Next HISE Developer Hang
Another topic idea:There is the great node “Granulator”. Unfortunately, at first glance there is no option for an envelope release. Perhaps a solution can be discussed or someone already has a solution in mind. :-)
I've seen this question asked here in the forum a few times.
@clevername27 Thank you for arranging this!
A few topic recommendations:
- @ustk put together a great snippet for an audio buffer within scriptnode. I am still exploring for a way to create a ring buffer, so if someone has suggestions I am all ears.
- Dynamic Component : I've seen Christoph has been slowly working on this behind the scenes but I would love to see any further updates on this. Essentially it is a way to add/destroy components to the UI dynamically. This ties in to any future updates he is working with.
- Package Installers discussion. @clevername27 I would like to see more of this as well as @Lindon 's method.
- Graphics: A rundown of what graphics processing are truly available in HISE (CSS, HISE LAF, Webview, OpenGL, etc.)
- Loris: I am super interested in this library but haven't begun to use it so if someone has a project to share on this that would be great
I am also upvoting the broadcasters discussion. I use them but not to their full potential. The AI node would also be super cool. :)
Lastly, just a note. I have always struggled sharing HISE audio via ZOOM. I am not sure if this is a universal problem but it could prove to be an issue for the HISE meetup. Something to keep in mind.
@HISEnberg said in Next HISE Developer Hang:
Loris: I am super interested in this library but haven't begun to use it so if someone has a project to share on this that would be great
GitHub - christophhart/loris-tools: A collection of sample analysis tools for HISE based on the Loris library
A collection of sample analysis tools for HISE based on the Loris library - christophhart/loris-tools
GitHub (
Oh yes indeed, some laf stuff would be nice to look at, for the new css features and different ways of working.
Also btw about ringbuffers, if you need something in particular, I could probably help you out I've done lots of these before for delay lines and Lufs calculations
@griffinboy Yes please if you have a C++ script you are willing to share that would be amazing!
I'll get back to you on this in a bit.
But if you want to get started immediately, I can give you my LUFS script. But I'll come up with a simpler example to give you in a bit. I've been meaning to improve my buffer stuff, infact it's one thing I wish to talk to with Christoph about... because it's possible to integrate directly with the audio buffers in hise, and c++ nodes so that the interface script can also talk to the same buffers, but I've not managed to completely get it right.
Anyway, Here's Lufs, it's a fairly old and awful script, and you won't be able to run this script but you can read it
#pragma once #include <JuceHeader.h> #include <limits> #include <atomic> #include <cmath> #include "src/GlobalCables.h" #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif namespace project { using namespace juce; using namespace hise; using namespace scriptnode; template <int NV> struct Lufs_In : public data::base { SNEX_NODE(Lufs_In); struct MetadataClass { SN_NODE_ID("Lufs_In"); }; static constexpr bool isModNode() { return true; } static constexpr bool isPolyphonic() { return NV > 1; } static constexpr bool hasTail() { return false; } static constexpr bool isSuspendedOnSilence() { return false; } static constexpr int getFixChannelAmount() { return 2; } static constexpr int NumTables = 0; static constexpr int NumSliderPacks = 0; static constexpr int NumAudioFiles = 0; static constexpr int NumFilters = 0; static constexpr int NumDisplayBuffers = 0; // Internal Parameters float sampleRate = 44100.0f; float blockSize = 512.0f; float lufsBlockSize = 400.0f; // Default to 400ms float overlap = 0.75f; // 75% overlap ModValue modValue; // LUFS