Retro 80s Tape Wow & Flutter with faust
Let me know if it works as expected. You should see harmonics coming from the sine wave the more you boost volume into the node (using the simple gain node)
The oversampling likely got rid of the instability. I mostly find issues with stability on 2x oversampling and so it needs the clipper for when boosting > 30db into the node you get issues.
Sine wave, and drum loops are the best ways to test distorting effects.
As you can clearly see the results. -
@griffinboy works like a charm. Plenty of great sounding harmonics and no collaps. compensated for the gain loss and wrapped everything in a dry_wet_mixer
thank you again so much!!
@griffinboy nice work!
Yo! This is great. I've been trying to find something like this myself. Im having trouble getting it to compile. Can somebody help me out really quick please?
@Chazrox Make sure you did this step..
Enable t Allow Compilation > save from the above bar. Then Compile it. -
@griffinboy tbh im having trouble with even getting that far. So i've created a text file the script into the networks folder within my current project, open a new scriptfx module, then go to Export/Compile dsp networks.
Am I doing this correctly because now all I get is crashes? I've compiled a few dsp's already so I know it works and i've SOMEwhat familiarized myself with doing this but this one is givin me hell and I have no idea whats wrong. please advise.
Strange. If you're on mac, it could well be my fault. This script was not given out as a robust complete solution, but rather as a bit of hasty thing to give to Morphoice : )
I'm glad if it's been helpful to some people, but it's not well coded. If you want to use it, I'll work on a stable version. It sounds like maybe chrisoph will broaden support for c++ in Hise in the future so I'm hoping to release a bunch of modules I've just been too busy to work on them the last few months
@griffinboy Understood. Thank You brotha! When you do get a chance to finish that please do circle back! Bless!
I'll look today and see if I can clean it up for you.
I should probably just start sharing stuff, if I keep waiting for everything to be flawless, I won't get anything done lol -
@griffinboy I love the energy!
This post is deleted! -
Try make a fresh Hise project and see if my script will compile there. I took a look and I can't see anything obviously wrong with my script.
I'm going to revise the script anyway, which may resolve the issue
@griffinboy In the process of trying to figure this out I majorly messed something up because now I cant even compile any of my plugins which makes me think its definitely my fault somewhere along the line. Like I said first lol... I have no idea what im doing. Im an audio engineer to the fullest and I understand routing and all that but trying to figure this coding/scripting out is a whole new journey im on so excuse any obvious ignorance lol.
That's alright, if we can help in any way, make a forum post with details and we can chip in until it's working again. My code is questionable but I suspected it's likely something your end since I've had people compile this script on mac and windows successfully before despite it's flaws.