What is velocity?
@Robert-Puza The X axis is input velocity, the Y axis is output velocity. So the curve you set controls the output and gives you complete control over the whole velocity range.
@d-healey and which processor id do you assign to it? velocity modulator1?
@Robert-Puza There is no built in processor for this. You need to write a script that takes the incoming velocity and uses the table to send out the modified velocity.
However if you're releasing this project as GPL you can use the one I have already written (I should probably relicense this anyway as CC0 since it's such a simple script) - https://codeberg.org/LibreWave/RhapsodyBoilerplate/src/branch/main/modules/VelocityScaler.js
This looks great
Thank you -
@d-healey said in What is velocity?:
@Robert-Puza There is no built in processor for this. You need to write a script that takes the incoming velocity and uses the table to send out the modified velocity.
isnt this the inbuilt processor he's looking for - or am I missing the point here?
@Lindon that uses velocity to control the parameter you've assigned it to, in this case volume. It doesn't change the actual velocity value entering the sampler.
@d-healey gotcha
@Lindon Velocity modulator is a very useful tool.
But is "only" volume.
The setting option that David wrote in his script is the most important. (Velocity input setting ) -
@Robert-Puza said in What is velocity?:
@Lindon Velocity modulator is a very useful tool.
But is "only" volume.
The setting option that David wrote in his script is the most important. (Velocity input setting )yes, but no.... create a global modulator for velocity like this:
and apply it anywhere you can apply a GM...
Here it is being applied to an envelope attack:
@Lindon aha. I'll look into it. thank you.
If your tip allows you to set the dynamics so that the loudest sample (velocity layer) can be played with even a light touch on the keyboard, then you are right.
@Lindon Just to clarify: MIDI keyboards have mechanical differences. If the user uses a different MIDI keyboard than me: will he be able to play a sample from velocity layer 1? Or will his softest hit only trigger samples from higher velocity layers?
Will his strong hit on the MIDI keyboard be enough to trigger a sample from a loud velocity layer?
That's why we need the setting that David wrote in his script
@Lindon This still doesn't change the velocity entering the sampler, so won't do what OP wants.
@d-healey David, what does OP mean?
@Robert-Puza Original Poster (the person who started the thread). Depending on context it can also mean Original Post (the first post of the thread).
@d-healey Ok..
I understand now. I am the OP.
Guess, thats what you want, right?
