Making a Simple Rompler?
Hi, I would like to know if there's an easy way to make a simple rompler. I come from using Maize Sampler so I have the sampler and the interface topic covered (at least for what I need), but I don't know how to create presets in Hise and then load them into the plugin.
I've never exported a plugin in Hise, I've been playing around with the software a few days now. I started reading all the docs but if there's a shortcut specifically for what I'm looking for (video tutorials, etc) I could save time while I finish the docs. I'm more into sound design than coding (I'm learning but I honestly don't have much time to study), so there's that.
Any feedback is welcome, thanks in advance.
@daniel89ep have a look at @d-healey ’s YouTube and Patreon. Loads of videos there.
@daniel89ep Ya, @d-healey videos are great. I think this is with a Sound Generator but essentially you do the same with the Sampler.
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@trillbilly Thanks, I've watched this and it was really helpfull. But, what would be the equivalent of moving controls around if I'm working with samples? maybe loading other sample pack in the sampler?
@daniel89ep I guess it depends which controls. Most controls you would need for a simple rompler can be added via the Property Editor. Just link knobs and sliders to the necessary function.
Then you will need to import/map your samples & and save as samplemap. You'll have to script a function to change the samplemap so you can bounce around from instrument to instrument. Most users do this via Combobox or Slider.
Searching "HISE Samplemaps" in Youtube yields this:
@trillbilly Thank you so much for the help!
@Christoph-Hart I'll jump right into it, thanks!