Oh, the .mkv
trick might not work on all browsers.. would have to convert to .webm
:) Yeah, autoplay is not activated by default.
Oh, the .mkv
trick might not work on all browsers.. would have to convert to .webm
:) Yeah, autoplay is not activated by default.
Due to popular demand I added more support for small videos to the forum.
The upload size limit is now increased to 16MB and supports the most common video filetypes: "mov, mkv, webm, ogg,.."
The uploaded video needs to be wrapped in a html video tag to be displayed in the post and can be customized with the html video elements (controls, loop, autoplay..)
Just upload the video in with "Upload File" dialog, and copy the reference into a <video> src=""
<video width="520" height="280" src="/assets/uploads/files/1738592343911-2025-02-03-15-13-46.webm">
<!-- use or convert your videos to .webm to reduce filesize --!>
With sound..
<video width="520" height="280" controls>
<source src="/assets/uploads/files/1738588497039-2025-02-03-14-12-07.mkv" type="video/mp4">
<!-- .mkv needs type="video/mp4 and is not supported in all browsers --!>
Loop and autoplay video
<video width="520" height="280" loop autoplay >
<source src="/assets/uploads/files/1738585791656-donut.mov"" type="video/mp4">
Oh, and because we now added html support to the post composer, we now can also do stuff like this:
and add html and inline css to our posts.
Ok, I'll hook it up again. I don't know, I had the impression that quite some users use the HISE or Forum Link mainly as a page refresh and therefore dont need the link to the homepage (+ accidentally open it quite often and then have to backtrack).. Otherwise its a nice quick shortcut to the homepage, granted.
Thanks for pointing this out. Made the timestamp
sortable :).
And it indeed sometimes might definitely makes sense to sort the entries by descending post time. Now its just 2 clicks away: Sort by Post time and Save Preferences to set this as your default.
All best,
Got sth for you @d-healey :)
Welcome to the official HISE Developer Forum. Get in touch with the pro's, and develop your own open-source VSTi.
Forum (forum.hise.audio)
I added a new category named: "Newbie League".
Please let me know if there are any changes or additions you might need :).
FYI: I took the update as an opportunity to change the font for better readability and to get rid of some quirks.. If you find glitches etc. please let me know and I'll adress it in the next days.
Applied the latest update and switched to a new email backend. The layout is still lacking a bit, but i'll take care of that in the next days.
The search plugin hasn't been upgraded yet, so we still have to wait for the advanced filter options.
But most importantly: In the settings you should now find a setting with which you can turn the "CMD+F" Topic Search on and off. :)
@DabDab @Lindon
Ahh, this was changed to "only visible for logged in users". I set it to back to "visible for everyone".
Hope this solves it.
Hey @DabDab
First of all, sorry for the downtimes.. the latest update + search currently runs into memory overshoots and I'm still in the process of fixing this.
The latest design updates indeed don't show the upvotes anymore directly but only in a popup when you click on the little number.
Is this behaviour satisfactory for you or shall I try to change it to sth else?
Best, d
Had a try at fixing this, but the new search-backend (meilisearch) is still not supported very well. Will try a work-around and fixing the plugin but this might take a bit.
For as long as this is unsolved I have deactivated the Category/Tag searchbar, to not stress the server too much with faulty searches.
Sooooo, a few buggy hours, updates, broken dependencies etc... later the forum is trying to run properly again. (test test,,
There will definitely be some glitches around, so if you stumble upon sth. please report.. I will try to fix them asap ;)
Best, do
I added a new search engine behind our forum search. I hope it performs better than the default forum one.
For this also had to do some server upgrades, so the forum still maybe throwing some issues. Please let me know.
All best,
Guess, thats what you want, right?
