@d-healey said in How to load Sample maps after init ?:
Thank you
@d-healey said in How to load Sample maps after init ?:
Thank you
@Lumi283 Note: I am even forced to reload the workspace to see the new sample maps.
Hi, I have a problem.
My VST downloads the expansion automatically and unzips it automatically. However, when I want to map my sample maps, the new sample maps are not updated in the content and sampler interface.
How can I upload samples in HISE after initialization?
Thank you.
function redrawComboBox() {
var SampleMaps = Sampler.getSampleMapList();
var expansion = Engine.getExpansionList();
var all_sample_maps = [];
for (a in SampleMaps) {
for (e in expansion) {
var expansion_SampleMaps = e.getSampleMapList();
for (i in expansion_SampleMaps) {
Hi, is there any way to save a folder path in AppData? (To set the default download folder).
The problem is that the Server.downloadFile method needs a File type variable for destination folder, and we can't save a File variable in a JSON or TEXT file in AppData. How can I keep this value in AppData? Thank you.
Server.downloadFile(path, {}, locations, function()
drawPopup("Downloaded successfuly", true );
Hi, do you know how it would be possible to convert a complex SVG in Path Array?
For example, the in hise converter doesn't work for this svg:
This is to preview midi files in my VST midi browser.
I recommend that you create an external API that checks each connection (unfortunately, it doesn't work offline).
@d-healey ! I tried the snippet, but i have this result ? How to setup a correct multicolumn combobox with this method ? Thanks
I'm looking for script nodes for my VST (I don't have the skills to code them myself). Is anyone interested in selling their scripts? I am looking for:
High-quality chorus
Creative reverbs
Other effects for guitars, or other ...
It would be great to share your talents among us!
Thank you
Hi, is there a way to loop lottie automatically (to make it an animated loader)?
Hi, I've integrated a midi browser into my VST, and I'd like to add a midi preview. Is there any way to generate this visual preview via a script? Look and feel? A floating tile?
@aaronventure How you know the id of the key item in custom keyboard ?
I tried g.id or obj.id, it didn't work.
This can be useful for modifying each key individually.
keyboardLaf.registerFunction("drawWhiteNote", function(g, obj)
var a = obj.area;
g.setColour(obj.hover ? grey1 : white1);
g.fillRect([a[0], a[3] - a[3], a[2] , a[3] ]);
g.drawRect([a[0], a[3] - a[3] , 1, a[3] ], 1);
keyboardLaf.registerFunction("drawBlackNote", function(g, obj)
var a = obj.area;
var colour = blue3;
g.setColour(obj.hover ? blue2 : blue3);
g.fillRoundedRectangle([a[0], a[1]-10*zoom, a[2], a[3] / 1.1], 7*zoom);
@d-healey I have the tutorial memorized, and I don't think these points are mentioned :)
Hi, I haven't found any solution with:
Highlighting the keys of the custom keyboard when the MIDI keyboard is played.
Coloring keys when the note is mapped (it works with the basic keyboard, but I haven't found anything with the custom keyboard).
Are there any solutions to resolve it? Thanks.
@d-healey Everything works, thank you! I have one last problem, how to install the contents of a folder with Packages, for me it only installs the main "Samples" folder, and not the subfolders. How to fix that?
Yet whitebox packages allows me to install my .app in the user folder and in the systems folders ... ok I'll try thanks!
Do you know why (I promise to stop asking questions after) in white box packages, I can install .app files without any error message, but when I want to install plugin.vst3 and a Samples folder, I get the following error message? (the elements come from the same folder). Thank you
error: unable to read extended attributes of access file /Users/remidufeu/Desktop/Samples