@Christoph-Hart Thank you so much mate, I really appreciate your help!
I know the theory well but don't have a deep C++ know-how as even 1/1000 of you. I woke up and saw your message and I've been on this for 3 hours with tons of tests, first code wasn't working well but your updated code sounds great!
Below is the dynamics test on the PluginDoctor. Like you said the Knee Width depends on the Threshold value (maybe I need to modify it with a pma node to fix the value), but if it is set, you can get awesome curves and tones.
Also even I put all of them into a frame2 block, the compiled network is incredibly fast and cpu effective! I've never seen this kind of thing, congrats Christoph, that is showing that you're a real Genius.
Maybe you can add this to the templates.