HiseSnippet 1739.3oc6Z01aSbDD9t3bP7U.waUppRHsB0O3.TisiiShPHbhSBDULXEGhpJBgVe2Z6U47tG2sNjzJj5Oo9SfeB8mBereqc18d2wDbsBuHv9CQY1clcdlY2clmyma4wsH99bOMcy8N1knoeAi1GyD8azGSYZ6rol9kLZh8EDOTvPabrK12mXqoqm6gxAzyOul5y6dvFXGLyhjLjl19bpE4wzATQxnsp+KTGmsw1j8nCRoc056XwYM3N7g.dxYTRyEac.tG4IXoZyYn8HreeM8aYTZ4ZDxJK001FuzR10pUasUWq5ZkwcKUE2obs0pVo5JUVcktZ5maKapf60VfEDeM842faeb697WyBbv9TeZGGhTnrVavyACuM2wVFhxQ0Zzm5X2JJQ4qooe9VIosbAosqazjZSiGOI8cY0DnDKRm.0mKK7xkAdkSCuRof2XfjdJHYD.oqXz1xi5JRlQhmuyXGFra1EC6SogxSFNXOL3K.EF54fci.i0l6elynAGLgIJN.e.YaOPHdIJTsTo6fpTpzh2yz7t2EsOwgaQEGiZagcHdllvFpu.Ijq7lXAFcezyMyuEqGkQJZ4Qfvdcl8tjdT4Qr8hTqPoEuyjnV4ISsJKZ9h6EgkAba.EpC4E6QDJshSQEtYbDzjaOzACaNku4hwJVHJP64v6fcPGh8Pc4dHeBylx5gD8IvXNCIHAGorHHQf3rmvEjmx7KVDYFZrniSr2tOJJICtpAefKmABEtoZM.D.dkxbf3D0cHyRP4Lj7pxfN7M3GUVZqG2ofUjg2I.EKZ9Gl4g.tHX4A6wKDuO77.P9ykeArx4SAjhdjtPpiqxamPcjR+2.fY7nMFPPJyWNiBVMvNNcfaxENIhgUKU7DjhJnPs4aLQiNU2tictv0BRyicZYQFuSyvBrgC5P7RmyjJBUKxd6z38e6LcwCqfTSJE4rcXTwScIr2WIEsv7IbSdtPTApJT2iub383nbmF0VdMNNUpofcpht00hWh4CVhKFtDpSSJ6WvH3j0ILVyF1u0zW1XoZEy94vm9pWI9s0XMbarZCkL7mt2VN0ZAxZZOaG4wEY8nv.BBRWhmfJye5aRND5FDTcJuwlD+CDbWUDGdBBpWOgw7QwP9s8pebB9+o5CvGEUBiJHC.+dMvUcwCcDlOh1qu4i4u1Tlvi844+fIoiR6fLd60TaQ+3ApSp2m.9HoY2ehqqtEsCylnvktpCXRw542KLfiq2jt2grCa3DvQ1LErk0fY9vU1zcfGsgx7SVCkSue2jB2qXzhJr5Od7N2Xvq7z9GY7F1d9hFa0sKwRj.14M19WO0dwm4P4FAP4pFsEPqpAP6h13AtPUKEdLMBkJeVPwxchoX0xCp7isaS+8Tp815aLDxWdYG8upqb05C3CYY7UHx2k3Bsfgs+T1rP8c28gd7gtiZ06df5vxddPiAHUjdhmxHPdWjNFa3w886BgiZs7SOUqgd8j4pjQ1kbHwyO6X.8FXumwHN9Q2BelOQtWSsZhEdziRqsxKkBJDH4cpjKOhbkQjWZD4piHu7Hx0FQdkD4fDZSrq7jAHOZmnyOYchfEnEFB4TZtAsW7hGLR5Cvwo4.pKI7jGCiyy8whD7YxEuLDhm+zHDeQiT7zx.rHFvE0MPuGVJ.oIfHGk4NT.T3ZBqJ73JRRQQ7oJrH5tnxUV4dQ5xGJBTtL51H3jW+hcc3.wyxUpgtUZJgwbN2W1gtfxGKJYqYlOxO9o7Sv5JYm8sIuooh5wmtFwmMOYW9HL1lJuCuE6PX6GFQhwqFwxIZzrMRZxYb29bF0JaoRnzWudDuzXerAz5BAToNYjqWeWhCA6SRyF5wvCnf8x1A3+Utn7jmKNs8qevH.tH4YXzWGDnx8MOApSK0coP5SHv6dhuv2mufgpgORxO6yET2EZX.7th39X.DjZCjBsHooIMmrBafbIorDPsILakv+BeBmrbDmJ4jkilTyJZofXK7+U0n0yQXxNapmKvAXq4j9HsOP8TBIf2yTPetxL5yynO+Ij9bVhAoTcFW5Ybomwk9qDtzUlwkdFW5Ybomwk9qCtzKDjP+QiGpdSjIoUnZOjXC4TeivoSdUnnXENsuk5+9rmlsdtypxdy+EMUqI8T+0NwVi+m49nlFQzmT.76MFyKR+CCwMntbGrmbd34KBYzmtaJ7nIhrOZxlDKZGhS1Fkv4sP2G+q.XZemlmYcbm045K6JreJ7w.rkG+kVAb9k2jVPMBD2L0uwo7FMkxnw7d4G.khdokU1k5DFVYZMboo0vpSqgKOsFVaZMbko0vU+vFJ6Tr9PAePvUVMsls1Jnri9VwMnyo8eXcX3tI
Takes both,, the global modulator approach and applies d.healeys script it in the Master Midi,, combined with the Table Selector from the example snippets to quickly select different scalers.
PS: To make the tables consistent probably sth like "Saving custom LFO shapes" from the snippet browser..
PPS: Edited Snippet with global var fix.