calculation juce::AudioBuffer<float> filteredRingBuffer; size_t ringBufferWritePos = 0; size_t ringBufferSize = 0; size_t hopSize = 0; double runningSum = 0.0; // JUCE IIR Filters std::array<juce::IIRFilter, 2> preFilters; std::array<juce::IIRFilter, 2> weightingFilters; // LUFS result float currentLUFS = -100.0f; // Reusable filtered buffer juce::AudioBuffer<float> filteredBuffer; // Thread safety std::atomic<bool> parametersChanged{ false }; juce::CriticalSection processLock; void prepare(PrepareSpecs specs) { juce::ScopedLock sl(processLock); sampleRate = static_cast<float>(specs.sampleRate); blockSize = static_cast<float>(specs.blockSize); updateInternalState(); } void updateInternalState() { // Clamp and validate parameters lufsBlockSize = juce::jlimit(100.0f, 4000.0f, lufsBlockSize); // 100ms to 4000ms overlap = juce::jlimit(0.0001f, 0.9999f, overlap); // 0.01% to 99.99% // Calculate ring buffer size and ensure it's positive ringBufferSize = static_cast<size_t>(sampleRate * lufsBlockSize / 1000.0f); jassert(ringBufferSize > 0 && "ringBufferSize must be greater than 0"); hopSize = std::max(static_cast<size_t>(1), static_cast<size_t>(ringBufferSize * (1.0f - overlap))); filteredRingBuffer.setSize(2, static_cast<int>(ringBufferSize)); ringBufferWritePos = 0; runningSum = 0.0; filteredBuffer.setSize(2, static_cast<int>(blockSize)); calculateFilterCoefficients(); reset(); } void calculateFilterCoefficients() { const double epsilon = 1e-12; // Small value to prevent division by zero // Pre-filter coefficients (as per your original code) const double db = 3.999843853973347; const double f0 = 1681.974450955533; const double Q = 0.7071752369554196; const double K = std::tan(M_PI * f0 / sampleRate); const double Vh = std::pow(10.0, db / 20.0); const double Vb = std::pow(Vh, 0.4996667741545416); const double denominator0 = 1.0 + K / Q + K * K + epsilon; // Added epsilon const double denominator1 = 2.0 * (K * K - 1.0) / denominator0; const double denominator2 = (1.0 - K / Q + K * K) / denominator0; const double numerator0 = (Vh + Vb * K / Q + K * K) / denominator0; const double numerator1 = 2.0 * (K * K - Vh) / denominator0; const double numerator2 = (Vh - Vb * K / Q + K * K) / denominator0; // Validate coefficients jassert(!std::isnan(numerator0) && !std::isinf(numerator0)); jassert(!std::isnan(numerator1) && !std::isinf(numerator1)); jassert(!std::isnan(numerator2) && !std::isinf(numerator2)); jassert(!std::isnan(denominator1) && !std::isinf(denominator1)); jassert(!std::isnan(denominator2) && !std::isinf(denominator2)); juce::IIRCoefficients preCoeffs(numerator0, numerator1, numerator2, 1.0, denominator1, denominator2); // Weighting filter coefficients (as per your original code) const double f0_weighting = 38.13547087602444; const double Q_weighting = 0.5003270373238773; const double K_weighting = std::tan(M_PI * f0_weighting / sampleRate); const double denominator0_weighting = 1.0 + K_weighting / Q_weighting + K_weighting * K_weighting + epsilon; // Added epsilon const double denominator1_weighting = 2.0 * (K_weighting * K_weighting - 1.0) / denominator0_weighting; const double denominator2_weighting = (1.0 - K_weighting / Q_weighting + K_weighting * K_weighting) / denominator0_weighting; // Validate weighting coefficients jassert(!std::isnan(denominator0_weighting) && !std::isinf(denominator0_weighting)); jassert(!std::isnan(denominator1_weighting) && !std::isinf(denominator1_weighting)); jassert(!std::isnan(denominator2_weighting) && !std::isinf(denominator2_weighting)); juce::IIRCoefficients weightingCoeffs(1.0, -2.0, 1.0, 1.0, denominator1_weighting, denominator2_weighting); for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ++ch) { preFilters[ch].setCoefficients(preCoeffs); weightingFilters[ch].setCoefficients(weightingCoeffs); } } template <typename ProcessDataType> void process(ProcessDataType& data) { auto& fixData = data.template as<ProcessData<2>>(); auto numSamples = fixData.getNumSamples(); if (numSamples == 0) return; // Check if the block is silent bool isSilent = true; for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ++ch) { auto channelData = fixData[ch]; for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) { if (channelData[i] > 0.0001f) { isSilent = false; break; } } if (!isSilent) break; } // If the block is silent, return early if (isSilent) { return; } if ( { juce::ScopedLock sl(processLock); updateInternalState(); } juce::ScopedLock sl(processLock); // Ensure the filteredBuffer is large enough if (filteredBuffer.getNumSamples() < numSamples) filteredBuffer.setSize(2, numSamples); // Create AudioBlock objects for input and filtered data auto inputBlock = fixData.toAudioBlock(); juce::AudioBuffer<float> filteredAudioBuffer(filteredBuffer); auto filteredBlock = juce::dsp::AudioBlock<float>(filteredAudioBuffer); for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ++ch) { // Copy input data to filteredBuffer juce::FloatVectorOperations::copy(filteredBlock.getChannelPointer(ch), inputBlock.getChannelPointer(ch), static_cast<int>(numSamples)); // Apply pre-filter preFilters[ch].processSamples(filteredBlock.getChannelPointer(ch), numSamples); // Apply weighting filter weightingFilters[ch].processSamples(filteredBlock.getChannelPointer(ch), numSamples); } // Store filtered samples in ring buffer and update LUFS for (size_t i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) { double leftSample = static_cast<double>(filteredBlock.getSample(0, static_cast<int>(i))); double rightSample = static_cast<double>(filteredBlock.getSample(1, static_cast<int>(i))); // Subtract the square of the oldest samples float oldLeftSample = filteredRingBuffer.getSample(0, static_cast<int>(ringBufferWritePos)); float oldRightSample = filteredRingBuffer.getSample(1, static_cast<int>(ringBufferWritePos)); runningSum -= static_cast<double>(oldLeftSample * oldLeftSample + oldRightSample * oldRightSample); // Add the square of the new samples runningSum += leftSample * leftSample + rightSample * rightSample; // Update ring buffer filteredRingBuffer.setSample(0, static_cast<int>(ringBufferWritePos), static_cast<float>(leftSample)); filteredRingBuffer.setSample(1, static_cast<int>(ringBufferWritePos), static_cast<float>(rightSample)); ringBufferWritePos = (ringBufferWritePos + 1) % ringBufferSize; // Calculate LUFS when we've moved by hopSize or if hopSize is 0 if (hopSize == 0 || ringBufferWritePos % hopSize == 0) { calculateLUFS(); } } } void calculateLUFS() { jassert(ringBufferSize > 0 && "ringBufferSize must be greater than 0"); double meanSquared = runningSum / (2.0 * ringBufferSize); if (meanSquared > 1e-12) { currentLUFS = static_cast<float>(-0.691 + 10.0 * std::log10(meanSquared)); currentLUFS = std::clamp(currentLUFS, -100.0f, 0.0f); } else { currentLUFS = -100.0f; } modValue.setModValue(currentLUFS + 2.96f); } float getLUFS() const { return currentLUFS; } void handleHiseEvent(HiseEvent& e) {} void reset() { juce::ScopedLock sl(processLock); ringBufferWritePos = 0; runningSum = 0.0; filteredRingBuffer.clear(); for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ++ch) { preFilters[ch].reset(); weightingFilters[ch].reset(); } currentLUFS = -100.0f; } template <typename T> void processFrame(T& data) {} int handleModulation(double& value) { return modValue.getChangedValue(value); } template <int P> void setParameter(double v) { if (P == 0) { lufsBlockSize = static_cast<float>(v);; } else if (P == 1) { overlap = static_cast<float>(v);; } reset(); } void createParameters(ParameterDataList& data) { { parameter::data p("Buffer Size (ms)", { 100.0, 4000.0 }); registerCallback<0>(p); p.setDefaultValue(2800.0); data.add(std::move(p)); } { parameter::data p("Overlap", { 0.0001, 0.9999 }); registerCallback<1>(p); p.setDefaultValue(0.99); data.add(std::move(p)); } } }; }
- Advanced graphics rendering, past the poorly supported OpenGL shader on mac, what comes next?
