Software for Animation Sprites....
@Chazrox Oh that is weird. Only thing I can think is you're rendering in eevee and this might be a cycles option only
@rglides Yeah I just checked, can confirm it's only for cycles
@rglides this explains pretty well how you can do it in eevee
@rglides Got it! Thank you! That was it.
@rglides glad I could help, looking forward to seeing your UI when it's done
@Chazrox Looking good!
@Chazrox oh boy, this was a tricky one.
- You need a shadow catcher plane object. Google it, there are good videos about this for Blender
- As rendering transparency is problematic in Cycles, you'll need to use GIMP's Color to Alpha feature to eliminate the #FF000000 and convert it to alpha. I think you can skip this if you're using the other renderer but I only ever worked with Cycles.
Another Image Stitching software you can use..
Photo Stitcher - Creates Horizontal and Vertical Long Photo
Vertexshare Photo Stitcher enables you to combine photos vertically and horizontally on Win/Mac. Make before-after pictures and long picture easily.
Someone have Wavefactory Strip Generator for windows? They removed it from site ... if not ill make one in dart :D
@parabuh it's there for both Mac and windows -
@ulrik maybe im blind, but here is download link? Ok nevermind, adgruard removed section because its called "share" :v
In case you weren't aware, you can stitch your images together using Python inside of Blender. You can add the PIL library to your Blender Python site-packages, and then you'll be able to write a very simple script that will render all of your files, and then glue them together either horizontally or vertically.
@Orvillain Strip Generator is literally the easiest thing. I would highly suggest it. Literally takes 10 seconds.
@Orvillain Do you have a link to set this up? I'm using wavefactory, which is easy enough, but keeping everything in Blender would be nice.
@Chazrox Yeah it is cool. Just for some stuff, you might want to do it all inside Blender. Rotating a knob in Blender can potentially give you different shadows and reflections versus rotating a single frame export.
You can also do some simple driver and maths to create your rotations based on the playback of the timeline. So you'd set your timeline to 128 (if you wanted 128 images for your final filmstrip) and setup a simple drive along the lines of:
frame * degrees_per_frame
Or you could get into geometry nodes too, which I've been doing a fair bit of recently!
I love Blender!
@Dan-Korneff I've pm'd you dude.
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