@Soundavid when i press compile, my filmstrip images turn back into the generic HISE textures
RE: Slider FilmStrip Image bug
Output Meters Function problem
Hello, I'm having trouble with my Output Meters code.
I am using sliders named "LeftMeter" and "RightMeter" and all I get after writing this code is "Unknown Function 'setValue'"How can I make it work?
const var LeftMeter = Content.getComponent("LeftMeter");
const var RightMeter = Content.getComponent("RightMeter");reg timer = Engine.createTimerObject();
Slider FilmStrip Image bug
My slider, which I've turned into a fader by adding a filmstrip image reverts back to the default texture every time I add any component to my Interface designer, even when what I add is completely unrelated to the fader/slider. The fader image has 128 strips and when I set it to 127 and then back to 128 the original texture comes back. How do I make it so it always uses my texture?