- Issue reports and pull-requests aren't fixed/merged as fast as our ego requests to live in peace, "yeah I want that thing fixed before I even formulate a thought about it..."
- SNEX issues/instabilities/console improvements... Not adding new functionalities though, just a more reliable environment for sketching more efficiently
About @Christoph-Hart attending the meeting or not, I think it is a necessity though. Many of the questions that will be raised can be answered quickly without us discussing the piece of meet endlessly. Not speaking that bunch of questions might not be even discussable without him, like, "where does your love for Comic Sans MS come from..."
@ustk said in Next HISE Developer Hang:
I think it is a necessity though.
I agree, at least for all the topics mentioned here.
Maybe it would be better to do a show and tell type thing since Christoph can't attend.
This post is deleted! -
@griffinboy said in Next HISE Developer Hang:
broadcasters / AI
I can help with the theory on publish and subscribe (broadcasters) and AI. If you tell me what you're looking to do, I can prepare something for the Hang.
@Oli-Ullmann Is there another day you suggest I replace it with?
@Oli-Ullmann I'm thinking one thing we could do is, as a group, create a list of technical questions for @Christoph-Hart that haven't been answered on the forum. Given the specificity and focus of your question, perhaps that would address it?
@HISEnberg I'm happy to help you one-on-one with package installers and HISE graphics over Zoom. We could also trouble-shoot the audio. DM me if interested.
@d-healey said in Next HISE Developer Hang:
I agree, at least for all the topics mentioned here.
Maybe it would be better to do a show and tell type thing since Christoph can't attend.
Certainly helpful, tho consider perhaps @griffinboy is helping @HISEnberg with ring buffers. I can help him with package installers and graphics processing. You were able to help @Oli-Ullmann with Father Christmas. Idea: If we establish what we're going to discuss before-hand, we can establish what we have the necessary expertise for, as a group. @Christoph-Hart is kind and generous—my read from him on our last meeting was that we shouldn't wait for him, and he mentioned something about February. If there is anything I can do to make the event more meaningful for you, consider it done. (Just my $0.02.)
Maybe you could add two more days in the week from December 9 to 15? At least here in Germany, that's a normal working week.
A list of questions for Christoph is a great idea! :-)
@ustk said in Next HISE Developer Hang:
Advanced graphics rendering, past the poorly supported OpenGL shader on mac, what comes next?
I can help you with this, either on the forum, DM, or we can chat on Zoom.
@ustk said in Next HISE Developer Hang:
Many of the questions that will be raised can be answered quickly without us discussing the piece of meet endlessly.
That's a good point (and likewise raised by @d-healey). If we sketch out what is to be discussed before-hand, and identify who has the necessary expertise, we can have a nearly-commensurate level of efficiency. At various times, I've seen you and everyone else answer complex questions in just a few sentences. (I'm bad at HISE and a mediocre programmer, so perhaps not a good example, lol). Perhaps a way forward is for us, at the meeting, to compose a specific list of questions for @Christoph-Hart that only he can answer, which I also think he'll appreciate and be proactive on. (Just my $0.02.) I also think that if we ply @d-healey with drinks and exotic chocolates, he can take us all to school.
@HISEnberg said in Next HISE Developer Hang:
@Lindon 's method
I've seen his installer and it's dope. If you hit him on the forum, or over DM, I'm sure he'll give you a demo.
@Oli-Ullmann Tell me a specific time and day, and I'll add it.
Ok, then I would suggest Friday, December 13th from 5pm to 6:30pm.