custom C++ module
@Christoph-Hart awesome!!! In the meanwhile where can I change in the source that refresh rate to see if I can use Hise today without that lag I'm facing?
how about: custom C++ module, using HISE for the interface?
@Jay I'm totally a newbie on C++. A friend of mine is helping. Anyway is harder than I thought
Hey, sorry for the necro bump. Has anyone had any success doing this???
I've gotten as far as adding some functionality to the AudioLoopPlayer class, but I don't know how to expose the data into the HISE scripting interface or UI. So I can't solidly check whether my code is actually doing the right thing.
@griffinboy is your dude, other than the boss himself
Ah I wouldn't be so sure!
C++ nodes are my specialty: but my efforts to create fully embedded Hise modules haven't been successful in the past, and honestly I haven't made an effort to succeed yet. I wanted to minimise the amount of fiddling I have to do with the source code every time I want to update Hise to a new version.I thought that I'd ask for some extra features in the c++ nodes down the line to resolve a few of the limitations when it comes to interfacing with the rest of Hise (for things such as graphics and communication of long pieces data).
(If you need help creating a c++ script node synth node for additve, that's another story, that's not tricky. The hard part is efficiency using vectorized math etc)
I've built a transient detector in two places, I wanted to compare for performance.
The first implementation is directly in Hise, straight into the Interface.js script. Just blagging it really, using:
const var AudioLoopPlayer1 = Synth.getAudioSampleProcessor("Audio Loop Player1"); const var AudioFile = AudioLoopPlayer1.getAudioFile(0); const var AudioChannels = AudioFile.getContent();
And then processing the raw sample data right there. But daaaayyyyummmm this is slow. Even if I process in blocks of 32-128, it is slow.
The second place is directly in the AudioLoopPlayer class. But as you rightly point out, building it there will require rebuilding HISE, and re-applying my updates each time I increment my HISE version. The only reason I was looking at this was for performance.
I haven't yet looked into doing a SNEX node for it, and I'm not sure if it is even possible.
C++ scriptnode nodes exist. And you don't have to rewrite any hise source code for that (unless you need to use some external libraries that require that).
The performance of c++ nodes isn't too bad. I haven't compared it against doing straight c++, that would be an interesting thing to benchmark.
@griffinboy I guess what I don't quite get is how I would get my transient positions out of a SNEX or c++ scriptnode, and back into the scripting interface so I can draw them on the UI, or otherwise use that data for other things.
Which is why I've shied away from doing it that way.
Yep that's to me, one of the big current limitations to nodes. There is likely a way to do it though. I'll have to ask @Christoph-Hart for his opinion
Currently you can communicate with Hise from a custom node using methods like global cables, external data.
I wonder whether we could get a slot for custom data, like for arrays, that is shared between hise UI and custom nodes...Then again, there is likely an existing solution that I'm probably ignorant to.
@Orvillain either a global cable which will fire a callback in your script/s every time it sends data or you have a continuous stream of data being output from snex/cpp/faust that you then pick up with the peak/peak_unscaled node, set that node's buffer to external, and then either get data from it on a timer or use a tile (which has a much better graphical performance)
@aaronventure Interesting. I genuinely don't know anything about global cables and my ScriptNode understanding is also fairly limited. Guess I need to study up!
Global cable only allows you to send one value.
Search for my posts on the forum about c++ nodes with global cable to see.I don't think you can send an array via GC, but maybe I'm wrong