0 then it is still polyphonic. I think in the older version of the script monophonic was on all the time? (I may be wrong though).
I thought I'd mention this as I have another project that still uses the old script that I haven't changed yet, and I have a mono to poly button which basically just turns the scrip processor on and off switching between mono and poly. If I swap the new script in then I think that function will be gone.
If it has to stay that way for any reason, is there another workaround to switch modes from mono to poly at all? That was the only way I knew of doing it.
Cool, what kind of instrument is it? Synth, sampler, hybrid, something else?
Is there a way to have it so that the glide works without notes having to overlap?
Of course, scripting :p
If it has to stay that way for any reason, is there another workaround to switch modes from mono to poly at all
Yeah the time knob at 0 is the same as turning the effect off. You can script a button to control this or you can edit the script so it stays mono even when at 0.
@d-healey This one is a sampler instrument.
My scripting knowledge is still not great but I'll have a go at working it out here so let me know if I'm close or not. I've got my head around the basics now but I'm still not 100% which parts I'd need to change for this...
For a guess at the monophonic thing I'd say that it would be something to do with the oninit callback? Maybe this line below would need the 0.01 removing to fix it?
time.setRange(0, 2000, 0.01);
For the overlapping notes part I'd guess it was the onNoteon callback and it could be something to do with this part? (but I'm not certain)
Synth.addPitchFade(eventId, time.getValue(), lastTuning + Message.getNoteNumber()-lastNote, 0);
I don't think either of those changes will do what you want. I don't have time at the moment to look at it but I'll check it out at the weekend.
@d-healey No probs mate. Thank you. I'll try a few experiments with it in a separate project in the meantime and see if I can work anything out
@SteveRiggs @d-healey Hey guys, was this mono / poly issue ever resolved in this script?