HiseSnippet 1739.3oc6Z01aSbDD9t3bP7U.waUppRHsB0O3.TisiiShPHbhSBDULXEGhpJBgVe2Z6U47tG2sNjzJj5Oo9SfeB8mBereqc18d2wDbsBuHv9CQY1clcdlY2clmyma4wsH99bOMcy8N1knoeAi1GyD8azGSYZ6rol9kLZh8EDOTvPabrK12mXqoqm6gxAzyOul5y6dvFXGLyhjLjl19bpE4wzATQxnsp+KTGmsw1j8nCRoc056XwYM3N7g.dxYTRyEac.tG4IXoZyYn8HreeM8aYTZ4ZDxJK001FuzR10pUasUWq5ZkwcKUE2obs0pVo5JUVcktZ5maKapf60VfEDeM842faeb697WyBbv9TeZGGhTnrVavyACuM2wVFhxQ0Zzm5X2JJQ4qooe9VIosbAosqazjZSiGOI8cY0DnDKRm.0mKK7xkAdkSCuRof2XfjdJHYD.oqXz1xi5JRlQhmuyXGFra1EC6SogxSFNXOL3K.EF54fci.i0l6elynAGLgIJN.e.YaOPHdIJTsTo6fpTpzh2yz7t2EsOwgaQEGiZagcHdllvFpu.Ijq7lXAFcezyMyuEqGkQJZ4Qfvdcl8tjdT4Qr8hTqPoEuyjnV4ISsJKZ9h6EgkAba.EpC4E6QDJshSQEtYbDzjaOzACaNku4hwJVHJP64v6fcPGh8Pc4dHeBylx5gD8IvXNCIHAGorHHQf3rmvEjmx7KVDYFZrniSr2tOJJICtpAefKmABEtoZM.D.dkxbf3D0cHyRP4Lj7pxfN7M3GUVZqG2ofUjg2I.EKZ9Gl4g.tHX4A6wKDuO77.P9ykeArx4SAjhdjtPpiqxamPcjR+2.fY7nMFPPJyWNiBVMvNNcfaxENIhgUKU7DjhJnPs4aLQiNU2tictv0BRyicZYQFuSyvBrgC5P7RmyjJBUKxd6z38e6LcwCqfTSJE4rcXTwScIr2WIEsv7IbSdtPTApJT2iub383nbmF0VdMNNUpofcpht00hWh4CVhKFtDpSSJ6WvH3j0ILVyF1u0zW1XoZEy94vm9pWI9s0XMbarZCkL7mt2VN0ZAxZZOaG4wEY8nv.BBRWhmfJye5aRND5FDTcJuwlD+CDbWUDGdBBpWOgw7QwP9s8pebB9+o5CvGEUBiJHC.+dMvUcwCcDlOh1qu4i4u1Tlvi844+fIoiR6fLd60TaQ+3ApSp2m.9HoY2ehqqtEsCylnvktpCXRw542KLfiq2jt2grCa3DvQ1LErk0fY9vU1zcfGsgx7SVCkSue2jB2qXzhJr5Od7N2Xvq7z9GY7F1d9hFa0sKwRj.14M19WO0dwm4P4FAP4pFsEPqpAP6h13AtPUKEdLMBkJeVPwxchoX0xCp7isaS+8Tp815aLDxWdYG8upqb05C3CYY7UHx2k3Bsfgs+T1rP8c28gd7gtiZ06df5vxddPiAHUjdhmxHPdWjNFa3w886BgiZs7SOUqgd8j4pjQ1kbHwyO6X.8FXumwHN9Q2BelOQtWSsZhEdziRqsxKkBJDH4cpjKOhbkQjWZD4piHu7Hx0FQdkD4fDZSrq7jAHOZmnyOYchfEnEFB4TZtAsW7hGLR5Cvwo4.pKI7jGCiyy8whD7YxEuLDhm+zHDeQiT7zx.rHFvE0MPuGVJ.oIfHGk4NT.T3ZBqJ73JRRQQ7oJrH5tnxUV4dQ5xGJBTtL51H3jW+hcc3.wyxUpgtUZJgwbN2W1gtfxGKJYqYlOxO9o7Sv5JYm8sIuooh5wmtFwmMOYW9HL1lJuCuE6PX6GFQhwqFwxIZzrMRZxYb29bF0JaoRnzWudDuzXerAz5BAToNYjqWeWhCA6SRyF5wvCnf8x1A3+Utn7jmKNs8qevH.tH4YXzWGDnx8MOApSK0coP5SHv6dhuv2mufgpgORxO6yET2EZX.7th39X.DjZCjBsHooIMmrBafbIorDPsILakv+BeBmrbDmJ4jkilTyJZofXK7+U0n0yQXxNapmKvAXq4j9HsOP8TBIf2yTPetxL5yynO+Ij9bVhAoTcFW5Ybomwk9qDtzUlwkdFW5Ybomwk9qCtzKDjP+QiGpdSjIoUnZOjXC4TeivoSdUnnXENsuk5+9rmlsdtypxdy+EMUqI8T+0NwVi+m49nlFQzmT.76MFyKR+CCwMntbGrmbd34KBYzmtaJ7nIhrOZxlDKZGhS1Fkv4sP2G+q.XZemlmYcbm045K6JreJ7w.rkG+kVAb9k2jVPMBD2L0uwo7FMkxnw7d4G.khdokU1k5DFVYZMboo0vpSqgKOsFVaZMbko0vU+vFJ6Tr9PAePvUVMsls1Jnri9VwMnyo8eXcX3tI
Takes both,, the global modulator approach and applies d.healeys script it in the Master Midi,, combined with the Table Selector from the example snippets to quickly select different scalers.
PS: To make the tables consistent probably sth like "Saving custom LFO shapes" from the snippet browser..
PPS: Edited Snippet with global var fix.
@Dominik-Mayer That sounds great. I'll check it out. Thanks.
@Dominik-Mayer I recommend not putting the MIDI handling in the UI script though.
@d-healey said in What is velocity?:
@Lindon This still doesn't change the velocity entering the sampler, so won't do what OP wants.
Yes, just saying it can be used elsewhere - feel free to ignore me.
@Lindon Everyone's opinion is welcome. You will not be ignored.