I added a page in the Glossary Section of the docs: Development Recipes
This can be used for little best-practice and workflow tips. So if you've got other examples that you stumble over repeatedly and which solution could be useful to others, please don't hesisitate to add.
All best,
You're using a "Global" LookandFeel, which means that it will overwrite all elements including the HISE IDEs.. Just change it to a LocalLookandFeel and you've got that scoped :)
BTW: There is a very handy shortcut for setting up the boilerplate code for a localLookAndFeel when you right-click an interface component. and select "Create Local LookAndFeel for selection"
All best,
Wen't through the process quite smoothly, but after completing everything the Settings flag (Export Ready) for unlocking the Export options is not set (+ existing in settings), and export & compilation therefore locked. (even after restart).
It's my pleasure to introduce to you the new HISESnippet Browser. In the latest development build you can find it under Help > Browse example snippets.
It's intended use is to:
The menu entry opens a window with a HISE instance decoupled from your main project to quickly browse, save and load HISESnippets. It comes with a bunch (to be expanded) example snippets that you can download in the the Snippet Browsers settings. Here you can set a Snippet directory that will contain the example content and your saved snippets. You can set your username to identify your own snippets, as well. (The icon underneath the settings filters for this).
The examples snippets are relying on a blob of example assets (samplemaps, images, audio and midi files) that can be downloaded, the first time you download the content. (As these static files will not change much in the future, you probably don't need to update them).
After downloading the example content you should see a list of HISESnippet examples that you can browse, sort by categories and filter with tags. Have fun exploring :)
You can add your own snippets to the browser with the plus icon on the top left.
If you think a snippet of yours would look nice in the example collection, please don't hesitate to contribute to the HISESnippet Examples. You can do so with filing an issue or a pull request @ https://github.com/qdr/HiseSnippetDB/tree/main, or ask me for repo access.
Oh, and something else: When the HiseSnippet has an embedded scriptfile (as in "include("Recthelper.js")") you can quickly copy this script to your main project in the File dropdown.
Please let me know if you find some bugs, are having any feature requests, or general feedback or suggestions on this.
All best,